Reconnaissance of the area - what is it?

Reconnaissance of the area - what is it?
Reconnaissance of the area - what is it?

Reconnaissance of the area is a preliminary study of the territory. It is expedient to perform it after selecting the area according to the basic cartographic sources. Before the study, the topographic base is prepared. In this case, a larger area is captured than the study area. Let us further consider how and why the reconnaissance of the area is carried out in geodesy.

reconnaissance of the area
reconnaissance of the area

General information

Conducting a reconnaissance provides a clear definition of the area to be mapped. At the same time, performers take into account:

  1. The actual condition of the access roads.
  2. Value of the territory for orientation.
  3. Rational configuration of the working field on the map.


Geodesy of the site involves the performance of various works. During the study of the territory, the head of the executive group should form an idea about the territory and the features of its landscape. It is recommended to apply a scheme of open large spaces (pastures, clearings, etc.), clearings, power lines, roads on a photographic image from the topographic base (reduced to a size of 1:20000). By area, a generalized characteristic is given. Territoryis described in terms of the complexity of mapping and the interest of orientation. As a rule, these parameters are directly proportional. Also, geodesy of the site involves an assessment of the passability of vegetation, swamps, etc. At this stage, criteria for the generalization of various landscape components are usually formed, and they are divided into gradations. The team leader decides to transfer micro-objects to the map. If rough terrain is to be studied, it is advisable to carry out a joint correction of a small area by all performers of the work. This will allow developing a unified approach to displaying and selecting the boundaries of generalization. The results obtained will be used in the basis of the TOR. An idea of the nature of the territory (rough terrain, swampy area, etc.) will allow you to correctly assess the complexity of subsequent activities and develop their real schedule.

site geodesy
site geodesy

Quality of topographic base

Its evaluation is an important task of the works. Reconnaissance of the area is carried out in parallel with the analysis of the quality of the topographic base. In this case, a predominantly visual method is used. But for strict accuracy, it is recommended to perform several control measurements. It is advisable to combine this procedure with the recognition of points, to which elevation marks are indicated on the topographic basis, as well as the determination of heights for horizontal surfaces present on the territory.


For lowland rivers and lakes, a difference of no more than 0.3 of a 5-meter section will be considered satisfactory. In such a situation, as the height of the surfacecan be the arithmetic mean of the measurements. If a survey of the area shows a difference in the heights of the points of the swamp greater than 1, and this parameter is consistent with the nature of the relief, the object is not horizontal. Accordingly, the surface cannot be used as a base for leveling. When using water edges, it must be remembered that their performance corresponds to the lowest level. They are measured in August.

rugged terrain
rugged terrain

The nuances of topographic bases

Reconnaissance of the terrain should provide a complete picture of what points, contours and linear landmarks can be used as solid parameters. They are called points that have a reliable high- altitude, planned (or both at the same time) position within the accuracy of the basic cartographic material. Obviously, the reconnaissance of the area does not allow one to evaluate all points and landmarks and establish whether they are all solid or not. First, such marks are checked for which a reliable position is more likely (in accordance with the nature of creation and the properties of the topographic base).


During the reconnaissance of the area, a decision is made on the need to form a survey justification. If it needs to be created, then its type is determined. A plan is also drawn up for its laying on the territory, solid marks are selected, to which the justification will be attached. The results of the examination are drawn up with a work card. Descriptions of objects and schemes are applied to it. It is expedient to reflect some of the information on the original topographical basis. Solid marks canput in red. If necessary, it is allowed to use designations (numerical or alphabetic). Some information can be reflected in the help.



Reconnaissance is performed to clarify the decision made on the map. For the planned implementation of activities, the headquarters must work out their plan in advance. To do this, the commander of the regiment (division) gives instructions to the chief on the procedure and time of work on the territory. They define:

  1. Start and end of reconnaissance.
  2. Performance points and tasks that will be solved there.
  3. Responsible employees who will be involved in the work, composition of other groups.
  4. Timing for compiling and submitting the plan.

Progress of activities

In the course of the survey, the study of the terrain in the offensive zone is carried out. The commander assesses its impact on the implementation of combat missions. In addition, he specifies:

  1. Presence and features of obstacles and obstacles.
  2. The front defensive edge of the enemy.
  3. reconnaissance of the area in geodesy
    reconnaissance of the area in geodesy
  4. Strong points.
  5. Location of weapons, anti-tank reserves.
  6. Open flanks.
  7. Weak and strong areas of defense.
  8. The offensive zone.
  9. Plots of breakout.
  10. The direction of the main strike.
  11. Lines delimiting the location of the regiments.
  12. Waiting and starting positions.
  13. Lines of deployment, safe removal, going on the attack andex.
  14. survey of the area
    survey of the area

Features of preparation

The rules for conducting reconnaissance, the content and number of issues to be resolved in the process of work, will depend on the availability of the necessary time and other conditions of the situation. After the group arrives on the territory, the commander performs tactical and topographic orientation. He assigns marks along the lines in depth and from right to left. In the course of tactical orientation, the commander can hear reports from the commander in front of the operating unit, the head of intelligence on the position of the enemy. After that, the sequential solution of the assigned tasks begins. During the reconnaissance, the commander is assisted by the chief of staff or his deputy. After the completion of the events, he goes to his subordinates. If units are limited in time, reconnaissance can be performed from two points at the same time. In such a situation, the commander carries it out in the direction of the main strike. The deputy commander responsible for logistics can conduct reconnaissance in the area of \u200b\u200bthe future location of units.
