2025 Author: Howard Calhoun | [email protected]. Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:10
The tax on a privatized apartment is a payment that interests many citizens. It plays a huge role for the population. Citizens are trying to find out as much information as possible about how to detect apartment tax arrears, as well as how to pay for it. In fact, it is not so difficult to understand all this. What do you need to know about taxes on an apartment in Russia? What features of the process are they paying attention to?
To begin with, you should pay attention to what constitutes a tax on a privatized apartment. This is an annual mandatory payment that all property owners are required to pay. Called property tax.

It is charged for the property of the following type:
- apartment;
- room;
- house;
- dacha;
- building;
- shares in said property.
In Russia, since 2016, new rules for calculating tax, as well as warning the population about debt, have been in force. But a little about themlater. First, it is worth paying attention to a few fairly common issues related to property tax. Which ones?
Taxation on sales
For example, is a privatized apartment subject to sales tax? This question worries both sellers and buyers. The answer is not as difficult as it seems.
The thing is that in this situation you will have to pay several taxes, but not on an ongoing basis. The first is property. From now on, it will be paid by the buyer after registration of real estate in the property. The accrual and payment procedure is exactly the same as before the sale of the apartment. That is, the payment is annual "character".

Is a privatized apartment subject to sales tax? Yes. And in addition to property recovery, you will have to pay another tax fee. But the seller will already do it. It's about income tax. He in Russia is 13% of the funds received. It is paid only 1 time from each income. Is a privatized apartment taxable? Yes, and several.
Accrual rules
It is also worth paying attention to the fact that in Russia, from 2016, citizens will pay property tax according to new calculations. Which one exactly? How is the tax on a privatized apartment calculated?
The thing is that from now on the cadastral value of real estate will be taken into account in the calculations. That is, in different regions of the country, apartments of the same size will bedemand payment of various amounts of money.
In order not to understand the principles of calculation for a long time, taxpayers are advised to use a special calculator. It is on the website of the FTS. For example, you can try out services:
- nalog.ru/rn33/service/nalog_calc (rn33 needs to be changed to rn and RF region code);
Here you will have to type information about the property and the owner of the apartment. You can calculate the tax on any property. After the end of automatic calculations, the amount due for payment will appear on the screen. Another way to get information about the amount of tax fees for an apartment is to search for information on a payment slip sent by the tax authorities.

New warning system
It has already been said that from 2016 in Russia, taxpayers will be notified of the need to pay taxes for apartments under the new system. How exactly? From now on, the country provides for 3 types of information.
Among them are:
- Standard way. The tax on a privatized apartment will be sent to the home address by mail. It is expressed by a payment receipt.
- Personal announcement. Every citizen has the right to apply to the tax office at the location of the property with an official request for debts. Usually employees of the Federal Tax Service print out the payment and give it to the owner.
- Virtual information. A new way to alert the public. It is used when a citizenthere is a profile on the portal "Gosuslugi". In this case, the payment will come in a letter through the site in electronic form.
As practice shows, while there is no personal account on "State Services", a standard notification of a citizen is used. Is tax paid on a privatized apartment? Yes, it is charged annually to all property owners. And what if the payment still hasn't arrived?

No receipt
There are several scenarios here. The thing is that payment orders in Russia for property are sent no later than 30 days before the tax payment deadline expires. Usually, receipts for an apartment are sent out in September-October. In 2016, property tax must be paid by December 1 inclusive. Accordingly, until the beginning of November, you can safely wait for the payment.
And if the tax on a privatized apartment does not come, what should I do? To begin with, remember whether a citizen has an account on the State Services portal. If yes, then you do not need to wait for the payment by mail. She won't come. Instead, it is recommended to check the profile in the portal. There must be an electronic receipt.
As an option - you can call the regional Federal Tax Service and find out why the receipt did not come. Or personally go to the tax office. In the second option, a receipt is usually issued on the spot. In any case, there is no need to panic before the beginning of November.
About benefits
Another nuance is property tax benefits. Manythey are interested in what happened to them due to recent changes in legislation. Fortunately, nothing. The tax on a privatized apartment for pensioners and other beneficiaries has been fully preserved.
It must be taken into account that benefits are not provided for property that costs more than 300,000,000 rubles. In all other cases, deductions are due to reduce the amount of tax fees for existing property.
The benefit for pensioners is provided as a reduction in the cadastral value of real estate by a certain indicator. For apartments, this is a deduction of 20 square meters.
To make it clear, we can consider the situation with an example. The apartment of 50 square meters belongs to a pensioner. Then the tax will be calculated from the amount of the cadastral value of the apartment in 30 "squares". That is, suppose not from 500,000 rubles (if 1 square meter costs 10,000 rubles), but from 300,000.

