Sberbank deposits: review of the best offers

Sberbank deposits: review of the best offers
Sberbank deposits: review of the best offers

In the article, we will consider deposits for individuals in Sberbank.

Sberbank of Russia, whose wide product line contains several options for deposits for individuals, offers to profitably place funds using one of the programs. When investing savings in the amount of up to 1.4 million rubles. a full money-back guarantee is provided, as the bank is included in the list of participants in the mandatory deposit insurance system.

deposits for individuals
deposits for individuals

This financial institution is by far the leader in terms of the number of deposits that are opened by the population, largely due to the trust, habit and support of the state. Many commercial banks offer higher interest rates. However, despite this, more and more customers trust Sberbank. They consider it the most reliable, offering interesting products.

Deposits in Sberbank are of several varieties and may differ in the term for whichagreement, conditions for replenishing deposit accounts and closing accounts. In addition, the organization regularly expands the number of offers for its permanent depositors who are pensioners - they open deposits on preferential terms with more favorable interest rates.

Naturally, the main advantage is the presence of branches throughout the country, and all the necessary financial transactions with the bank can be carried out in any locality where there are no branches of many commercial banks.

There are deposits in Sberbank that can be replenished by bank transfer, in which case the funds are transferred directly to the account - it is quite convenient for paying salaries and pensions. Below is an overview of the best deals.

savings bank deposit
savings bank deposit


This deposit is characterized by high interest rates. Deposits are accepted here in US dollars, euros and rubles. The minimum deposit amount is 300 euros or US dollars and 1000 rubles. Full or partial withdrawal of the deposit is not provided. Interest is accrued at the end of the initial term, but in some cases this can happen monthly, from the moment the deposit is opened. Here the choice is given to the client. Depending on the investment period and the amount of initial contributions, the annual rate can be up to 5.15%. The term of the deposit is from one month to three years. Many customers consider such a deposit at Sberbank to be very profitable.

Contribution "Manage"

This deposit is characterized bythe fact that it can be constantly replenished and partially withdrawn financial resources up to the level of the minimum balance. Deposits are accepted in euros, rubles and US dollars. Accordingly, the minimum investment amount will be one that directly depends on the currency, and in rubles it is 30,000, in dollars and euros - 1000. Depending on the minimum balance and term, the interest rate on a Sberbank deposit can be up to 4.4%. The term of the deposit is from 3 months to 3 years. Interest is accrued both at the end of such a period and at the end of each of the three-month periods.

What other deposits for individuals are available in Sberbank?

Top up

This deposit provides for an increase in the interest rate and suggests the possibility of replenishment. Deposits are accepted in euros, rubles and dollars - the minimum rate in this case is 300 in dollars and euros and 1000 in rubles. Here partial withdrawal of money is not possible. Depending on the term of the investment and the level of the down payment, interest rates can reach up to 4.7%. The deposit can be made for a period of 3 months to 3 years. Interest is calculated at the end of the principal term or monthly.

Sberbank of Russia deposits
Sberbank of Russia deposits

Deposit "Record"

Money on such a deposit in Sberbank is accepted only in rubles. The initial contribution (minimum) is 50,000 rubles. Depending on the term of the agreement, the interest rate on a deposit with Sberbank is 6.50-7.15%. In this case, partial withdrawal is not provided, as well as there is no possibility to replenish the main amount of money. Deadline forwhich you can open this deposit is from 7 months to 1.5 years. Interest amounts are accrued after the deposit expires.

What ruble deposits at Sberbank are interesting to many.

Social contribution

This deposit is for children left without parental care and WWII veterans/disabled. The deposit can be opened exclusively in Russian currency, the minimum initial contribution is a sum of money in the amount of 1 ruble. The maximum deposit term is three years.

The interest rate on this deposit at Sberbank can reach up to 4.25%.

Sberbank deposits in rubles
Sberbank deposits in rubles

To make a deposit in the name of an orphan child, his legal representative must present an act of the guardianship and guardianship authority. If the deposit is opened by a veteran/disabled person of the Great Patriotic War, a certificate of a veteran of the Great Patriotic War/certificate of a disabled person of the Great Patriotic War will be required. The deposit is replenished, with partial withdrawal. Interest is calculated quarterly. They are added to the deposit amount. Accrued interest can be withdrawn.

Very often they want to open a deposit for a year in Sberbank. What contribution could this be?

Give Life

If a client decides to invest his money in this deposit, he automatically becomes a participant in a charity event called "Give Life". The minimum level of such an investment is 10,000 rubles. The term of the agreement is 1 year. Interest is calculated both at the end of the term and every three months. Interest rates - within 5.05% per annum. Replenishment and partial withdrawal of funds in this deposit is not provided.

The specifics of such a program is that part of the interest (approximately 0.3%) is credited to the current account of the "Give Life" program. The deposit is suitable for people who would like a part of their income to go to help others.

Deposit "On Demand"

This deposit allows you to make a variety of debit transactions. Money can be credited to the current account in euros, rubles, US dollars and other currencies. The term of investment has no restrictions. In such a case, the interest rate is 0.01%. It is allowed to withdraw funds partially and replenish the account. Interest is calculated quarterly and upon closing the deposit.

Sberbank deposits for individuals
Sberbank deposits for individuals

Deposit "Universal"

This deposit of the Savings Bank of Russia is characterized by the possibility of conducting various monetary transactions on the account and a long term. The deposit is accepted in euros, dollars, Japanese yens, rubles, Singaporean, Australian, Canadian dollars, Swedish and Norwegian kroner and other currencies. The deposit agreement is concluded for 5 years. Interest is calculated at the end of the investment period and quarterly. Interest rate - 0.01%. You can withdraw money in parts and replenish your current account at any time.

Although the interest rates on these deposits are not very high, Sberbank is reliable. This property is usually and attracts many contributors. However, do not forget that this financial institution has alternatives that often offer higher interest rates.

What Sberbank deposits are for pensioners?

Pension Plus deposit

This is a deposit for individuals to generate income for pension payments. It is intended for people who receive a pension, departments and ministries that provide pensions, as well as from non-state pension funds. It is possible to replenish the account and withdraw funds without loss of interest, some preferential conditions are provided for early termination of the deposit agreement. The only disadvantage of the Sberbank deposit for pensioners is the low interest rate, which is only 3.5% per annum. Such a deposit is opened for three years, interest is calculated quarterly. Capitalization of the deposit is provided, that is, interest is added to the main amount, increasing income in the following periods.

Sberbank deposits for pensioners
Sberbank deposits for pensioners

Who can open a deposit?

Concluding an agreement to open a deposit account is a fairly simple procedure and does not take much time. All that is needed is a certain list of documents and a minimum amount of money.

Any person over the age of 18 can open a deposit in Sberbank of Russia. The opening procedure involves several steps:

  • notifying an employee of the intention to make a deposit;
  • employee acquaints client with additional information;
  • entering customer data into the information base, printing all the necessary papers;
  • acquaintance with the contract, signing it.
  • Sberbank deposit rates
    Sberbank deposit rates

Documents required to open a deposit account

The following documents are required:

  • passport;
  • TIN;
  • military ID (if necessary) or pension certificate (if a pensioner makes a contribution);
  • migration card (for those who are not Russian citizens).

Opening a deposit won't take long.
