Actual business today. Current business ideas for Russia

Actual business today. Current business ideas for Russia
Actual business today. Current business ideas for Russia
current business today
current business today

Many articles, biographies, trainings and brochures are devoted to the topic of business in the 21st century. Almost every source of information deals with current business problems: lack of awareness of entrepreneurs and inability to see opportunities. However, self-tuning and detailed knowledge in a particular area is not a 100% guarantee of success. Yet each time has its own relevant business ideas.

Assume that you have the desire to learn and see opportunities. It remains to choose a field of activity that is not only able to bring a good income, but also has prospects for development in the future, and will also allow you to survive in the market for a long time.


Actual business areas today, as always, are trade, production, services, and agriculture. Each of them has its own characteristics, pros and cons, based on which you can make the right choice for yourself.

Benefits from trading

In trading, it is important to be able to find suppliers with the lowest prices. The only negative in this type of activity is the needmake constant purchases, respectively, you need to have a cash reserve available. Although suppliers today are ready to make concessions and defer payment until you sell part of the goods. With a skillful approach to trading, you can earn 100-200% profit. As an example, let's analyze specific and relevant business ideas.

We focus on the needs of modern man

current business ideas
current business ideas

Increasingly, people began to reach for comfort, the standard of living in Russia has risen. Therefore, relevant products, such as bed linen, will become in demand. It can be purchased in bulk from manufacturers and sold in your city at the market price, which is usually twice as high. The same can be said about furniture. Factories for its production will be only too happy to open a new point and delegate all sales authority to you, especially if the goods of this factory are not yet represented in your city.

Products that satisfy basic human needs: food and clothing will always sell well.

Can be considered as a commodity and drugs. Brought up on advertising, active and always capable, a modern person needs them no less than food and clothing.

Current ideas in production

You will be surprised, but many things can be called production. The main thing is to follow this principle: you take raw materials and create a product out of it. Even if you take ready-made tomato paste and add a little s alt, a couple of spices to it, call it ketchup with the original name and pack it in your container - this activitywill be considered production. Moving in this way, you can make a profit of up to 400%. The most relevant business in this area is an atelier or a bakery.

Winning Service Ideas

The provision of services as an economic activity is distinguished by one big plus: it will be necessary to invest either only once, or constantly at a minimum. All the value is in your knowledge, professionalism, service.

  1. actual small business
    actual small business

    Actual business today is in the field of entertainment. These are cafes, restaurants, delivery services, shopping and entertainment centers, paintball clubs and extreme parks. As well as shipping.

  2. Law offices, real estate agencies, cleaning companies (in small towns this business will not work, at least not yet), hairdressers, repair of equipment (household, computer, digital), shoe repair and others require minimal financial costs.
  3. A private kindergarten as a way to solve the problem with queues is an excellent, modern business idea, which is gradually being implemented in all cities of Russia. Is there a private kindergarten in your city?
  4. The human need for security will play into the hands of a businessman who opens a security company or implements security systems (alarms, video surveillance).

As old as the world, but as essential as air

In the world of brands, high-quality services and after-sales service, agriculture does not lose its relevance. Let the latest technology be in your service, and then things will go. For example, the greenhouse business (growing cucumbers, radishes, tomatoes, herbs) allows you to sell goods in large quantities to markets and shops. The quail business has become original and very profitable today: birds do not require special care, they are guaranteed to lay eggs, which are sold at high prices. In certain regions of the country, beekeeping or bumblebee breeding will be relevant.

actual types of business
actual types of business


In a separate direction, you can take out all the ways to make money throughInternet. We think it is no longer necessary to say how widespread computer technology is today, and what role the World Wide Web plays in the life of every person. The current business today is waiting for you exactly on the network: unique articles, online consultations of graduates and practitioners will always be in demand. More and more people are shopping through online stores and ordering services or food delivery through website services.

What the government prefers

Obviously, the state is interested in the development of entrepreneurship in the country. Hence the various subprograms within which subsidies are awarded. And everyone can get them if they choose a “priority direction”. Actual business in Russia, according to the state, may be as follows.

  1. In manufacturing: manufacturing services (such as wood products) and folk arts (a hand-made product, such as beaded jewelry).
  2. In the service sector: medical practice, education andsocial assistance, as well as the organization of tourism.
  3. agriculture, fishing.

Actual small business can be built in other areas, but it will not receive financial support from the state. In addition to the above areas, innovation is also a priority today - this is a different approach to the provision of already known goods or services. And since such activities are encouraged and promise untold income, it is worth considering this issue in more detail.

actual business problems
actual business problems

Well forgotten old

Actual business today is based on the preferences of a modern person and the ideas of the state about them. Therefore, following a path that no one has yet explored is a huge risk, but at the same time the only way to develop large business. Original ideas can be drawn from well-forgotten old projects: receiving waste paper, glass containers - and in a modern version, it will be a large-scale processing plant for recyclables. Another option is to make barrels, etc. Or go for something really new, like the edible glass makers did, or the Japanese firm that made the cabana bus.

To keep the idea alive

Of course, finding a business idea is the main step forward, everything else is a matter of technique. And for this idea to survive in the marketplace, it needs to be well thought out.

Firstly, work on the quality of goods or services, bring it to perfection (delivery service, high-level service, pleasant atmosphere andother). Then we can talk about a new brand. And that means a new level of business (a promising small or already medium-sized business with several outlets or representative offices in different cities, and maybe countries). Isn't this the perfect outcome?

current business areas
current business areas

Secondly, the idea should contain a zest - something that will distinguish you from your competitors (and they are in any kind of business). Unique offers for clients, own corporate culture, which each employee adheres to, etc. You can choose one highly specialized direction or, conversely, provide a wide range of services (or a diverse range of goods).

Using these methods, you can create relevant types of business even in a niche market.

Let's take an example. Food will always be in demand. We take one product - everyone's favorite pizza (we buy cheap from manufacturers). We add a courier delivery service, we hire a dispatcher. And we get 150% profit. In big cities, you will have to compete with competitors due to unique offers and product quality. In small ones, it will be necessary to spend time to accustom the population to a new type of service. In any case, the venture is "worth the candle."

Thus, focusing on the needs of a modern person, creating an actual business today is not a problem. In each of the directions you can come up with a lot of ideas. It will be much more difficult to implement them. But, as they say, there would be a desire…