Bank assistance
Now you can find out how to pay property tax. As already mentioned, there are a lot of options. Each citizen chooses the method of payment. Suppose that the tax inspectorate sent a tax on a privatized apartment by mail. What's next?
You need to pay the receipt. The first and most popular way among the population is to contact the bank. For example, in Sberbank. A citizen must take an identity card and a receipt with money with him, then come to the bank's cash desk, present documents and money. Afterverification of information, a bank employee will have to transfer money to the account of the Federal Tax Service, and issue a receipt with a payment receipt to the citizen.
However, this is only the first scenario. How to pay tax on a privatized apartment? The next tip is to use an ATM. A very good way for those who prefer cashless payments.
What needs to be done? You will have to follow the proposed algorithm of actions:
- Insert bank plastic into the ATM. Dial PIN code.
- In the machine menu, select "Payments and transfers" (or something like that, the inscriptions may differ) - "Search for a recipient by TIN".
- Next, from the payment receipt, you need to dial the TIN of the recipient's FTS and search for the organization.
- Select the required branch of the tax authorities (if there are several), as well as the type of tax. Following the instructions of the system, you must specify information about the payer and the amount of the tax fee. Sometimes ATMs automatically find the relevant data.
- Check the correctness of data about the payer, recipient, amount and type of tax.
- Confirm payment. For example, in Sberbank, a citizen will receive a confirmation code on their mobile phone.
Payment terminal
How else can I pay tax on a privatized apartment? The next way is to use payment terminals. They are in the Federal Tax Service (not everywhere), and in banks. The principle of operation is exactly the same as when working with ATMs. The only difference is that cash will be used instead of a bank cardmoney.

It is worth paying attention to some payment terminals and ATMs. Sometimes it is enough to bring the payment to a special reader, as all information about the tax will be displayed without additional manipulations. To do this, select the "Search for a recipient by barcode" option.
Portal "Public Services"
Through the portal "Gosuslugi" you can pay taxes. And not only property. It is enough to adhere to some algorithm of actions. A small note - the use of this method is possible only when the citizen has an active profile. Otherwise, it is not recommended to use "Public Services".
You can act as follows:
- Authorize on the website "Gosuslugi".
- In the service search bar, type "Taxes" or "Checking debts of the Federal Tax Service". Next, the required item is selected in the menu that appears.
- When information about the apartment tax debt appears on the screen, you need to click on "Pay".
- Choose the appropriate payment method. Usually a bank card is chosen. In specially designated fields, you need to enter bank plastic data, and then confirm the operation.
- Print or save your tax receipt.
Internet banking
And you can pay the tax on a privatized apartment through Internet banking. For example, through the system"Sberbank Online". How will payment work?

It's simple. Required:
- Log in to your account in the Sberbank Online service.
- In the service search bar, type "Checking tax debts". Select "Search by TIN" or "By last name" there. Depends on how convenient the user is.
- Find the tax payment and click on "Pay".
- In the window that appears, write information about the recipient.
- Check the correctness of the data and confirm the payment. It is recommended to print a payment receipt.
Another payment method is using an electronic wallet. The principle of operation is exactly the same as with Internet banking. The only difference is that in the previously proposed method, money is transferred to the account of the Federal Tax Service instantly. And in the case of using electronic wallets, you will have to wait 2-3 days.
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