Electrician OPS: job description, ranks

Electrician OPS: job description, ranks
Electrician OPS: job description, ranks

Electrician OPS - the name of the speci alty, which means "electrical fire alarm". An employee for this position is required in every company that has installed a fire alarm for itself.

In order to get this job, you must meet professional requirements, as well as have a set of personal qualities that will make the performance of job duties productive and efficient.


In his work, the electrician of the OPS relies on the job description, the legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as the regulations adopted at the enterprise.

The employee reports directly to the management or the director of the organization, depending on the hierarchy in the company.

The job description should contain a list of duties, requirements, rights and responsibilities that are assigned to the employee.

Familiarization with the document occurs at the time of acceptance to the position, as well as in the event of changes to any of the documents.

electrician ops
electrician ops

Electrician can become an employee who hasqualifications corresponding to the Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Works.

Electrician groups

There are five groups into which employees of this position are divided. Each category has its own requirements and obligations related to permits for work with electrical equipment.

The ranks of electricians of the OPS are divided into third, fourth, fifth, sixth. The highest is sixth. For this category of employees, the greatest degree of responsibility is established, their powers are the widest. The third category is the lowest, employees with this category may have a secondary specialized education and bear minimal responsibility due to the simplicity of the assigned work.

work electrician ops
work electrician ops

A more highly qualified electrician should know everything that a lower-level electrician is required to know. This statement is relevant for all digits except the lowest, the seventh.

Necessary knowledge

Each category serves a certain type of equipment, performs its job duties. Depending on the clearance, electricians perform more precise and responsible work or take on smaller duties.

For example, the instruction of an electrician of the third-class OPS requires knowledge from him:

  • device and maintenance equipment technical data rules;
  • the order in which the control and management systems are tested;
  • rules for cabling in boxes, cabinets, boxes andboxes;
  • how detectors are mounted;
  • of the rules for working with the simplest tool that is used when installing signaling equipment on entrusted objects;
  • methods by which they are looking for malfunctions in the operation of the alarm system, as well as ways to eliminate them;
  • basics of electrical engineering;
  • of fire safety regulations;
  • instructions according to which the workplace is kept in order;
  • main types of deviations of operating modes from normal;
  • requirements for the use of basic protective equipment;
  • procedure of actions that are aimed at preventing dangerous situations;
  • rules for providing first aid to victims of injury, poisoning or sudden illness;
  • regulations aimed at protecting the environment;
  • internal labor regulations;
  • sanitary, hygiene, he alth and safety regulations.
electrician's manual ops
electrician's manual ops

The personal qualities necessary for work in this position include punctuality, scrupulousness, responsibility, ability to work in difficult conditions.


The job description of the electrician of the OPS entrusts him with the performance of work:

  • repair of signal lines and line maintenance;
  • inspection of cable routes;
  • cleaning contacts and contactors, cords, switches, buttons and other main and auxiliary equipment;
  • laying lines and hanging lines in simple patterns;
  • soldering and installation of branch, connecting and termination couplings;
  • Checking the completed installation using simple instruments;
  • elimination of defects that appeared during the assembly of simple circuits;
  • carrying out maintenance, installation, adjustment, repair of devices;
  • attaching detectors to building structures with screws, staples, dowels;
  • installing tap boxes, laying wires in boxes and building structures;
  • digging special trenches, work on supporting activities;
  • Checking the performance of active and passive detectors and elements of access control and monitoring systems.


Regardless of what category the electrician of the OPS has, he has the right to:

  • providing him with personal protective equipment, the necessary tools and materials, a workplace equipped according to his needs;
  • creating a comfortable working environment and conditions that comply with labor protection standards;
  • informing direct management about the shortcomings that are identified in the activities of the company within its responsibilities;
  • making suggestions for correcting the problems found.
ranks of electricians ops
ranks of electricians ops


Electrician OPS is responsible for the performance of their direct duties. In addition, in his activities he is responsible for:

  • improper performance or failure to perform work thatlisted in job description;
  • non-compliance with the rules of he alth and safety, internal regulations, fire safety;
  • violation of the safety of the material and technical assets entrusted to him;
  • causing material damage to the organization, in this paragraph, liability is determined within the framework of the current legislation.


Working as an electrician in the OPS provides for a high level of responsibility. Employees in different regions of the country can expect different levels of wages. However, most often for this position, the level of payment is set from 15,000 rubles.

electrician job description ops
electrician job description ops

If there is a vacancy in a large company, the candidate needs to understand that he will be responsible for the system that protects a large number of people.
