Business ideas from Europe: concept, specification, fresh ideas, minimum investment, reviews, testimonials and tips

Business ideas from Europe: concept, specification, fresh ideas, minimum investment, reviews, testimonials and tips
Business ideas from Europe: concept, specification, fresh ideas, minimum investment, reviews, testimonials and tips

Business in European countries is much more developed than in Russia. Every now and then there are new ideas and companies that offer consumers innovative products. Not all business ideas from Europe can be applied in Russia: the difference in mentality and legal framework affects. But this article contains the best and most interesting case studies that can help you create a unique business.

Business in Europe and Russia

Every entrepreneur dreams of starting a business in an unoccupied niche or gaining some immediate competitive advantage that will help them recoup their investment faster. It is quite possible to do this if you produce a product with a twist that will compare favorably with the rest and attract the attention of buyers. There are many successful ideas in the European business sphere that can be applied on the territory of Russia. But in this case, you need to understand what is the difference between a business inEurope and Russia, in order to be able to correctly level the differences:

business ideas usa and europe
business ideas usa and europe
  1. European business aims not only at its own profit, but also at the benefit of society. Businessmen believe that the most successful is the one who managed to combine these two factors in one business. The most popular now are environmental startups and various social projects.
  2. Business etiquette. In Europe, there are many different cultures and nationalities that have their own ideas about doing business. But in general, Europeans are much more punctual and obligatory, and also try to keep agreements. The most responsible are the Swedes and the Irish.
  3. Less corruption. Of course, in Europe they give bribes, but the scale of corruption is much less than in Russia. Thanks to this, only really viable and relevant projects make their way to the market.
  4. Transparency - all reports of large companies in Europe can be found on the Internet, so that buyers and partners can follow the development of the project. In this way, greater honesty is achieved in relation to the clients of the firm.

More recently, Russian business was considered criminal and shady. But now in large cities of Russia there are more and more young brands that aim at honest profit and the development of their country. Over the past five years, many Russian social and environmental projects have appeared: the Spasibo store, Nochlezhka, Season Market and others. But there are still many business ideas that are waiting for theirhours to implement.

Hygge shop

Sale of various accessories and items for the home is one of the most popular business ideas in Europe. These products can be inexpensively purchased in China or even made by yourself. The very word "hygge" means comfort and symbolizes the escape from the hustle and bustle and problems within the walls of your home. This comfort can be achieved in different ways, but the general principle is the same - a person surrounds himself with things and objects that are dear to him and symbolize something pleasant and relaxing. It can be candles, beautiful textiles, comfortable and comfortable furniture, lamps with yellow light. The concept of a hygge interior includes the following principles:

  • comfortable and soft sofa, a large chair that you can climb into with your feet;
  • large cups to sip your favorite drink at leisure;
  • various natural bathroom fragrances (candles, foam products);
  • pleasant books to relax;
  • plaids, pillows and other products that give a pleasant tactile sensation and warmth.
small business in europe ideas
small business in europe ideas

Since a hygge interior involves decorating with inexpensive items, with a little skill and experience, you can easily learn how to make products yourself. If you are afraid of big expenses, then for a start, the reviews recommend creating an online store on a free online platform that will save you a lot. Then it's up to you - a little advertising and participation in various handmade fairs will speed upprocess. Selling leisure and relaxation products is a good business idea from Europe with minimal investment.

Printing products on a 3D printer

Recently, 3D printing on a printer seemed like something fantastic. Now, such products are not so expensive, but they allow you to reproduce almost any model that has a detailed drawing. The most popular are various small plastic components, souvenirs, as well as various figurines. Here are some business ideas from Europe that allow you to make money by printing figurines with a 3D printer:

  • City Favors - A 3D printer can easily print hundreds of miniature architectural symbols that are sure to be in demand by tourists.
  • Collectible figures in the form of famous characters from comics and movies will appeal to collectors and fans. To implement this case, you need to purchase a good 3D printer with high detail.
  • With the help of 3D technology, high-quality toys and puzzles can be made that can entertain adults and children on the road.

According to reviews, to open such a business, you will need about 300 thousand investments, and the monthly profit, subject to full workload, will be about 140 thousand rubles. Thus, the business will pay for itself in just a few months.

Tactile mattress

What are the latest business ideas in Europe in the field of medicine? More recently, specialdevices for premature babies. Tactile mattresses, which are placed in the incubator for newborns, are able to transmit the heartbeat and warmth of the mother of the child. Thus, the intrauterine environment is reproduced, which is necessary for the baby for full development. According to recent studies, the touch and warmth of the mother is vital for the baby: they help to cope with stress, establish life processes and feel safe. Unfortunately, premature babies cannot be taken out of a special incubator, as it provides optimal temperature and oxygen supply.

Babybe's special device consists of several parts: one of them is attached to the mother's chest, allowing you to read her breathing and heartbeat, and the other is a soft mattress. It is made of a material that is as close as possible in sensations to human skin. The mattress transmits information received from the receiver through sounds and small vibrations. This business idea from Europe has received a great response from mothers around the world as it helps keep the most vulnerable patients he althy.

