What is ABS plastic

What is ABS plastic
What is ABS plastic

The 21st century pleases us not only with new technologies, but also with new materials for the production of certain parts. Recently, ABS plastic has become widespread. Let's talk about him.

What is ABS?

What is this newfangled material?

abs plastic
abs plastic

This is a plastic that is distinguished by its strength and impact resistance. It got its name from the first letters of the names of its components:

  • Acrylonitrile. Its content in the material can vary from 15% to 35%.
  • Butadiene (from 5% to 30%).
  • Styrene (from 40% to 60%).

ABS plastic is opaque, most often with a yellowish tinge, but it can be dyed in different colors. In addition, sheets can have a different surface: both smooth and embossed. Its heat resistance varies between +110 … +113 degrees Celsius. It is allowed to use the material at temperatures from -40 to +90 degrees.

Advantages and disadvantages of the material

Like any product, plastic of this type has positive and negative properties.

Benefits include:

  • Non-toxicity and safety whenwork.
  • abs plastic sheet
    abs plastic sheet
  • Durability.
  • Recyclable, making the material cost-effective.
  • ABS plastic sheet can be made in different colors.
  • Flexible enough. When bent, it does not break and restores its original shape.
  • The product can be manufactured with maximum precision, which makes it easy to install it (for example, on a car).
  • Paint adheres well to it.
  • With a little heat, it will not deform.
  • ABS plastic, the price of which starts at 400 rubles, is an affordable material. This is especially noticeable when compared with various polyurethanes.

As for the shortcomings (mainly in the automotive industry), they are:

  • Some types of material are subject to destruction under the influence of sunlight. That is why the production of expensive cars in the manufacture of which this plastic was used was discontinued in the United States.
  • It can lose strength and become brittle at temperatures below -10 degrees.
  • If the temperature is above +40 degrees, its surface may become corrugated.

ABS applications

Today this material is widely used in many industries. For example:

  1. When creating smart cards (special cards for metro travel).
  2. abs plastic price
    abs plastic price
  3. For the manufacture of automotive parts of largesize, such as bumpers, instrument panels, grilles.
  4. In the production of vacuum cleaners, coffee makers, telephones.
  5. For the manufacture of industrial batteries.
  6. ABS plastic is also present in sports equipment.
  7. To create sanitary ware and furniture.
  8. This material has found its application in the children's industry. Many toys and construction sets are made from it.
  9. It is also used in new generation 3D printers.
  10. It is often used as a heat resistance additive.

As you can see, ABS plastic rightfully takes the leading position among other materials. Its functionality and weather resistance make it efficient and convenient to use.
