The total area of the apartment is What is included, how to measure and calculation rules

The total area of the apartment is What is included, how to measure and calculation rules
The total area of the apartment is What is included, how to measure and calculation rules

In the modern world, there are regular transactions related to the purchase of real estate. In order not to get into an unpleasant situation, it is necessary to thoroughly prepare for such a deal. Many are interested in what is the total area of the premises, apartments, how this indicator is determined. This issue is especially important for those who plan to sell or buy real estate in the near future.

Practice shows that this indicator directly affects the cost of housing. The larger the total area, the correspondingly higher the cost of housing. However, here it is necessary to understand all the features regarding the size of the living space. Only then will you be able to essentially assess how the selected apartment meets the requirements.

Main Components

total area of the apartment
total area of the apartment

The calculation of the total area of the apartment is carried out according to several indicators. Three characteristics can be distinguished:

  • living area;
  • total;
  • flat area.

Without taking into account these indicators, it is impossible to say exactly what residential real estate is. Therefore, when buying, be sure to clarify this information. If you know what is included in each type of space, then you can not be afraid of fraud when concluding real estate transactions.

Total area

What do you need to know about this? The first thing to decide is the total area of the apartment. It may or may not be habitable. These may simply be premises that are directly related to the proposed property. Often, sellers and real estate agents resort to trickery and indicate the total area of \u200b\u200bthe premises as residential. This is not entirely true, since balconies and loggias are still included in it. Therefore, this parameter must be specified separately.

Living area

total area of 2 room apartment
total area of 2 room apartment

Let's take a closer look at this. What is the living area of an apartment? First of all, you need to know what is meant by this term. Living space, as you might guess, is a space suitable for human habitation. It would seem that nothing complicated. However, many have difficulty answering what is included in this area.

To fully understand what each of the three areas includes, you need to consider one more concept - the area of \u200b\u200bthe apartment. This refers to the whole room. This includes both a balcony and a loggia. Such a space is still considered useful. In the concept of usefulThe square also includes various mezzanines. It is important to avoid confusion here. In foreign countries, usable area is understood as all those used in residential premises.


The total area of an apartment is not only living quarters. Only rooms are included in the living area. The more they are, the higher this indicator. It should be borne in mind that the bathroom does not belong to the living space, since you cannot live in it. Although this is a necessary place in any apartment.

It should also be noted that the kitchen is not included in the living area. This is not entirely true from the point of view of logic, but this feature is better to take into account. Many sellers today are trying to increase the size of the living space at the expense of the kitchen, as well as loggias and bathrooms.

Calculation rules

As you already understood, living space is considered the main indicator that affects the value of real estate. Let's try to figure out how it is considered. This moment is very important. A component of this space is a room in which you can live. Therefore, in order to calculate the living area of a room, it is enough to simply add together the footage of all rooms. The result should be the desired indicator. To calculate the area of \u200b\u200bthe room, it is worth using simple mathematical formulas. Measurements are taken on the inside of the skirting board.

Which rooms are included in the total area?

calculation of the total area of the apartment
calculation of the total area of the apartment

Let's take a closer look at this. Often when buying residential real estate, the question arises: is the loggia included in the total area of the apartment? itit is desirable for everyone to know, since this indicator plays a rather important role. It can be used to judge how much space is allocated for the needs of residents, and not just for living. These rooms include:

  • toilet;
  • bathroom;
  • hallway;
  • bedrooms;
  • living room;
  • dressing room;
  • other utility rooms.

Loggias and balconies should not be assigned to the total area of the premises. Based on the housing code of the Russian Federation, the rooms in question do not belong to the apartment at all. Often, buyers are not aware of this regulation, which leads to negative consequences.

How is the area of stairs and niches calculated? They can be included in the common space of the apartment, but under certain conditions. In addition to premises, this indicator includes:

  • niches whose height is at least 2 meters;
  • stairs located in the apartment and the space below them;
  • arches over 2 meters high;
  • protrusions.

Differences in areas

the total area of the apartment is
the total area of the apartment is

This aspect needs to be emphasized. How is the total area of a two-room apartment determined? What indicators are taken into account? There are certain differences between residential and common areas that must be taken into account. These include:

  1. Number of square meters: living area is only a fraction of the total. For this reason, its footage should be much smaller. Sometimes these indicators can differ from each other by twotimes.
  2. Premises included in the total area: living rooms include rooms for sleeping and relaxing (bedrooms, children's rooms, guest rooms). The total covers all rooms in the apartment.
  3. Possibilities of use: the size of the living space determines the possibility of receiving subsidies, adopting a child, and so on. The total area affects the market value of housing, the amount of utility bills and the amount of contributions for major repairs.

Instructions for accounting for the area of the apartment

So what do you need to know about this? Today, many are interested in how the total area of a 2-room apartment is calculated. In order to independently determine this characteristic of the room, you will need:

  • roulette;
  • technical passport of the premises;
  • calculator;
  • sheet of paper;
  • pen and pencil.

