2025 Author: Howard Calhoun | [email protected]. Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:10
He althy eating is not just a guarantee of a beautiful and slender body, but also the path to longevity. Every child knows that they need to eat only he althy food. In addition, a balanced diet, consisting of products with the prefix "bio" and "eco", has already become a real fashion trend. He althy lifestyle supporters often leave reviews about Myasnov, one of the Russian chains of stores where proper nutrition is at the heart of the business concept.
General description of the company
The idea of a he althy diet and lifestyle in general contributes to the revival of cultural values. It was she who visited the founders of the Myasnov company in 2003, who decided to open the first outlet where high-quality meat products would be sold. For 16 years, the company has grown from a store into a large federal retail chain with more than 200 stores in Moscow and Nizhny Novgorod. Over time, the assortment has also expanded: in addition to meat, sausages and delicacies, nowhere you can buy farm milk cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt, cheeses, cakes, vegetables and fruits. A unique feature of the company is artisan bread made according to an old recipe.
Myasnov does not just sell goods. The company manufactures them at its own factories and factories of contractors. The network is growing steadily, its turnover is increasing every year, but, despite the changed business scale, the quality of products does not suffer. Most of the reviews about "Myasnov" are still positive. Customers are satisfied with fresh, tasty and natural products, high level of service, affordable prices.
The main principles of the company
The secret of the company's success, according to its representatives, is a system of the strictest control over product quality. The company employs only qualified employees. According to reviews about "Myasnov" in Moscow, only experienced and educated specialists have the opportunity to get into the company's team, including professional technologists, meat deboners, cooks, bakers, confectioners. Developing recipes and assortment, creating new unique dishes, the company adheres to the traditions of the gastronomic culture of Russia and other countries of the world. In their reviews, Myasnov employees in Moscow often write that they are satisfied with the company's products and regularly consume it themselves.
Promotion of he althy lifestyle ideas and proper nutrition is another tool for promoting the company's products. Work in Myasnov, according to reviews, requires constant dialogue and interaction with partners and customers. Employees systematicallytake advanced and recertification courses, monitor current trends in the food industry and introduce the best advanced developments into production. In addition, the company contributes to the development of domestic meat processing and the production of dairy products, the revival of the traditions of baking real Russian bread, the dough of which is prepared according to a unique recipe.

The investment of significant resources for the modernization of industrial technologies and the introduction of modern equipment plays its role. Firm "Myasnov" provides support to Russian agricultural producers, stimulates the agricultural sector of the economy. According to reviews, in Myasnov stores you can not only buy goods of decent quality, but also get detailed instructions for their use at home, recommendations for cooking. Employees of the company try to provide the most detailed and detailed information to customers, provide them with natural and fresh products, and contribute to the revival of the best culinary traditions.
How freshness is ensured
The first feature of the products of the Myasnov network (in the reviews, users call it the main advantage) is guaranteed freshness. Meat, sausages, dairy and sour-milk drinks, bread have a limited period of sale, not exceeding 72 hours from the date of manufacture. All goods are produced without the use of preservatives, antibiotics and other chemicals that increase the shelf life, so any product purchased by the buyer reaches him innatural form, while maintaining nutritional value and useful properties.
In order to work with products of the Fresh category, Myasnov employees, according to reviews, have to follow strict delivery schedules and iron discipline. Even minor trade and production processes in the company must be coordinated. All departments interact with each other and function as a well-coordinated multi-element mechanism. Logistics is usually the most difficult - it is extremely important to deliver fresh meat, bread and milk on time, without delays and delays.
The process of turning raw materials into a finished product takes place in a matter of hours at the company's factories and plants. To ensure that the shelves of Myasnov stores are filled with fresh goods in the morning, their delivery is usually carried out at night. The assortment is transported using refrigerators that maintain the required temperature regime from 0 °C to +6 °C, depending on the type of product. In addition, the indicators of the refrigerating chambers of warehouses, showcases, trading floors are transmitted every second to the control panel. With a minimum deviation from the norm, a technical service is sent to the facility, which is engaged in setting up equipment.

