Open a passbook in Sberbank: step by step description, documents and reviews

Open a passbook in Sberbank: step by step description, documents and reviews
Open a passbook in Sberbank: step by step description, documents and reviews

Savings books have firmly entered the everyday life of our compatriots, despite the variety of banking services. With the help of a passbook, citizens can store money or exchange finances between people and organizations. The passbook is a stable and reliable way to manage money. How to open a passbook in Sberbank and what methods exist, this article will tell.

What is a passbook

Savings book is a special financial document, which is a form of strict accountability. The passbook is used to fix transactions on the client's account. Each client who opened a savings account with Sberbank was given a similar document. Now savings books have not lost their relevance, so they are issued as a supplement to open accounts. As a rule, such documents are used by citizens who receive compensation and other payments, as well as pensioners.

How to apply?

Many customers are interested in whether it is possible to open a savings book in Sberbank,since the banking organization announced their gradual abolition. The bank claims that the existence of passbooks was justified when there were no remote channels of communication with the bank. However, there is no reliable information on this issue, so savings books continue to be in demand among the population. Therefore, if we talk about whether it is now possible to open a savings bank account at Sberbank, then customers should not doubt the legitimacy and legality of this action. Savings books have proven themselves exclusively on the positive side, so they will always be in demand by the population.

Conclusion of an agreement
Conclusion of an agreement

In order to open a passbook at Sberbank, you need to contact the nearest branch of a banking organization. The client must inform the bank specialist about his intention to have a passbook and about the purposes of its execution. You should also indicate which individual or organization will make the accruals. The bank employee will select the most suitable financial product.

What is needed for registration

The client can open a savings bank account only by visiting a banking organization in person. For registration of this service, the client concludes an agreement with a financial institution. The client needs to have a passport and a small amount for the first installment in the amount of 10 rubles.

Registration procedure
Registration procedure

Many people who are interested in how much it costs to open a savings bank account should know that this procedure is free. It is only necessary to enterthe initial amount that will be on the passbook. This amount is the minimum balance that is kept in the account until the account is closed. The savings book has an unlimited validity period. The document belongs to the category of securities, which is filled in according to the established pattern. Also, this document confirms all operations performed on the account.

Issuance procedure

It is possible to open a passbook in Sberbank for an individual in any branch. The client needs to receive a coupon with an individual number if the bank branch uses an electronic queue system. In case of difficulties with obtaining a coupon, the client can contact the bank employees. At the appointment with a specialist, you must present a coupon and an identity document. After that, the bank employee will offer the client to read the contract.

Registration of a passbook
Registration of a passbook

One copy of the contract will be kept in a banking organization, and the other client receives in his hands. After signing the contract, the client will need to deposit a minimum amount into the account. As a rule, the first payment can be accepted by a specialist. In some subdivisions, funds are deposited through the bank's cash desk. The savings book records the date and amount of the contribution. If the passbook is issued in order to receive social benefits, you should ask the specialist for account details. Bank employees will answer all your questions, as well as help with filling in the necessary documents. Clients should check the data entered into the contract forerrors.

Balance check

The client can control the account status in the following ways:

  • online account;
  • personal visit to the bank branch.

During a personal visit, a specialist will provide full information about the state of the account. However, the Internet service is the easiest and easiest way to check the balance. The user can use the services of the online account anywhere if he has an electronic device and access to the Internet. On the personal page you can see all the transfers and the amount of savings.

Withdraw money

The client can withdraw funds only at a branch of a banking organization. You must first come to an appointment with a bank employee who will form the postings for the issuance of cash. Then the specialist will provide the client with a coupon indicating the last name and first name, as well as the amount to be received.

Saving money
Saving money

This document must be presented to the cashier who deals with cash transactions. You must have a passport with you, as a bank employee will identify the client by it. You can also use self-service machines. In this case, the client will need to issue and attach a plastic card to the account. The user can transfer funds to the card using a personal account or through an ATM. Connecting Internet banking entails certain financial costs, however, it will greatly facilitate the conduct of various operations withaccount.

