2025 Author: Howard Calhoun | [email protected]. Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:10
Poultry farming is not always done for meat and eggs. In some farms, among the productive breeds of chickens, you can see decorative representatives carelessly walking around. They are usually kept for aesthetic pleasure and participation in exhibitions. However, only due to the fact that the cost of adults and chicks of elite breeds is quite high, their breeding can bring good profit to the farmer. Millefler chickens are one of the most beautiful varieties. The article will describe the characteristics of this breed and the features of its content.
Belgium is the birthplace of Millefler chickens: the Belgian Betmanka was used in the selection of this breed. When it was developed, the developers were focused on the uniqueness of the bird's plumage. As a result, a new breed with shaggy legs was born, which is now very popular with poultry farmers. She was among the first three varieties obtained from Betmanka, which is characterized by a lavendercolor.
To be more specific, the Millefler chicken breed was obtained with the participation of the Antwerp bearded Betmanka and the Dutch Saber. There is a possibility that ornamental individuals have genes from Japanese bird species, since they were imported to Belgium during breeding work. In turn, the representatives we are talking about are divided into subspecies. Isabella is the most popular breed. Also in our country you can find varieties such as lavender and porcelain.

Milfler chickens: description
Representatives are distinguished by medium-sized size, neat body composition and variegated color. The body has a rounded shape with a beautiful curve in the back. The head is medium in size, the color of the eyes depends on the color of the plumage. The contour of the chest is pronounced, protrudes forward. Roosters are distinguished by a luxurious tail, the feathers of which have a black-green color with a sheen. Red comb, straight, notched.
The coloring of chickens is very diverse, which is why they attract the attention of breeders. Many of them breed birds to get the original, and unusual coloring of feathers. As a result of experimental work, new subspecies of birds appear. For example, under certain conditions, plumage in the form of panties grows in adults on their legs. Of the colors most often found are the following: porcelain, black and white, blue with specks, pure white and combined.

Characteristics of the breed
Despite their miniature size, dwarf representatives are capable of good returns. A laying hen produces about 100 eggs per year. This is despite the fact that a female individual weighs only 600-700 grams, roosters a little more - 800. The weight of one egg is about 30 g.
The following characteristics are highlighted in the description of the Millefler breed:
- high exterior qualities;
- endurance, birds tolerate frost well;
- calm nature;
- demanding to feed.

Bird Character
In addition to an interesting exterior, judging by the description, Millfler chickens have positive qualities that allow them to be kept together with other breeds. Their merits were noted as follows:
- The birds have a docile nature, they easily make contact with their owners and pets.
- They are able to stand up for their family, if necessary, they will courageously protect young offspring.
- Chickens are treated very carefully. It is interesting that males faithfully guard the hens, and also let them go to the feeders first.
- Chickens are excellent mother hens, can be used to hatch offspring of other birds.

Some features of the breed
The Millefler breed of chickens does not like low rooms, birds always rush up. This imposes responsibility on the owner when planning. It is important that the perches for the hens are as high as possible. For them it is recommended to equipmulti-tiered structures where birds will feel comfortable. You also need to consider that they are quite mobile. But the area of \u200b\u200bthe room does not play a special role for them.
Feeding balance should be maintained if you expect to receive eggs from laying hens. If they eat too much, they will start gaining weight, and obesity will greatly affect their productivity.

As already mentioned, birds are demanding on the diet. They prefer only natural food in crushed form. To prevent diseases of birds and ensure their normal development, you need to take care of good nutrition. In the summer, feeding should include a sufficient amount of green grass. You can also give grain mixtures and compound feed.
For chickens, you need to buy industrial pellets. For small chicks, a mixture of boiled eggs and cereals, wheat or corn, is prepared. Already from the first week, you can add boiled carrots, yogurt or cottage cheese, plantain leaves, beets. Babies need to provide frequent meals (at least 8 times a day). From the moment of birth to the age of one month, the number of feedings is gradually reduced to 5 times a day. At 6 weeks old, the chicks are transferred to three meals a day.
To provide young offspring with the necessary energy, you need to make a balanced diet. It should contain most of the grains (70%). The rest is bone meal, wetmash, yeast, herbs and vegetables. From grass, it is preferable to give knotweed to birds. It is chopped and mixed with cereals. From vegetables, chickens love tomatoes and carrots. Poultry farmers recommend including seafood, such as shrimp waste, in the diet at least once a week. This has a positive effect on the growth of birds.

Milfler's chickens are not demanding to the content. They are distinguished by great endurance to living conditions and at the same time retain their decorative effect. However, some requirements must still be met. This includes the following:
- presence of fresh grass cover;
- mandatory - dry room without drafts;
- keep clean: change bedding regularly, otherwise debris will stick to feathers;
- in the cold season, birds need to be provided with additional heating.
It is important to fulfill all these conditions in order for the plumage to form correctly in young animals.

About breeding
Due to the excellent maternal qualities that were indicated in the description of the breed of Millfler chickens, they are naturally bred. The main thing is to keep the birdhouse clean. You can breed in the conditions of the incubator. After the appearance of the chicks, it is necessary to maintain the optimum temperature in the chicken coop for a week. They can then be taken outside to fresh air if it is warm outside.
Vaccination is mandatory. This will protect offspring from chicken flu. chickensMillfleur - individuals are clean. Drinkers must be kept clean. Under no circumstances should they be slippery.
Disease prevention
If ornamental hens are not properly cared for, they can become susceptible to disease. Sometimes the appearance of pests gives the owners trouble. To avoid unnecessary worries, you need to process the walls of the chicken coop and perches with lime. Cleaning should be carried out regularly. If the birds are in the aviary, then wood ash should be added to the litter. In addition, ash baths will be useful for them. For this purpose, the ashes are poured into large containers and left on the walking area. This is an effective disinfectant method that will protect birds from diseases and pests. Every 3-4 months, you need to treat the chicken paws with birch tar.
It is noted that the space is especially loved by varieties such as Isabella, porcelain and lavender. The same requirement applies to the fence for walking. Poultry farmers write that if the structures are not high enough, the chickens will try to escape. As for the diet, various insects serve as additional food for birds, which they need to get if necessary. Also cottage cheese with egg mixed with feed intended for broilers. Millefler food should not be processed.
Obviously ornamental hens are popular because of the variety of plumage. In addition to being beautiful, birds are very easy to distinguish from the general mass of poultry. The distinguishing features of the breed include medium-sizedsize, unpretentiousness in content, which allows you to start it on various kinds of farms.
The disadvantage of birds is that it is irrational to start them only for meat. Nevertheless, birds have won the hearts of many owners and are considered one of the most beautiful decorative subspecies.
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