2025 Author: Howard Calhoun | [email protected]. Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:10
Horses have always been associated with nobility and grace. Since ancient times, these animals have been involved in the economy, horse races and just for riding. They are quite beautiful, smart and cause a lot of positive emotions. Depending on the use of animals, their breeds were also selected. Over the entire existing period of human contact with these wonderful representatives, many varieties have developed, died out and revived again. The exterior features of the horses also underwent changes. The list of breeds that are popular in our country, we propose to consider in this review.
At a Glance
There are approximately 300 different types of horses worldwide. Some standard representatives have been known for a long time, but such a variety as at present has never been observed in horse breeding. The list of horse breeds began to increase significantly from the XVIIIcenturies. All of them differ in their origin, exterior, dimensions, body structure, distribution area, productivity and use in the economy. About 50 groups of these graceful representatives are bred within our country. The review provides a fairly voluminous list of horse breeds with photos of some of them. The illustrations perfectly demonstrate the external features of these animals.

By what criteria is the classification of subspecies
In Russia, horse breeds are divided into local, factory, transitional, taking into account zootechnical characteristics. The first include: forest, steppe, mountain. To the second two groups: draft, heavy, riding, trotting.
Belonging to a particular group is determined by a combination of several characteristics. This can be seen even in the names of representatives, for example: Belarusian harness, horse Ukrainian breed, Oryol trotter. As you can see, the parameters of the animal, its breeding history, scope and abilities are taken into account here.
Individuals are divided according to adaptive capabilities to different climatic zones, and according to the demands for care and maintenance. Based on this, the Altai representatives are not born together with the Akhal-Teke, since they are incompatible in terms of temperature and other environmental conditions.
Characteristics of thoroughbred horses
Despite the fact that among the horses there are applicants for the status of natives, it cannot be said that nothing in their pedigree has beenchanged. In fact, they are close to their ancestors only in terms of distribution area. What, then, is meant by such a concept as purebredness? The word itself means "carefully bred." This means that other breeds are not used to improve the characteristic qualities of animals during their reproduction. In our country, the original name was awarded to purebred riding representatives, bred through rigorous selection.
The distinctive qualities of purebred horse breeds include: strong temperament, that is, excessive playfulness, refined appearance, refined bones, dry constitution, structure inherent in a riding stock. These are the most exquisite and beautiful horses.
The list of thoroughbred horse breeds includes:
- Ahal-Teke;
- Arabic;
- thoroughbred;
- Andalusian.

In addition, the following foreign subspecies are classified as natives:
- Barbary;
- katiwari:
- javanese pony;
- Spanish Anglo-Arabic;
- hydran arabian;
- Marwari;
- step arabian;
- Yomudskaya;
- French English-Arabic.
Let's look at some breeds in more detail.
The horse owes its origin to British breeders. The breed was bred with the participation of oriental stallions and females from the local population. Its characteristic features are an elongated body and decent size. In past centuries, animals were chosen forshow jumping, steeplechase and triathlon. They can be safely attributed to the most beautiful breeds of horses. We can say that against the background of other subspecies, they stand out for their noble exterior. They are easy to train. Individuals are used to refine other varieties.

Tersk stud farm, which breeds the domestic population, offers several types of horses of this breed. Of these, you can choose the right stallion to reproduce half-blooded animals of any subspecies. All representatives differ in the structure of the body and suit. There are four types of mounts:
- Hadban. Horses are distinguished by gray or bay color. Their characteristic features are a light constitution, beautiful posture and tall stature. Animals are obedient, hardy, used mainly in sports.
- Coheilan. Powerful representatives with a wide chest. They have proven themselves as strong horses and runners.
- Siglavi. Tall graceful horses are distinguished by endurance and calmness. They have a gray coat color, relatively low.
- Cohelein-siglavi. Hybrids that incorporate all the characteristics of these varieties. Their coloration is different: brown, bay, gray and red. Hybrid individuals are quite strong and hardworking.

Horse breeds in Russia: list
Let's pay attention to the most popular breeds in our country. These are riding species, which include:
- Budenovsky;
- Terskaya;
- Russian Arab;
- Don.
From draft and universal subspecies, the following are known:
- Orlov trotter;
- Pechora;
- Vyatka;
- Bashkir;
- Transbaikalian;
- Russian Trotter;
- Yakutian;
- Karachai;
- Altai;
- Mezen.

Which subspecies are suitable for the Moscow region?
In the Moscow region, horse breeding specializes in breeding elite horses. All of them are distinguished by high strength, good endurance, unique color and body structure. Let's pay attention to the most popular horses in the Moscow region. List of breeds:
- trakehner;
- Bashkir;
- Frisian;
- Ahal-Teke;
- Hanoverian;
- Arab horses.

Rocks for the Crimea
Industrial, amateur and sports horse breeding is developed on the peninsula. Local farmers are breeding Bashkir representatives and Russian heavyweights, most often for meat. There are mixed subspecies here, which are grown by lovers of these animals for various shows, races and exhibitions.
It is believed that all breeds in the area are descended from wild Scythian individuals. The first were relatively low and were distinguished by a powerful head. The latter are more slender and have a compact skull structure. These representatives were crossed over a long period. Closer to the 20th century, riding horses appeared here. So, what breeds of horses are bred in Crimea? The list of varieties that have been ennobled and carry the blood of the best horses includes:
- Cherkasy;
- Arabic;
- mountain Crimean;
- Scythian;
- wild.

What to consider when choosing an animal?
To choose an animal according to the goals and preferences, it is not enough just to read the list of horse breeds. It is important to carefully study all the characteristic features of a particular species, the history of origin, description of appearance, color. Having information about which representatives the breed was bred with, it will be possible to assume the color of the future offspring. And if they possessed any of the virtues inherent in the natives, it will be possible to hope for the manifestation of similar signs in factory or transitional individuals.
When breeding work with horses, special attention is always paid to their purpose. It would be absurd to have a thoroughbred beauty, and then use it to transport goods, as well as to expect high performance in sports from a weak horse. There are universal varieties that have shown themselves remarkably well both under saddle and in harness. As was noted by horse breeders, friezes can cope with different tasks. This breed is considered universal.
The temperament of individuals is also important. There are horses with a more ardent character, others are friendlier or perseverant, and heavy ones, as a rule,phlegmatic.

Promising varieties
Of all the varieties, the sport breeds are the most popular. They began to dominate others in terms of perspective, after the various mechanized systems began to develop rapidly and the need for exploitation of animals decreased significantly. And the cavalry also lost its essential importance. Since horseback riding has become quite popular, we will focus on the very best representatives suitable for this sport.
- Akhal-Teke. Against the background of other breeds, horses stand out with a long neck, leanness and an elongated body. The characteristic features of the breed include a variety of colors. Animals are graceful and temperaments, retain devotion to their owner. Previously used by nomads when participating in raids.
- Arab horses. They are among the natives, the subspecies was bred in the 4th century. They are famous for the proportional lines of the body, relatively medium-sized. They differ in the special structure of the skeleton; in animals, the profile is somewhat concave. These representatives have been used in breeding for a long time and almost all new breeds carry their blood.
- Hanoverian. This subspecies was bred as a result of crossing other purebred animals. They are distinguished by a calm disposition and an attractive exterior. Horses are characterized by such qualities as endurance and undemanding care.
Riding horses have an excellent memory and are very malleable in education. All of them have beautiful appearance and enjoyvery popular all over the world.
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