What does the term "good customer service" mean? What do they want and - most importantly - how to offer it to them?

What does the term "good customer service" mean? What do they want and - most importantly - how to offer it to them?
What does the term "good customer service" mean? What do they want and - most importantly - how to offer it to them?

I'm willing to bet that many "salespeople" from the very beginning of their careers have been hammered into the head that the customer is always right. Well, or something like "the client is the person who pays us a salary." Accordingly, the following postulate says: the correct work with clients implies their complete satisfaction and the fulfillment of every whim.

customer service
customer service

Let's take a closer look at how communication with customers, visitors and other similar people actually takes place. What kind of relationship do they have with those who are “on the other side of the barricades”?Perhaps, it may seem to someone that competent work with clients is a system for managing interaction with their customers. Something like Customer Relationship Management. She will remind you when someone has a birthday or Angel Day, you will send flowers by mail or a postcard. So what? But if you ask yourself: does the client really expect this from me? Maybe he's interested in something else? As practice shows, in the struggle between a postcard and a one percent discount, for some reason the discount wins…

Specialist in working with customers
Specialist in working with customers

Now the question is: if the category of citizens in question is so good and, I'm not afraid of the word, ideal, then why does it hire specialists to perform any task? Why buy the offered goods? This means that the client is definitely interested in a particular specialist. That is, we have a situation where both parties to the transaction want to get a certain profit from communicating with each other. Only the first for some reason dreams of getting the maximum, but paying the minimum. And the second - a good customer service specialist - makes every effort to make everything work out exactly the opposite. Both sides are right, and, of course, one cannot blame them for anything.

client management
client management

So it turns out that working with clients is a very difficult job. I know from my own experience that just a couple of phone calls lasting 10-20 minutes each, made before 11 am, can completely unsettle for the rest of the working day. And this is just a conversation with two people. As a result, self-esteem has fallen (within reasonable limits), a somewhat depressed state of mind and a feeling that you have been beaten with bamboo sticks all day. And not only in the head. But all because of what? Because the person who pays the salary should not remain dissatisfied. He is a king, an emperor, a lord (underline as appropriate).

Professional customer service, in fact, involves finding a balance between the two concepts of "customer satisfaction(visitor and so on)" and "get paid for it". The most important thing in this case is not to lose yourself, your “I”, so to speak. Too bad it's not for everyone. Some people generally tend to take everything too personally. Those whose work involves people must understand that customer management is based on three cornerstones: attracting new ones, maintaining existing ones, and retaining dissatisfied ones. Having achieved success in each of the three areas listed above, you yourself will feel how much your work has become desirable and necessary.
