Fruit plants: names, photos and descriptions

Fruit plants: names, photos and descriptions
Fruit plants: names, photos and descriptions

The fruits of cultivated plants, of course, are a very valuable food product. Eating them brings great benefits to the human body. In addition to all kinds of vitamins and microelements, the fruits of horticultural crops contain organic acids, carbohydrates, proteins, etc. Not only fresh apples, pears and plums are of great nutritional value. No less useful for he alth are various kinds of winter preparations from fruits. It can be, for example, compotes, juices, jams, preserves.

What fruit plants are grown in gardens: classification and names

There are only three main groups of such crops:

  1. Pome. This variety includes, for example, apples, pears, quinces.
  2. Drupe fruits - cherry, cherry, plum, peach, apricot, etc.
  3. Nut fruits. This group includes, for example, almonds and walnuts.
fruit plants
fruit plants

Also, rare fruit crops are usually singled out as a separate group. This includes, for example, rose hips, lemongrass, sea buckthorn, etc.


Almost all fruit plants are perennials. They reproduce mainly vegetatively. That is - cuttings, layering, root offspring. Of course, some fruit crops can also be propagated by seeds or seeds. However, when planted in this way, plants in this group usually do not retain good varietal qualities.

In most cases, fruit trees require periodic pruning. The main purpose of this procedure is to increase productivity by eliminating the possibility of crown thickening, as well as plant rejuvenation.

Most of these crops begin to bear fruit only a few years after planting. Harvest from plants of this group can most often be obtained only in August - September.

There are both early and late or mid-season varieties of fruit plants. The fruits of the crops of the first variety are most often eaten fresh. Compotes and jams are usually made from mid-season varieties of cherries, apples, pears, etc. Late fruits are often stored fresh or frozen all winter.

fruit plants
fruit plants

Breeding work

Man has been growing fruit crops for a very long time. And for all this time, of course, just a huge number of their most diverse varieties were obtained. Selection work is underway with such crops even today.

In our country, the main task of specialists involved in obtaining new varieties is to increase the yield of plants and their winter hardiness. Also maximum attentionbreeders pay to improve the taste of the fruits themselves. Experts believe that another priority task in breeding new varieties of garden trees and shrubs is to increase their resistance to various diseases. This is especially true of the most common bacterial infection of fruit crops - scab.

How to plant correctly

Distribute fruit and berry plants in the garden in such a way that they in no way shade each other. When choosing a place for planting a particular crop, one should take into account, including its biological characteristics. Some fruit trees grow very tall. Other representatives of this group may have a wide spreading crown.

fruit crop plants
fruit crop plants

When planting fruit crops, the technology prescribed in this particular case should be followed exactly. Pits for such garden plants are usually prepared in advance. Before planting, a certain amount of nutrient soil is poured into them. Most often, this is fatty garden soil, mixed in certain proportions with mineral or organic fertilizers, peat, dolomite flour or lime, etc. Such a nutrient soil is prepared taking into account not only the characteristics of this particular crop, but also the composition of the soil on the site.

Actually, the seedling itself is fixed in the pit with a peg. Then it is filled up to a certain level with the same soil mixture prepared in advance and watered thoroughly.

Things to consider

When choosing a place for fruit plants onsite, among other things, you should pay attention to the level of groundwater. The roots of such crops can penetrate the soil very deeply. Therefore, it is desirable that underground water be located at the landing site as far as possible from ground level. Large fruit trees are usually planted where it is located at a depth of at least 2-3 meters, small ones - 1.5-2 m.

Seed-bearing plants: names and descriptions

The most common crops of this subgroup in our country are, of course, pear and apple. Pome fruit plants usually have a rather spreading crown and a long trunk of medium thickness. The flowers of such garden trees are most often bisexual. They grow on branches not singly, but collected in inflorescences of 4-8 pieces. The color of their petals can be white or pink.

fruit crops plants
fruit crops plants

Pome fruit crops require rather complicated care. Plants of this variety are usually planted by summer residents not too much. Indeed, even 3-4 such trees can occupy a significant part of the suburban area. But at the same time, the harvest from one such fruit plant, in comparison with vegetable and berry crops, can be truly huge.

At first, pome crops bear fruit evenly and regularly. However, in the future, during the formation of already large crops, the crops of this group begin to show periodicity (every year). The peculiarities of fruit pome crops also include the fact that for the most part they are self-fertile. That is, in order toto get a crop of apples, pears or quince, you need to plant not one, but two or three of these trees at the same time.

The fruits of pome crops are used most often fresh. Late-ripening apples and pears can often lie in a cool, dry place even until spring. Also compotes are often made from the fruits of pome crops. Apples and pears are rarely used for jam.

Names and descriptions of stone fruits

A feature of plants of this group is earlier fruiting compared to seed crops. It is not observed in stone fruit and fruitful periodicity. There are two varieties of such garden plants: tree and shrub. Plants of the first group can reach a height of up to 7 meters, the second - 3-4 m.

The most common stone fruit crop in Russia is, of course, cherry. The fruits of this plant usually ripen in late July - early August. They are usually sour in taste. They are used to make compotes, jams, preserves, tinctures.

what fruit plants
what fruit plants

Plum is also a common stone fruit crop in Russia. The fruits of this plant are considered a good laxative. For the winter, they usually prepare only compotes and jam.

Description of nut crops

South of Russia - these are the areas in which such fruit plants are most often grown. The names of many of them are known to almost everyone. But in the central zone of the Russian Federation, of course, nut crops can be found quite rarely. The most prominent representative of this group is the walnut. Also nut crops include hazel, peanuts, pistachios, hazelnuts, cashews, etc.

The fruit of such plants is the core. The latter is usually enclosed in a hard shell. By structure, all nut plants are divided into three main varieties: drupes, real and mixed. All types of crops can be grown in Russia (for example, in the Krasnodar and Stavropol regions). In the first case, the fruit of the plant consists of a fleshy outer pericarp, endocarp (shell) and the actual core. A subgroup of such crops include, for example, almonds and walnuts.

The fruits of the second variety usually also consist of a shell and a kernel. However, in this case, they are always enclosed in a plush (leaf wrapper). Actually, the core of real nuts itself consists of two halves. This group includes hazel and hazelnuts.

fruit plants names
fruit plants names

Uncommon crops: sea buckthorn and wild rose (description)

Some fruit plants are grown by summer residents of our country quite rarely. This is usually due to the high climatic demands of such crops. Also, some plants of this group have been simply undeservedly forgotten by gardeners in the past few decades. The most famous less common crops in our country are wild rose and sea buckthorn. They grow, of course, not in every garden. However, sometimes you can still see them in summer cottages.

varieties of fruit plants
varieties of fruit plants

The fruits of both these crops are mainly used for medicinal purposes only. Rose hipcan be used, for example, to relieve inflammation, improve the function of the gastrointestinal tract, and also as a good diuretic. Sea buckthorn fruits are used as a means of supporting the reproductive system, restoring bowel function, and lowering blood cholesterol levels.
