Motivated assessment of professional, personal qualities: examples, sample report

Motivated assessment of professional, personal qualities: examples, sample report
Motivated assessment of professional, personal qualities: examples, sample report

For every leader, business owner, it is important to have an objective idea of the professionalism of their staff. Let's figure out how to get the most complete and truthful picture.

Purposes of the event

A motivated assessment of professional and personal qualities, an example of which will be discussed later in this article, is necessary in order to assess the contribution of each employee to the overall performance and correct the "weak link" in the competence of an employee.

If the management has a clear idea of the level of training of each member of the team, then it can competently form a personnel reserve for leadership positions, offer individual employees horizontal growth, development, or exclude outsiders.

motivated assessment of professional personal qualities example
motivated assessment of professional personal qualities example

Motivated assessment of professional and personal qualities is an important tool for managing employees. With its help, you can create the necessary microenvironment,correct the behavior of team members and bring it into line with corporate standards.

Specific assessment

The very phrase “motivated assessment of professional, personal qualities”, an example of which is hard to imagine in the form of a single universal document, suggests that it is necessary to use several methods of analysis. For example, according to the results of the "360 degrees" assessment, we get that employees consider their colleague to be uncommunicative and closed, and he sees himself as sociable and interaction-oriented, we can assume that:

  • assessed is an outsider and distorts information about himself;
  • he is uncomfortable in this team (a mismatch of professional interests, values).

Consequently, the more evaluation methods used, the more objective the result will be.

motivated assessment of professional personal qualities examples
motivated assessment of professional personal qualities examples

Evaluation methods

1. Biographical: is a collection of information about the employee according to the work book, education documents.

2. Interview: can be conducted with both hiring and current employees. This method allows you to identify the employee's attitude to any situation, understand his current motivation, general mood, and determine the range of issues that concern him.

3. Test: a fairly accurate way to determine professional skills, personality traits, values.

4. Questioning: the employee is offeredfill out a questionnaire on a specific topic. The peculiarity of this method is that it may contain descriptive questions and involve the choice of clearly defined answer options. Further, employee questionnaires can be analyzed according to specified criteria and compared with each other.

5. Descriptive method: the evaluator is faced with the task of identifying and revealing the strengths and weaknesses of the employee. As a rule, such an assessment is carried out by the head.

motivated assessment of professional personal qualities
motivated assessment of professional personal qualities

6. Observation: It is usually used by the immediate supervisor both involuntarily and purposefully, both in informal and in working settings. Further, this method will be synthesized with descriptive.

7. "360 degrees": involves the assessment of the employee by those persons with whom he communicates. Obligatory feedback is given by the manager, colleagues. The middle manager can be assessed by subordinates. Typically, this method is combined with criteria assessment.

8. Ranking: This method is very easy to perform and process. Each employee fills out an evaluation sheet, where they evaluate the degree of expression of a particular quality in a colleague.

9. Comparison in pairs: for this, employees of the same position are taken and compared with each other. Next, an assessment is carried out and it is determined who turned out to be the best how many times. Criteria must be clearly defined.

10. Comparison with the model: can be carried out according to a specific list of tasks compiled on the basis of the jobinstructions. Each quality is assigned a certain rating. As a rule, a 5-point scale is used, where: 5-highly expressed, 1-lowly expressed.

11. Incident method: based on comparing the misdeeds and achievements of employees. For a more effective result, it should be used in conjunction with ranking.

12. Analysis of the quality of execution: evaluated based on a comparison of the results obtained with the planned ones. This method has something in common with method 11, only here the object of evaluation will not be behavior, but the result of activity.

13. Expert appraisals: involves the formation of a group of independent appraisers who profile the ideal and real employee.

The above methods allow you to get a motivated assessment of professional, personal qualities. Examples by position will be discussed below.

How to get an objective picture

There are many assessment methods that allow you to understand what the professional level of an employee is, what is the specificity of his personality. All methods of analysis complement each other. Only their totality makes it possible to obtain a motivated assessment of the professional and personal qualities of an employee. Of course, it is impossible to use all of them, but to get an objective picture, it is desirable to use at least three.

Manager: motivated assessment of professional, personal qualities

The first example to be considered requires a particularly careful approach.

The peculiarity of the work of the CEO/President of the company is thatthe success of his goals and objectives to a large extent depends on how well he manages people.

The leader must be a leader in the team, able to lead everyone towards a common goal, while we must not forget that he is fully responsible for the result.

a motivated assessment of the professional personal qualities of an employee
a motivated assessment of the professional personal qualities of an employee

The quality of organization management depends on how well its leader analyzes information, gives orders, and provides feedback.

A leader must also have a certain amount of creativity, which is necessary to find non-standard solutions, but at the same time be organized, consistent and practical.

To evaluate a leader, you can use the ranking method, which represents the polar qualities to be evaluated, for example:

Creativity 5 4 3 2 1 Tendency to standard thinking
Clearly sets goals 5 4 3 2 1 The tasks set are incorrect
Open to communication with subordinates 5 4 3 2 1 Not making contact
He manages the team well 5 4 3 2 1 Bad administrator

This assessment method is usually included in a questionnaire consisting of questionsopen and closed types, offering to describe the strengths of the personality and those that need to be worked on.

Also, to get an objective picture, a self-assessment sheet filled out by the manager himself can be used.

For a complete understanding, the founders of the company must analyze the financial results achieved by the CEO.

Middle manager

Motivated assessment of professional, personal qualities is an example or one of the examples that an organization is serious about personnel management. The second most important persons whose activities affect the result of the company are the heads of departments. It is they who broadcast the goals and mission of the organization to employees.

motivated assessment of the professional personal qualities of a municipal employee
motivated assessment of the professional personal qualities of a municipal employee

The 360-degree method can be used to evaluate them.


This category may include sales managers, secretaries, operators and others.

Here you can also apply the method of self-analysis and evaluation of the employee by the persons with whom he interacts (manager, colleagues).

A motivated assessment of the professional, personal qualities of a municipal employee may contain a "circular" assessment of this official in terms of such parameters as friendliness, diligence, responsibility, attention to detail.

motivated assessment of professional and personal qualities sample
motivated assessment of professional and personal qualities sample


Certification procedureemployees can be supplemented by a motivated assessment of professional and personal qualities. The sample report presented in the article can be adapted for any enterprise. Based on the results obtained, decisions are made to dismiss, promote an employee or send him to advanced training courses.