To learn how to take measurements yourself, you will need a tape measure and a calculator. It will be more convenient to take measurements if someone helps you.

First, draw a diagram of the apartment on a piece of paper. So it will be more convenient for you to enter the values \u200b\u200bin the plan. Do not forget to take measurements in utility rooms - corridors, closets, and so on. It is necessary to measure the length of the premises according to the level of the plinth. To do this, make sure that the tape measure is stretched well and accurately. The sums of all measurements must be converted to meters and written down on a piece of paper. If the room has an irregular shape with protrusions, corners and roundings, then it will be easier to break the plan into separate figures and indicate their dimensions on the diagram.

The length and width of each roomshould be multiplied and fixed on the plan. When you add up the areas of all the rooms, you should have a grand total.


To calculate a shared room, you need a simple geometric formula. The total area of the apartment is S. a, b, c, d are the sides. a, c - 6.55 meters, b, d - 4.55 meters. From the value of the total area, it is necessary to calculate the area of \u200b\u200bwindows and doors. By measuring all rooms, you can determine the area of the entire room. Information about the total space of the apartment can also be found in the data sheet.

Loggias and balconies

is the loggia included in the total area of the apartment
is the loggia included in the total area of the apartment

What do you need to know about them? Many people think that the loggia is included in the total area of the apartment, but the balcony is not. Although the differences between these two concepts are not well understood, they should not be ignored, as this can lead to serious legal consequences. By uniting, the residents of the house can transfer the outer part of the loggias and balconies for use in advertising purposes. In some cases, this brings a good income.

Controversial issues

It is advisable to familiarize yourself with them in the very first place. How is the total area of an apartment determined? Should the balcony and loggias be taken into account in the calculation? What are the different situations? There are two main legislative acts that regulate the issues of determining the area of housing. This is:

  • housing code 2005;
  • SNiP 2003 "Residential multi-apartment buildings".

It should also be noted that some of the provisions described in the datadocuments were declared invalid in 2009 by Federal Law 384-FZ. Let's go through the main important points of the housing code:

  • St. 15, p. 5 - the basis for calculating the living quarters. The total area of the apartment consists of the sum of all areas. This includes rooms and utility rooms that are designed to meet the needs and requirements of the apartment owners. Terraces, balconies, loggias and verandas are not included in the total area.
  • St. 16, paragraph 1 - definition of types of residential premises: residential buildings or parts thereof, apartments, rooms.
  • St. 16, paragraph 3 - formulates the concept of an apartment as a structural room, which is of a separate nature and is located in an apartment building with direct access to common areas. The components of the apartment are one or more rooms, auxiliary rooms designed to meet domestic needs.
the loggia is included in the total area of the apartment
the loggia is included in the total area of the apartment

According to the above SNiP, the determination of the total area of an apartment put into operation is based on external dimensions. Here we are already talking about the inclusion of a balcony and a loggia.

When calculating the area, it is recommended to use the following coefficients:

  • 0, 5 for the loggia;
  • 0, 3 for balconies and terraces;
  • 1 for cold storage rooms and porches.

It should be noted that SNiPs are not the main document. The Housing Code is more important in this case, and you should focus solely on it.

Many officials today insist onis to add extra square meters to the area of \u200b\u200bthe dwelling. Therefore, property owners are interested in whether the loggia is included in the total area of the apartment. If the norms of 2003 are taken as the basis for calculations, then such a possibility is provided there. However, one should still be guided by a more important document, such as the LC RF. According to this normative act, the balcony is excluded from the total area of \u200b\u200bthe dwelling.

According to the LCD and SNiP, partitions are considered part of the main and auxiliary premises, therefore their size is part of the total area of the apartment in sq. m.

In our country, the current laws and regulations change quite often, so there can be a lot of questions related to determining the area of \u200b\u200ba residential premises. Most of the features of the calculations are regulated by various documents and by-laws, which may contradict each other. This may cause some difficulties for ordinary people.

Customer rights

This aspect should be given special attention. Questions about the rules for calculating the area of residential premises often arise when buying housing in new buildings. Often there are disputes. For example, a buyer, when purchasing housing from a developer, signs an agreement for the purchase of an apartment with an area of 77 square meters, including a loggia. At the same time, the contract did not contain references to the coefficients used in the calculations.

As a result, after the apartment is put into operation, the buyer receives a technical passport with the value of the total area of the apartment indicated in it 72.5 square meters. m. Thus, it turned out that the sellerhe cheated and, when drawing up the contract, did not indicate the coefficient by which the loggia is taken into account. The buyer in this case has the right to apply to the courts.


total floor area of the apartment
total floor area of the apartment

In this review, we have considered the basic rules for calculating areas. The total area of a dwelling is the sum of the areas of all premises, including the kitchen, bathroom and corridor. Only the space intended for sleep and rest is considered residential. According to the LCD, balconies are not included in the common space of the living space.