Job description of an electrician: duties, rights, responsibility

Job description of an electrician: duties, rights, responsibility
Job description of an electrician: duties, rights, responsibility

Since the advent of electricity and devices powered by electricity, the profession of an electrician is very popular and widespread. Now people who have received the education of an electrician can easily find a job. In the labor market, such work is in great demand. More detailed information about the functions, rights and responsibilities is contained in the job description of an electrician.

electrician approval group
electrician approval group


Such a specialist is a technical worker. To get this job, he needs to complete primary education with vocational training and the fourth category of clearance. In addition, employers may require at least a year of work experience.

A person with a complete professional education can get a job, while he will need an electrician's certificate, but there will be no requirements for work experience. An employee can be hired or fired from it only by order of the CEO of the organization. He will be directly subordinate to the foreman of the site or the head of the department, depending on the scale and operations.


To get this job and an electrician's certificate, an employee must have certain knowledge and skills, including the organization of repair work on electrical equipment and their technology. In addition, he must know by what method the wires are laid, what methods exist for carrying out this operation. The employee must be able to read simple diagrams containing information about the connection of components and parts, the basics of electrical engineering, corresponding to the work that is assigned to him, and also in what order to perform work related to the maintenance of electrical installations and equipment.

duties of an electrician
duties of an electrician

In addition, the electrician's safety instructions assume that he knows the composition and properties of electrical materials, the rules for servicing electrical installations, fire safety and the internal regulations of the organization. He must know the principle by which the equipment entrusted to him works, how to correctly apply measuring devices in practice. He is also obliged to familiarize himself with the normative and legal acts, other methodological and guidance materials directly related to his work.


The functional duties of an electrician include carrying out a complete and loopback replacement of electrical wiring in company buildings, carrying out scheduled preventive repairs of electronic equipment in accordance with previously certified plans. The employee must find the causes of wear and tear of devices and theircomponents in order to eliminate and prevent them in the future. In addition, he is responsible for the installation of new networks, he must lay and cross cables and electrical appliances.

electrician's certificate
electrician's certificate


The job description of an electrician assumes that an employee must ensure the correct use of electrical appliances, as well as maintain all the equipment entrusted to him in working order and in good condition, carry out repairs in a timely manner so that the devices work smoothly and there are no emergencies.

It is this worker who installs, adjusts and checks electrical installations and other equipment, wiring and other electrical-type equipment. His duties may include maintaining documentation, installing and relocating switches and sockets in the enterprise, as well as preventing accidents and eliminating breakdowns of devices and equipment that fall within his competence. The employee must also abide by the rules and regulations of the company.

electrician job description
electrician job description


The job description of an electrician implies that he has the right to demand assistance from management in the performance of his duties, has the right to receive a normal workplace and the management of the labor legislation of the country. The employee may request the documents that he needs to complete the tasks, he has the right to demand payment of additional expenses for the rehabilitation of the medical and professional direction, if in suchneeded after an accident at work.

The job description of an electrician implies that he has the right to receive special protective clothing, all the necessary equipment that meets the standards. All social guarantees provided for by the current labor legislation are also relied upon, a specialist can improve his qualifications and get acquainted with the decisions of the management that directly relate to his activities.


According to the job description of an electrician, he can be held liable for improper performance of duties. He is responsible for any violations of the current legislation within the framework of the criminal, administrative and labor codes.

And he is also responsible for causing material damage to the company by his actions. He can be held liable for equipment downtime if it happened through the fault of an employee, for scheduled repairs that were not completed on time, and for violating the rules for operating electronic devices.

electrician safety instructions
electrician safety instructions


The electrician's admission group directly affects his duties and wages. Depending on the education of the person, the needs of the company and other factors, the points of the instruction may change, but do not go beyond the scope of labor legislation. An electrician is a very sought-after profession, with professional growth, career growth is also possible.
