Burt is the easiest way to save your harvest

Burt is the easiest way to save your harvest
Burt is the easiest way to save your harvest

Every farmer will confirm that it is not enough to grow a good harvest, it is very important to preserve vegetables, fruits and other gifts of the earth obtained as a result of titanic labor. If there are no problems with this in large farms and agricultural enterprises, then the owners of relatively small plots of land, summer residents and gardeners may face certain difficulties in solving the issue of the safety of agricultural products grown in their own garden.

The easiest way to save vegetables

As in many other cases, to solve the issue under consideration, it would not be superfluous to turn to the centuries-old experience of our ancestors, who came up with the easiest way to store agricultural products - a pile. One of the easiest ways to save a crop is to build a pile directly on the plot where the vegetables were grown.

Burt is a recess in the ground, in which vegetables are placed, covered with straw or tarpaulin on top. At their core, piles are the simplest structures available for every gardener to equip.

To ensure the safety of the crop, the heaps should be located in protected from the wind, somewhat elevated and open areas. Also, the site should not be subjected totoo much moisture.

collar is
collar is


Burt is not a high-tech modern solution, which provides for all the moments and nuances that arise during the storage of agricultural products, so it is important to follow some simple recommendations during its construction.

There is some division of piles by type. These types are represented by ground, semi-buried and buried piles. As it should be clear from the name, a ground collar is an ordinary mound of vegetables on the ground, this approach is acceptable in warm southern regions. As you move north, semi-burts are created - pits about 0.3 meters deep. In cold regions, recessed collars are used - the depth of such a solution can be up to one meter.

pile of potatoes
pile of potatoes


As for the size of the pile, they can be almost any, it all depends on the volume of agricultural products that needs to be preserved. In this case, a shoulder is usually formed up to three meters wide and no more than ten meters long.

Burt of potatoes, table beets, radishes, carrots and other root crops, as well as cabbage allows, if necessary, to ensure the safety of the crop almost until the beginning of the next season.

Temporary storage of cereals

pile of grain
pile of grain

Burt can be a storage not only for vegetables and root crops. As a temporary solution to the issue of safety, a pile of grain is equipped. From the point of view of agroscience, a pile is understood as a batch of grain that was laidfor storage according to certain rules and outside a specialized storage facility. Such temporary storage methods involve the presence of grain just in the open air in a special container or in bulk. When constructing an embankment, it is necessary to choose a shape to provide shelter for the grain in case of need, for example, when weather conditions worsen. In addition, the shape of the embankment should ensure that rainfall can run off in the most efficient way.

As you can see, a pile is a good, easy-to-organize and time-tested solution for temporary or permanent storage of the harvest.