Robot toy for dogs

Pets have long been not just human friends, but real family members. They, like little children, need constant attention. But what about those owners who have to work hard and cannot spend all day with their pets? Resourceful European dog breeders have come up with a solution - this is a special CleverPet robot, which is able not only to keep the four-legged, but also to teach him somethingnew. The CleverPet is a small device with three indicator lights and a depression in the middle. The dog must alternately press all the lights that light up in order to achieve the same color for all three lights. After that, a lid opens in the middle of the robot, under which a small amount of food is hidden as a reward. In addition, the robot is equipped with a camera that allows owners to watch their pets online. Such a device costs $250, but with some technical skills, you can make it yourself. And in general, long-playing toys for animals, according to reviews, are in increasing demand both in Europe and in Russia.

business idea robot for dogs
business idea robot for dogs

Virtual Reality

Among the interesting business ideas from Europe are virtual reality glasses that help diversify your leisure time and get new sensations without leaving your home or even getting up from the couch. For example, the new development of LiveLike Vr allows fans to watch the broadcast from the stadium and even virtually attend the game next to their friends. You need to use the device together with Samsung TVs that broadcast matches and games in a special format. With the help of virtual reality glasses, you can also organize your own attraction. To develop this business idea, you will also need a manipulator and a computer with a powerful video card, as well as a place with high traffic. For a month on the attraction, you can earn from 40 to 100 thousand rubles, and the initial costs will be about 300thousand rubles.

In addition, similar products can be installed in various time cafes, which can be used to visualize computer games or for movie screenings. These are just a few examples of how VR goggles can be used.

Vending machines with unusual "stuffing"

Vending machines with food and drinks have long become a familiar reality for residents of big cities. They are installed in hospitals, educational institutions, government agencies. You can buy a light snack or a drink in them. But recent polls show that people are unhappy with their content. There are more and more supporters of a he althy lifestyle, and chocolates and bars clearly do not contribute to an increase in life expectancy and he alth. Therefore, a fresh business idea from Europe has recently appeared, which suggests using salads and other he althy products as "filler" for vending machines.

The main task is to find a place where there will be enough adherents of a he althy lifestyle. Reviews consider a small fitness club or university to be an ideal point for placing a machine. The machine must be kept at a low temperature so that the food does not spoil, and, of course, you need to monitor their freshness. The cost of this business idea from Europe will not be very large: a vending machine costs about 150 thousand rubles, and renting a place will cost only 5-10 thousand a month.

top business ideas europe
top business ideas europe

Table for standing work

Every yearthere are more and more freelancers all over the world - people working from home. Like office workers, they often have to spend the whole day at the computer in a sitting position, which negatively affects the spine and he alth in general. A new business idea from Europe with minimal investment is to sell a special folding table. When folded, it plays the role of a small stand for a computer. But if you get tired of sitting and want to work standing up, it will effortlessly allow you to raise the laptop to the level of your eyes.

The folding table can be purchased from foreign sites or designed by yourself. Its initial low cost allows you to quickly recoup the costs, while not renting any premises. For buyers, it only benefits, because osteochondrosis and scoliosis can develop from sedentary work, and these diseases cannot be called pleasant. In addition, these folding tables are very compact and do not take up much space in the apartment.

Fitball chairs

Continuing the topic of he alth, one cannot but touch upon another important piece of furniture in the office: a chair. What kind of innovative chairs have not been invented in order to remove the load from the backs of office workers. But they are all quite expensive, and not everyone can afford them. But recently, a new idea from Europe for small businesses has appeared on the market. This is a special stand that has the shape of a chair. In its center there is a recess in which the fitball is placed. Such a chair looks rather unusual, but combines utility and convenience. Thanks to a smallthe instability that you experience while sitting on a fitball, the back muscles are trained. Small fluctuations also help not to sit for a long time in one position and constantly change posture. The fitball chair can be a real salvation for the owners of a sore back. It is best to sell such a product in specialized orthopedic stores.

fitball chair
fitball chair

Fancy fitness

Ordinary fitness clubs gradually cease to attract people. The repetition of the same type of movements does not stimulate to go in for sports, so people are looking for something that can captivate them and help them maintain an active lifestyle. Among the interesting business ideas in Europe are the following:

  • EMS training is gaining more and more popularity in Russia. Classes are held in special simulators that increase the load on the muscles and allow you to spend only fifteen minutes instead of an hour.
  • Punk rock aerobics. If you have ever attended concerts, you could not help but notice how much energy is spent during them. The creators of this trend understood this and now use jumping and loud music for fitness training, thereby proving that doing sports is not only useful, but also fun.
  • Anti-gravity yoga is a hammock workout. Performing asanas while hanging in the air turns out to be much more exciting for many. This type of yoga promotes muscle stretching, body strengthening and relaxation.
  • Fitness class on jumper springs is suitable for those who are tired of the usual skates and bicycles. You just need to buy the necessary equipment, andattention to your fitness project is guaranteed.
business ideas from europe
business ideas from europe

Baking gluten-free

More and more pastry shops and bakeries are opening in cities. They are in demand, because who can walk past the door, from which comes the fragrant smell of fresh pastries and coffee? However, due to the many competitors, the threshold for entering this niche is quite high. But there is a way out - you just need to give your project a special twist. From the top business ideas in Europe, you can get the necessary information and create, for example, a bakery that specializes in gluten-free pastries. Gluten is a sticky substance found in wheat and some grains (rye, barley, oats). It affects digestion and, according to recent studies, accelerates aging and causes a number of negative changes in the body. Therefore, the so-called gluten-free diet, which implies the rejection of traditional flour products, is becoming increasingly popular.

Fresh business ideas from Europe
Fresh business ideas from Europe

Bakeries that support "clean" food, in which harmful ingredients are minimized, would certainly be popular among residents of big cities. As for any other cafe, for business success, reviews recommend conducting a study of the target audience and choosing a place with high traffic.


Business ideas from the US and Europe can help those who are not sure what they want to do and are looking for fresh cases for their business. The main thing is to choose wisely and be able to adapt Westernideas for the modern Russian market.
