Autonomous non-profit organizations: concept, activities, rights

Autonomous non-profit organizations: concept, activities, rights
Autonomous non-profit organizations: concept, activities, rights

Probably no one will be a secret that all organizations can be divided into commercial and non-commercial. The first are those that are created for the purpose of obtaining benefits. The founders share their profit among themselves in proportion to the contributions in the authorized capital. Accordingly, as the name implies, for non-profit enterprises, income is not the main goal. And it is not distributed among the founders.

autonomous non-profit organizations
autonomous non-profit organizations

Autonomous non-profit organizations are created to provide services in various areas. This includes he alth care, education, physical culture and sports, science, culture, law and a number of other areas of public life. The services provided are predominantly non-commercial in nature. Both individuals and legal entities can act as founders. And their number is not limited by anything. The authorized capital is formed on the basis of contributionsfounders who, after the transfer of their property to the ownership of the organization, lose all rights to it. That is, they completely and completely pass to the newly created legal entity, which can dispose of its property at its own discretion. Accordingly, having decided to leave the enterprise, the founder will not be able to take his part of the authorized capital, as is the case with ordinary firms.

autonomous non-profit organization charter
autonomous non-profit organization charter

Autonomous non-profit organizations are not liable for the debts of their founders. Those, in turn, are not liable for the obligations of the ANO. In the event of financial insolvency, the occurrence of large debts, the organization is liable with all its property: movable and immovable. He may be sanctioned.

As mentioned above, the assistance provided by this type of institution is predominantly non-profit. With regard to the receipt of income and the provision of paid services, that is, the implementation of entrepreneurial activity, it can be carried out only to the extent necessary to achieve the main goals pursued by an autonomous non-profit organization. The charter is the document that regulates its work, determines the organizational and legal form, the tasks pursued, the procedure and methods of management, sources of income. A certain list of activities is subject to mandatory licensing.

Autonomous non-profit organizations are governed by a collegiate supreme body, also determined by the Charter. Moreover, to enter this bodymanagement can not only founders, but also employees.

autonomous non-profit educational organization
autonomous non-profit educational organization

As for the direct application of such an organizational and legal form, the most common in our time is an autonomous non-profit educational organization. Also, according to this principle, private clinics, he alth sections, sports clubs can be organized.

The taxation system has been simplified for them. To prevent founders from abusing their position, autonomous non-profit organizations provide services to them only on a general basis, this is enshrined in law.