Advantages and disadvantages of passbooks

A document like a passbook gives citizens a sense of security, as it is associated with a reliable state structure. A bank card does not provide an opportunity to see completed transactions, while a passbook clearly shows the movement of funds. Regardless of the type of transactions performed, the passbook reflects all the entries that are recorded by the teller. Among the shortcomings, one can single out the inconvenience of using this document. This is due to the fact that in order to complete the operation, you must personally visit the office of a banking organization and have a passport with you.

What is the interest on the passbook

Depending on the type of deposit, the interest rate is determined. Also, the percentage directly depends on the amount deposited and the duration of the deposit. The opportunity to open a savings bank account at interest is available to any client of this organization.

Storage of funds
Storage of funds

Retirees are set maximum interest rates, regardless of the size of the deposit. A passbook is issued for a specific deposit and is linked to its conditions.

Passbook operations

Bank specialist performs operations only when the client provides a passport. The passbook contains a table that is located on all sheets (except the first one). The document contains information about the date of the operation, expenses, cash receipts, as well as the final balance, which is displayed by calculation.

Conclusion of an agreement forregistration of a passbook
Conclusion of an agreement forregistration of a passbook

Produced operations are confirmed by a memorial order of a banking organization. The client can withdraw funds only at the branch of the bank where the passbook was opened. If there is a need for remote withdrawal of funds, you must make a request to the bank branch at the place of residence.

How to open a savings bank account for a child

A passbook is a type of bank deposit. Many parents open a deposit in the name of their children. Such a manifestation of care gained popularity back in the USSR, when grandparents issued savings books for their grandchildren. Such a contribution ensures the protection of the child from possible financial difficulties and a successful start in life. Before opening a deposit, you must carefully study the savings program of a banking organization. Most banks provide customers with the opportunity to open a savings bank account for a relative or any other person. Therefore, parents can easily open a deposit in the name of their children.

Simple checkout procedure
Simple checkout procedure

Clients can open a savings bank account for an individual whose name is specified in the agreement. It is not possible to open an account in the name of two or more persons. The depositor can issue a power of attorney to replenish the account, receive funds and perform other operations on the account. This document is drawn up in accordance with the established form.

Varieties of accounts

Sberbank offers the following types of accounts: deposits, current accounts and card accounts. Cash on deposit can be placed for a strictly defined period. With a certain frequency, interest will accrue on the amount of the balance. Their size directly depends on the specifics of the banking offer. You can open a deposit through an online account or during a personal visit to a banking organization.

Varieties of accounts
Varieties of accounts

Checking accounts are suitable for holding cash for a short period of time. As a rule, they are used for transfers of large amounts or for large transactions related to the purchase of a car or real estate. To open, you must contact the office of a banking organization. Clients should be aware that funds held in this type of account do not accrue interest.

Using a card account, the owner can independently manage financial resources. Also, the client can make any transactions without visiting the bank office. Such accounts are used to withdraw cash, make purchases, pay for services and other household needs. Any of the presented accounts is tied to a savings book or a plastic card. With the help of a passbook, a client can manage only one deposit. Using a plastic card, you can make many transactions and link several banking products to your account.

Customer Reviews

Many Sberbank customers report that it is difficult to withdraw money from a savings book, because it is necessary to visit the bank office. Among the positive aspects, customers highlight the efficiency of making andreceiving funds from the account. Also, the passbook is a visual document that provides information on all transactions.

Also, clients note that there is no need to request additional documents with a passbook, since the pages display all the data certified by the teller. Some reviews say that the passbook significantly limits the possibilities in its use. Users report that in order to carry out a transaction, it is necessary to have not only a passbook, but also a passport with you.


The current legislation recognizes savings books as one of the forms of the bank deposit agreement. Many customers are wondering if Sberbank is opening savings books today. In the near future, the existing rules for the circulation of passbooks and registration of deposits will be revised. Savings books do not lose their popularity among customers, despite the significant expansion of the banking product line.
