If day old chicks appeared on the farm, how to feed the chicks?

If day old chicks appeared on the farm, how to feed the chicks?
If day old chicks appeared on the farm, how to feed the chicks?

Running a household is not easy. It is necessary to be able to properly feed all animals, provide them with proper conditions for living and walking, and, if necessary, provide first aid. And it is also important to know what to do if one or another animal has an heir, whether it is worth helping or better not to interfere in such a situation.

what to feed day old chicks
what to feed day old chicks


Chickens are rather unproblematic poultry, the benefits of which are very many. This is meat, and eggs, and even, if necessary, feathers on pillows. In addition, their offspring are often numerous, about 10-15 chickens from one hen. And here the question may arise: there are day-old chickens on hand, what to feed these little yellow lumps so as not to harm them?

chicken feed
chicken feed


It is worth noting that the earlier the owners begin to feed the chickens with regular food, the better and faster they develop. But if these are still very small, day old chickens, how to feed them in such a situation? First of all, kidsit is necessary to give finely chopped hard-boiled fresh chicken eggs - this is an excellent source of protein for them. Eggs can be replaced with cottage cheese, it is also good for chickens. Be sure to offer chicken children millet, oatmeal, corn, wheat. But all grains must first be ground so that the chicken does not choke. Be sure to remember about the water, it must always be nearby. It’s just important to make sure that no one drowns in the water tank. To do this, you can put an inverted, for example, a cup in a bowl, creating a small safe watering hole. So, day old chicks have grown up, how to feed the older generation? It is worth paying attention to the fact that the more varied the food of a bird, the better it grows and develops. From the third day of life, chickens can be offered fresh greens, their body is already ready to receive such food. It can be finely chopped and mixed with food, or simply hung up so that the chicks can simply peck it on their own. Chicken food may also include fish oil if the young do not have the opportunity to roam. To do this, you need to mix a certain dose with food and serve it with breakfast. By the way, chickens eat about 5-6 times a day.

chicken care at home
chicken care at home


It is worth noting that the chicks can either be near the mother after birth, or placed separately. In any case, the room where the younger generation lives should be warm, dry, well ventilated, without drafts. Also it shouldbe protected from the penetration of animals that can harm: cats, dogs, rats. If these are day old chicks, what to feed - have already figured out, it is worth thinking about the conditions of their living. So, the temperature in their enclosure should be about 30 degrees, then the young animals evenly disperse around the cage and do their own thing. Otherwise, the chickens huddle together for warmth and begin to squeak plaintively. In such situations, you need to get an electronic heating pad and warm the kids with it. Also in their enclosure there should be a place with sand or fine gravel, this is an important moment for the growth and development of young animals.

Vaccination should also be considered. OK it's all over Now. It is worth noting that caring for chickens at home is quite simple, and even children can be entrusted with it.
