What is "Shaggy Cheese"?

What is "Shaggy Cheese"?
What is "Shaggy Cheese"?

In connection with the development of technology, new professions and organizations appear that provide a wide range of services that are in demand in modern conditions. Such newfangled trends include the young agency Shaggy Cheese. It employs talented and creative people who promote SMM content in the media. Many people are still not entirely clear what exactly the guys are doing, although their services are in great demand. Today we will tell you what Shaggy Cheese is and lift the veil of secrecy over the activities of its employees.

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hairy cheese

SMM agencies: description and brief description

If you are interested in this issue and start searching for information, you will immediately stumble upon the fact that Shaggy Cheese is an SMM agency. Of course, it is quite difficult for a person who is not strong in modern terminology to understand what exactly is hidden under the data.phrase.

However, experts in this field argue that every year this definition will occur more and more often. And the services of such organizations will be used by almost all well-known brands that care about their promotion in social media.

If you still have no idea how to decipher the abbreviation SMM, then we are ready to reveal this secret. Translated from English, it means "social media marketing". That is, a specialist in this field is engaged in the promotion of goods and services on the market, primarily in social networks.

Many underestimate this tool, but it is considered one of the most effective social media tools.

What do SMM agencies do?

Social media includes not only social networks, but also blogs, forums and other communities on the Internet. Based on the results of recent studies, it can be concluded that the audience of these media is more significant than that of television channels. But on top of everything else, she is also very active, and also very attentive. Winning her is not so easy, but once you get the interest of this audience, you can hope for her loy alty.

It is noteworthy that social media is called the most promising area of work to promote products. In Russia, it is still considered non-standard, but this method has already gained some popularity, which has caused an acute shortage of professional SMM specialists.

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hairy cheese jobs

Tasks and tools of social marketingmedia

Before we start a substantive discussion about Shaggy Cheese, we need to dive a little more into the nuances of SMM technologies. The main tasks that specialists can solve can be expressed in the following list:

  • promotion of a trademark or brand;
  • ranking up;
  • PR company;
  • promotion of the site and increasing its popularity, expressed in attendance.

Many SMM managers say that using social media, you can work simultaneously with a large target audience and solve several tasks at once.

Among SMM tools stand out:

  • creating blogs, maintaining and filling them with content;
  • promotion of blogs, communities and social networks;
  • creating thematic blocks in groups;
  • direct, viral and covert marketing;
  • monitoring and analysis of positive and negative information;
  • creating a certain positive background;
  • optimization of Internet resources.

When you turn to SMM agencies, you should not expect instant results. Usually, cooperation between an organization and a brand is long-term, only in this case you can be sure of the result. At the same time, the brand always spends a minimum of funds compared to other types of advertising campaigns, and the effect of SMM ultimately exceeds all expectations.

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hairy cheese agency

Foundation of the Shaggy Cheese Company

Now our readers understand what an organization with such a memorable name does, and wewe can proceed to the story of its occurrence. The company is considered one of the youngest, it has existed for only three years. But during this time she managed to fulfill several large orders and today she is leading projects of well-known brands in our country and abroad.

It is noteworthy that the very opening of the agency was spontaneous. The fact was that after a quarrel with the management, several leading SMM specialists quit one company at once. Their experience in this area was quite significant, so job offers rained down from different sides. However, the guys wanted to work for themselves, and the idea of an SMM agency was born - at a table in a small cozy cafe. Even the meeting of all six founders was held in the playground.

It is not known how the fate of the newly minted agency would have been if not for Anton Nosik. In "Shaggy Cheese" he invested a large amount of money and became one of its founders. He also brought the first clients and continued to do so until his death in July of this year.

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hairy cheese reviews

The appearance of the name

Shaggy Cheese Company… Probably, there is no person who would not note the strangeness of this name and did not wonder about its origin. But even the creators of the company themselves will not be able to answer it. They claim that the name arose by itself, and put forward several versions of its interpretation.

According to the first, it should symbolize something well-fed, cozy and calm. Each client who comes to the agency will be able to feel at home here. And here's anotherversion carries a different message. According to the guys working in the company, for many people the phrase “SMM agency” sounds very unpleasant. Therefore, they tried to come up with something completely different, but no less strange for the ear of the townsfolk.

Whatever it was, but the idea was good. After all, there is not a single person who, having heard this name, would remain indifferent to it.

Company ideology

As it turned out, there are practically no professionals in the SMM services market. Few people really understand how and what to do. "Shaggy Cheese" stands out very favorably against this background.

Its experts always adhere to the principle that the brand you lead must be loved. They literally immerse themselves in the topic, intuitively feeling when and what to write.

Of course, the people who work in the company know best the brand. It is they who can write high-quality texts about her, but, unfortunately, this is not enough. Therefore, most major brands have to turn to the help of professionals.

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fluffy cheese is

Agency team

If you are interested in vacancies in Shaggy Cheese, then we are in a hurry to disappoint you. The agency has a team of twelve professionals. They are the ones who do all the projects. Usually one employee is enough for one project, sometimes a professional is able to work with two brands at the same time.

It is almost impossible for a person from the outside to get into the state. If necessary, outsiders are involved in projects, but more oftenall they are employees of the brand that promotes the agency.

A few words about projects and clients

Strange as it may seem, it is very difficult to find reviews of Shaggy Cheese. Usually their clients do not like to advertise the fact that they contacted the agency. The audience should not know that professionals were purposefully working with them.

The employees of "Shaggy Cheese" themselves also skillfully bypass the topic of their clients. They do not talk about them, but share that they are currently working on at least ten projects. And according to these figures, one can judge the demand for the service provided.

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fluffy cheese nose

According to some reports, the client of the SMM agency was Aviasales. At the same time, her rating has grown significantly in just one year. Perhaps it's just a coincidence, but many believe this trend is the result of the well-coordinated work of the Shaggy Cheese team of professionals.

So if you want to promote your brand, website or blog, then don't try to do the impossible on your own. Just contact an SMM agency and in a few months you will notice positive changes.