Suppliers of raw materials
The quality of raw materials in the food industry determines the demand for finished products, so special attention should be paid to the selection of suppliers. The partners of the company, according to the feedback of employees about working in Myasnov stores, are proven and reliable manufacturers who share the views on he althy nutrition and the principles of formationhigh quality range.
Before signing a cooperation agreement, the company gets acquainted with the specifics of processing raw materials, studies all the nuances that could directly or indirectly affect its characteristics, and therefore affect the quality of the finished product. First of all, the conditions of keeping and the daily diet of livestock, poultry are taken into account, and if we are talking about bread, then the area where crops are grown is important. Raw materials of animal and vegetable origin undergo comprehensive checks with laboratory tests, multifactorial testing for biochemical and organoleptic indicators.
The firm works only with trusted partners who adhere to common values and strive to improve people's living standards. Today, Myasnov's direct suppliers are the Petelinsky poultry farm of the Cherkizovo group, the Agro-Belogorye and Miratorg holdings.
Experts advise choosing organic products, including fruits and vegetables. According to reviews, Myasnov sells delicious products grown in an ecologically clean area and not subject to chemical processing, so they do not contain nitrates and pesticides. Buying natural products here, you can be sure of their safety.
Meat range
It takes at least 1.5-2 hours even for experienced housewives to prepare a rich tasty dish on their own. What to do if the guests are already on the doorstep? The store "Myasnov" (reviews can be found at the end of the article) presents about one and a half hundred items of various meatproducts. The professional team of the company tries to take into account the different preferences of customers. In addition to chilled meat, the assortment includes semi-finished products - dishes that need only be brought to readiness at home (bake in the oven, fry in a pan, stew, etc.):
- steaks in marinade;
- meat cuts with vegetables (according to reviews, Myasnov often makes discounts on this category of goods);
- rolls;
- stuffed cabbage and dolma;
- cutlets, steaks, kebab;
- kebabs;
- kupaty and sausages.

The company's butchers never forget what a delicate product they work with and how much it needs to be treated with care at any stage of production. Meat quickly loses its structure and nutritional value during automated processing, so the cutting of carcasses takes place manually, and special devices and installations are used only where it is impossible to do without them.
It is curious, but it takes at least six months to acquire the skills of quick and accurate cutting of meat, which implies the preservation of its structure. The same applies to the art of cooking meat rolls - this takes years to learn, not to mention the development of recipes, technologies and other important nuances. That is why there are no random people in the Myasnov company: those who have mastered the profession consciously work here.
Milk from Khlevnoye
Wide range of dairy and fermented milk productsMyasnov stores produce at their own factory in the Lipetsk region. Production facilities are located in an environmentally friendly area. The plant is equipped with the latest modern equipment, as it focuses on the production of fresh, natural, he althy products that do not run counter to company standards and principles of the company.
Only high-quality raw materials are used for manufacturing. The dairy is located next to the unique complex "Family Farms" in the village of Khlevnoye. The activity of "Family Farms" is based on the model of private subsidiary farming. The whole complex consists of many farms of 150-200 heads, each of which is assigned a "farming family". The main task of the employees of this enterprise is to care for livestock, their maintenance and nutrition.
Milk from "Family Farms" cows is delivered in a minimum time, which guarantees the safety of all the natural properties of this product. At the same time, Myasnov does not try to reduce the cost and simplify production technologies, striving for greater profits. The priority in this matter is the quality of the goods. Prices are always set reasonably and have economic justification.
The production process here is organized and thought out to the smallest detail, experience and modern technologies are introduced into it - this is the secret of making truly tasty and he althy products. The production of fermented milk products is carried out mainly by a thermostatic method. When cooked, they become thicker and acquire a delicate taste. The thermostatic method involves the fermentation of milk directly in the package- this allows you to get fermented milk drinks of the desired consistency. However, this manufacturing method is considered complex, therefore not common. One of the few places where it is used is the Myasnov dairy plant in Khlevnoy.
In the manufacture of dairy products, only fresh and natural raw materials are used. Powdered milk by the Myasnov company is not used in principle. The method of low-temperature pasteurization for the processing of raw milk deserves special attention. It does not involve heating the product above 76-78°C. This method allows you to save the majority of useful trace elements, but at the same time destroy all dangerous microbes.

In order to meet the preferences of the most demanding consumers, Myasnov cooperates with other manufacturers of various dairy products. Among the partners of the company are the Sernur Cheese Plant, the Bryansk City Dairy Plant, Hummingbird - all these companies supply baby food, cheese, ice cream, drinks made from cow and goat milk to chain stores.
Baking and bread
Bread from our own bakery has recently appeared in the assortment of the company. The workshop is located in the capital. Initially, the bakery pursued the goal of returning to the sale of real Russian rye and white breads, loaves and pastries, the true taste of which has long been forgotten. Over time, Myasnov expanded the menu, taking into account the wishes of gourmets and lovers of European pastries, including Italian ciabatta, French baguettes, Georgian lavash and much more.
In the firm's bakeriesmodern starter machines are used, which help to follow the traditions of classic bread baking. To prepare handicraft bread, several types of equipment are used: dough fermentation chambers with the ability to set the optimal temperature, stone-hearth ovens, fabric silos for the careful conservation of flour. And although special devices and devices are used at each stage, Myasnov bakers manually perform the most important manipulations with the dough.
Let's give a few words and the ingredients used in baking. These are simple ingredients: water, flour, s alt and sourdough. For the preparation of real bread, the addition of chemicals is not permissible. Real sourdough is the most important ingredient and is made up of yeast and lactic acid bacteria. And we are not talking about the yeast that is sold in pressed packs. Myasnov bakers use ingredients that make the fermentation process natural. Such bread is better absorbed in the body and more useful than the one made with baking powder and cheap baker's yeast.
It takes at least 18 hours for buyers of Myasnov products to enjoy delicious and fresh pastries. Almost half of this time is spent on hand kneading, dividing the dough and giving it the desired shape without disturbing the structure. The finished product is not intended for long-term storage. Moreover, for each type of bread, there are separate recommendations for expiration dates. Myasnov artisan breads are a bit more expensive than regular supermarket breads. But is it generally correct to compare products preparedon completely different technologies?
Myasnov is constantly expanding its range of bakery products so that consumers can appreciate the best baking recipes.
Quality Control System
The priority task in the work of the company is the absolute safety of Myasnov products. According to employees, they have to constantly monitor the compliance of goods with sanitary standards and requirements. Equipment is periodically disinfected in the workshops. All stages of production at the enterprise are carried out in accordance with the quality control strategy.

