Expansion of the service area. Sample order to expand the service area

Expansion of the service area. Sample order to expand the service area
Expansion of the service area. Sample order to expand the service area

In enterprises and organizations, one often encounters the fact that duties in the same or another profession of another employee can be added to the duties of an employee. Consider options for designing such additional work in different situations.

expansion of the service area
expansion of the service area

Classification of the situation

So the options are:

  1. Combination of professions or positions.
  2. Performing the duties of an employee who is temporarily absent.
  3. Expansion of the service area or increase in the volume of work.
  4. Combination.

Combination provides for a situation where an employee, along with his tasks, performs work in a different position or profession.

Part-time employment is a situation when an employee works additionally in another profession at a different time from the main job.

Fulfilling the duties of an employee who is temporarily absent, maybe during his vacation, sick leave or business trip.

Expansion of service area orvolume of work is a situation in which an employee must perform work in his position or profession in a larger volume.

Regulatory framework

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation (Article 60.2) says that an employee may be assigned additional functions in his or another profession. The employee must cope with these additional duties during their working hours and for a certain fee. The employer is obliged to obtain written consent from the employee for this.

expansion of service areas sample
expansion of service areas sample

If we consider specifically the expansion of the service area or the scope of work, then it involves the performance of additional tasks precisely in their profession. Examples include more machines or units being serviced, more cleaning area, more documents being processed, etc.

General order of approval

The enterprise must approve in the collective agreement or the Regulations of the organization on remuneration all the points related to this issue:

  • How can the expansion of zones or increase in volumes for each profession be carried out. Specific restrictions and conditions must be established
  • List of professions and positions for which it is allowed to expand zones or increase volumes.
  • Procedure and method of payment for additional work.

The organization may resort to expanding the service area or increasing the volume of work performed if there are vacancies. In this case, usually work for a vacant position or profession is distributed over two or moreworkers.

It is impossible to establish additional payment for certain categories of workers:

  • to the head of the organization and his deputies;
  • to chief specialists and their deputies;
  • if the performance of this additional work is already the responsibility of the employee, they are provided for by the contract and laid down in the labor cost norms;
  • if additional work is assigned to the employee due to his insufficient amount of work at the main place.


In each case, the employer must issue an order to expand the service area. It indicates specific deadlines for the implementation of additional work, their volume. In other words, the order determines the number of machines, square meters, reports, etc., which are additionally assigned to the employee, the amount of additional payment for this work.

service area expansion work
service area expansion work

If an order is issued to expand the service area, a sample of this document may read as follows.

The name of the document should reflect its essence. It may be: "On the assignment of additional duties by expanding the service area." Next comes the wording of the order. It can be like this: “Instruct the locksmith from 2017-02-06 to 2017-30-06 3 p. (Full name) performance of additional duties as a locksmith during the established duration of the work shift along with the duties specified in the employment contract by expanding the service area. Set locksmith 3 p. (full name) surcharge in the amount of6000 rubles. The order is signed by the head of the organization. Also, the order must contain the written consent of the employee to perform additional work assigned in connection with the expansion of the service area.

The legislation does not limit the period for which an employee can be entrusted with additional functions. This period is approved by the parties by mutual agreement.

Employee has the right to refuse additional work. Also, if the employee is already performing this additional work, he may refuse to perform it ahead of schedule. The employer also has the right to cancel the assigned additional work ahead of schedule.


Labor law says that the principles for the implementation of additional payments for the expansion of the service area are approved by agreement of the parties, that is, the employee and the employer. General provisions for remuneration for additional work are prescribed in either the collective agreement or the Regulations on remuneration.

The amount of the surcharge in each individual case is set depending on various conditions. The following factors affect the payout amount:

  • difficulty;
  • nature of works;
  • scope of responsibilities;
  • how well time is used.

Pay for increasing the volume of work or expanding the service area can be set by the employee due to the achieved level of technology, technology, organization of the production process. And for some individuals, this may be due to their personal qualities and skills. For example, a male worker has greater physical capabilitiescompared to a woman, or a younger worker performs faster than an older worker.

Payment for the combination and expansion of the service area and in general the imposition of such additional duties on the employee can be made in the organization only if there is a corresponding vacancy in the staffing table.

Employer must pay equal work for equal work.

service area expansion order
service area expansion order

When the organization's management establishes a form of additional payment for the expansion of the service area, a sample order may contain the following accrual options:

  • specific amount of money;
  • percentage of the tariff or official salary.

The additional payment is taken into account as part of wages when calculating benefits for sickness, maternity, vacation pay and other compensations, for the calculation of which average earnings are taken.

How you can effectively use zone expansion in your organization

In some situations, when an employee performs a larger amount of work than is provided for by the norm for a certain fee, it can bring good savings to the organization. It is more profitable to pay extra to an employee already working in the state than to hire an additional employee and pay him full wages.

It is also not necessary to organize a new workplace for this employee. For example, you do not need to buy a desk, a computer if it is an office worker. And, for example, a cleaner does not need to provide cleaning equipment, overalls andetc. That is, a full-time employee will perform production tasks at his place with the funds he already has and will receive an additional payment for this.

combination expansion of the service area
combination expansion of the service area

The difference between volume expansion and zone expansion

The essence of these concepts is very close, the difference lies only in the nature of the work performed.

If we are talking about the fact that an employee has a certain area, work area, then his additional work will be an extension of the service area. A sample order for the execution of such additional work should contain exactly this wording. The following examples of professions for which expansion of zones can be provided are doctor, nurse, cleaner, social worker, electrician. That is, this is a specific area of \u200b\u200bwork. For a doctor, this is a list of certain streets or districts, the inhabitants of which he must receive. For an electrician, this can be a specific object, workshop or territory to which he is assigned.

The concept of increasing the volume of work is suitable for those workers who have production standards. For example, turner, packer, computer operator, etc.

Employer's responsibility to pay extra work

In the case when work is not paid for the expansion of the service area, then the employer can be held administratively liable in accordance with the first part of Article 5.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. If the employee is involved in the performance of additional work without his written consent, thenthe employer will also face administrative pen alties.

Employee initiative

An employee has the right to write a statement to the head of the organization in which he can ask for an increase in the amount of work. You can also define specific terms, a site or amount of work, the desired payment for additional labor.

surcharge for expanding service areas sample
surcharge for expanding service areas sample

Expanding the area and volume of work can be a good alternative for the employer to hire a new employee. This will help to save on wages, and the work will be done efficiently and well, as experienced workers know their job and, as they say, they have a "full hand".

And for an experienced worker, expanding the area of their work or increasing the volume of work will be an additional financial incentive for efficient and effective work. Thus, both parties benefit - both the employer and the employee.
