2025 Author: Howard Calhoun | [email protected]. Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:10
The Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund (hereinafter referred to as FFOMS or the Fund) is a state fund created to finance medical care for the population of the Russian Federation. The fund is off-budget, that is, the money for financing is allocated not from the state budget, but from funds received from insurers (citizens and legal entities). FFOMS is a non-commercial legal entity, a financial and credit organization, has an independent balance sheet and its own property.

FFOMS transcript
Let's look at each word in the title. What does it mean and why was it chosen?
- Federal. The Fund is centralized at the federal level, has its own territorial offices in each subject of the Russian Federation, and the basis of its activities are regulated by federal laws.
- Fund. This is a non-profit organization that has its own budget, designed for a specific public and social goal - providing quality free medical care to the population.
- Required. This term means that all citizens of the Russian Federation must be insured without fail. According to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, every citizenhas the right to receive free medical care from the state, and in order to properly organize it, everyone must pay insurance premiums (on their own or through the employer) to the Fund, from which they will then be spent.
- Medical. The main goal of the Foundation is medical care, that is, providing assistance to people who have he alth problems.
- Insurance. This is a special type of economic relations in the state, in which certain insurance premiums are deducted by citizens, accumulated in one place, and, if necessary, issued back to citizens in the form of an insurance amount or insurance service.
Thus, deciphering the FFOMS is not difficult - it is enough to have a general understanding of the terms that are used in the Russian Federation to designate important organizations.

Government regulation
The Fund's activities are regulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation at the federal and regional levels. The main documents on the basis of which the main body and its territorial branches operate are:
- The Constitution of the Russian Federation.
- FZ of November 29, 2010 “On Compulsory Medical Insurance in the Russian Federation.”
- Foundation Charter.
- Resolutions of the Supreme Court "On the procedure for financing compulsory medical insurance of citizens" for each year.
- The Budget Code of the Russian Federation.
- Other legislative acts of the Russian Federation.

Functions of the fund
The main functions of the FFOMS are the tasks that it performs to achieve the main goal of its creation - to provide funding for medical care for citizens. They are enshrined in paragraph 8 of Ch. 6 of the Insurance Law and state that FFOMS:
- Participates in the development of a major free he althcare program.
- Accumulates and manages funds to support the program.
- Equalizes the conditions for securing funding for territorial bodies.
- Controls the activities of territorial bodies and their intended use of financial resources under the program.
- Controls the observance by insurance subjects of the conditions for the use of funds under the program and their mandatory contributions.
- Has the right to accrue and collect from insurers (individuals and legal entities) arrears, fines and pen alties that are directed to provide medical care to unemployed persons.
- Maintains its own reporting, establishes its forms, determines the accounting procedure, issues regulatory legal acts, forms of documents and issues the necessary instructions within its authority.
- Maintains unified registers of organizations providing medical care and medical insurance, registers of quality experts and insured citizens.
- Performs other functions within its authority.

CMI policy
The main document issued by the Foundationcompulsory medical insurance and according to which a citizen of the Russian Federation has the right to receive free qualified medical care, is a policy.
The policy can be obtained from the territorial bodies of the FFOMS or from commercial organizations to which the Fund has delegated its authority to issue policies (he alth insurance companies).
To apply to the territorial body of the MHIF (or to those organizations that have been given the necessary insurance powers), only a passport is needed, when applying for a policy for a child, you must also provide a birth certificate. After receiving the application, employees issue a temporary certificate (for a period of 1 month), which allows you to use all the services under the policy until it is actually received.
What makes up the fund's budget
In order to understand what the fund's budget consists of, you need to remember what the abbreviation stands for. FFOMS receives funds from the so-called social contributions, which are paid to the Pension Fund and amount to 22% for 2014 (of the annual salary within 624 thousand rubles). The FFOMS tax is 5.1% of this amount. If the annual amount of income exceeds 624 thousand rubles, then the contribution from subsequent amounts to the Pension Fund is 10%, and only 3.7% is deducted to the FFOMS.
In addition, there are certain categories of organizations for which reduced rates of insurance premiums are set.
The tax is paid to the Pension Fund quarterly or monthly, depending on the form of organization and taxation system(UTII or Simplified).

Thus, the decoding of the FFOMS is quite accessible and understandable to all citizens of Russia, because we all apply for medical services under the MHI policy and pay taxes to replenish the Fund's budget.
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