To this end, the following activities are being implemented:
- checking the safety of incoming raw materials and auxiliary products;
- control over compliance with the sequence of the technological process;
- determining the quality of finished goods;
- research of the sanitary condition of production shops, equipment, warehouses, shops;
- carrying out anti-epidemic treatments;
- staff training.
The internal charter of the company consists of strict regulations and norms, therefore Myasnov imposes no less stringent requirements on the quality of food products than Rospotrebnadzor. According to the company's management, there should be no compromises in product safety issues, therefore any work at this enterprise is carried out scrupulously.
Compliance with this position requires a lot of effort and resources from management, but at the same time, itmotivates to achieve high results. Tasty and he althy food on the shelves of branded stores is the most objective indicator of the work of Myasnov. In reviews, customers often write that they have been shopping in the stores of this company for many years and are not going to look for something else.
What customers like
In general, the company's customers are satisfied with Myasnov stores. According to reviews, milk here has a distinctive natural smell, in comparison with similar products in supermarket chains such as Magnit, Pyaterochka, Dixy, etc. The constant availability of fresh goods helps people who are limited in time. People like that here you can always buy any fresh meat, be it pork, beef, turkey, lamb, duck, etc., or buy ready-made dishes that you just have to bring to full readiness at home, adding ingredients to your taste.
Most users note the creativity of the company. Buyers in reviews of "Myasnov" often refer to the existing bonus programs "KeGeLBUM", "LUCH" and "KuulKLEVER". These accumulative discount systems are profitable and convenient. If you believe the reviews about Myasnov, with branded cards, customers can save up to 30% of the cost of purchases.

The professional work of employees is not left without attention. Sales consultants help you make the right choice and not get confused in a huge assortment. In addition, you can safely contact them with any questions about the methods of cooking.
And, of course, one cannot but mention the prices in Myasnov stores. According to reviews, khinkali, dumplings and manti here are a little more expensive than in ordinary stores, but at the same time they are difficult to distinguish from home-made culinary products - this is what most buyers think. Natural sauces on sour cream or yogurt cost the same as the usual mayonnaise for many. The same applies to bakery products: the cost of products does not go beyond the average market, despite the guaranteed freshness and quality of the raw materials used.
Negative reviews
There are also negative comments. Not all buyers are satisfied with the products of Myasnov. Yoghurts, according to reviews, are sometimes difficult to distinguish from ordinary kefir. In addition, the presence of flavoring additives can hardly be called evidence of the naturalness of the drink. Ambiguous leave reviews about Myasnov sausages, cottage cheese, desserts, pastries. In the comments, they also write about purchased goods with an expired expiration date, a low level of service, dishonest methods of body kit and cheating used by sellers.
Based on the overall ratio of positive and negative reviews, we can assume that these shortcomings are not natural. There are an order of magnitude fewer negative comments, so the human factor may well be the cause of these problems.
The opinion of employees about the employer
The position of subordinates is very controversial. Employee reviews about the Myasnov store in Moscow can also be divided into two categories. Those who were satisfied with the work in the company, itsthe main advantages are:
- official employment;
- payment of white wages in full and without delay;
- social guarantees;
- adequate leadership requirements;
- career growth;
- free education.

Among the significant disadvantages of working at Myasnov, according to the reviews of employees in Moscow, the irregular work schedule is most often mentioned. Some users note that they have to work for 12-16 hours, sometimes even without days off. Funds are deducted from the salaries of employees to cover cash shortages. In addition, there is a strict system of fines for being late, customer complaints, late price changes, etc. Judging by the reviews about the Myasnov employer, an atmosphere of discord and chaos reigns in the team: working in such an environment is psychologically unbearable.
At the same time, the management monitors discipline and compliance with cooking technologies, regulations, sanitary and hygienic and veterinary rules. Expired goods are disposed of, so even the most vigilant buyers can be calm. An effective management system at Myasnov is based on the principles of openness, honesty and customer satisfaction. You can find the store at: ave. Marshal Zhukov, 19, k. 1.
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