A backbone enterprise is A list of backbone organizations

A backbone enterprise is A list of backbone organizations
A backbone enterprise is A list of backbone organizations

The list of backbone enterprises in Russia includes business entities recognized as such at a meeting of a special commission of the Ministry of Economic Development, whose work is based on the results of monitoring the financial and economic activities of large enterprises.


A backbone enterprise is a business entity that meets a set of certain criteria. In the defense industry, "backbone enterprise" is synonymous with "strategic enterprise".

the backbone enterprise is
the backbone enterprise is

The list of systemically important enterprises is formed within the framework of a specific locality, territorial regional unit, as well as the state as a whole. For example, to the main backbone enterprises of metallurgy of the Southern District, which are located in the Rostov andVolgograd region, can be attributed to business entities specializing in the manufacture of seamless pipes for the chemical, oil and gas and petrochemical industries, as well as the automotive, thermal power and engineering industries.

List formation

As mentioned above, a backbone enterprise is a large economic unit that meets certain criteria that are developed by the Interdepartmental Commission and simply representatives of the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation.

During such meetings, participants consider issues related to the main areas of monitoring the financial and economic results of enterprises, as well as the development of budget-forming industries in Russia.

Quality criteria for backbone enterprises

Among the qualitative criteria, under which an enterprise can be classified as backbone, the following should be highlighted:

list of backbone enterprises
list of backbone enterprises

- the technological potential of the business entity (the presence of promising and unique technologies that are included in the relevant list and are important for organizing the country's defense capability);

- influencing social stability associated with the preservation of jobs and the prevention of mass unemployment;

- important in preserving both infrastructure and production chains;

- implementation of promising investment projects;

- fulfillment of contracts and obligationsinternational character.

Quantitative criteria

list of backbone enterprises
list of backbone enterprises

There are also a number of quantitative criteria that a backbone enterprise must meet. This is:

- the volume of annual revenue (for example, for 2014) - from 10 billion rubles. (for the manufacturing sector) and from 4 billion rubles. (for agriculture);

- the amount of tax payments to the budgets of all levels over the past three years should be: in industry - over 5 billion rubles, in agriculture - from 2 billion rubles);

- number of employees - in production and agriculture from 4 thousand people. and 1.5 thousand people. respectively.

Stages of forming the list of backbone enterprises

Firstly, a business entity must submit to the relevant federal executive body all the necessary materials confirming compliance with the specified criteria.

criteria for backbone enterprises
criteria for backbone enterprises

Secondly, this executive authority analyzes the submitted documents. If necessary, he can request additional materials from the business entity. 15 days are allotted for this stage. As a result, a conclusion is written on the compliance of the enterprise with quantitative and qualitative criteria. It is sent to the Interdepartmental Commission under the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation.

Thirdly, the Interdepartmental Commission considers the submitted materials and makes a decision on the advisability of including the enterprise in the list of backboneorganizations.

And, finally, the last stage is the consideration of proposals at a meeting of the relevant Government Commission and the adoption of a decision on the inclusion of a business entity in the list under consideration.

Documents submitted for inclusion in the List

list of backbone enterprises of Russia
list of backbone enterprises of Russia

Among the documents that an enterprise must submit to the executive authority for inclusion in the list of backbone enterprises, the following should be highlighted:

- special statement;

- copies of the entire package of constituent documents, notarized;

- the relevant decision of the credit committee of the banking institution that provided the business entity with borrowed funds;

- business plan of activities (current and planned) for the period until the full repayment of the loan or bond issue. This document will make it possible to assess the transparency of the economic and financial activities of an entity applying for inclusion in the list of backbone enterprises;

- certificate of the company's absence of any debt on obligations to the Russian Federation, as well as on tax payments.

List of backbone entities based on the results of 2014

The Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation approved the list of enterprises that should receive anti-crisis assistance in the first place. The formation of this list is a kind of plan to support representatives of large businesses. It accounts for about 57% of GDP and 69%total output.

list of backbone organizations
list of backbone organizations

However, if a business entity is considered as a backbone enterprise, this does not mean that it will definitely be able to receive state support. First of all, strict requirements will be imposed on him to improve work efficiency.

According to the results of 2014, this list included not only the largest holdings and companies with strategic importance for the state (for example, airports or airlines). The list also includes less significant enterprises, for example, representatives of such large retail chains as Dixy Group, Auchan, Metro Cash and Carry. This situation is interpreted ambiguously, since in the presence of the highest profitability in trade, as well as the absence of requirements for price containment, questions about state support for retail chains cause some bewilderment. Modern supermarkets and hypermarkets have no losses, and increasing costs are offset by higher prices for goods.

The first list of backbone enterprises was formed in 2008, when Russia also found itself in difficult economic conditions. At that time, the list included 300 enterprises, including 34 business entities from the agro-industrial complex and the food industry. Today, the number of specified industries has been reduced to 32. The total number of such enterprises in the list is 199.

Support for budget-forming enterprises

Today there are a number of questionsregarding the support of backbone enterprises and those unregulated at the state level.

Firstly, there are no specific mechanisms and forms of state support.

Secondly, the official website of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation notes that a business entity included in the list will not necessarily be provided with state support. Statistics from 2008 confirm this. Of the 300 enterprises, only about 37 were able to receive subsidies from the budget, 11 - investments, and 10 - state guarantees. Only 40 organizations received assistance. At the same time, there are three types of state assistance at the same time - 6 subjects (Russian railway and defense industry enterprises).

Oil and gas enterprises were left without support at all. However, this year they may receive funding from the National Welfare Fund.

List of large enterprises of the Moscow region

Just as it was done throughout Russia as a whole, backbone enterprises of the Moscow region were identified. This list includes 288 large companies.

backbone enterprises of the Moscow region
backbone enterprises of the Moscow region

The list is published on the official website of the Ministry of Investments of the Moscow Region. Criteria were considered such as the number of employees, which should exceed 500 people, as well as a significant contribution to the economy of the city or municipality.

The list of backbone organizations of the Moscow region also includes enterprises that are included in the corresponding list in the whole of the Russian Federation. To such subjectsmanagement include Demikhov Machine-Building Plant, Flight Research Institute. MM. Gromov", "Metrovagonmash", etc.

Thus, you can see that these are enterprises of strategic importance not only for the Moscow region, but for Russia as a whole, and they should be provided with appropriate state support.
