How a cow is killed: cutting, opening, butchering

How a cow is killed: cutting, opening, butchering
How a cow is killed: cutting, opening, butchering

Cows in our country are raised mainly for milk. But some farmers in Russia are also breeding beef cattle. There are few such farms in the Russian Federation, but they still exist. Gobies and cows of breeds of this group, as well as dairy cattle that have reached a certain age, are slaughtered for meat. Killing of cattle can be carried out both in the conditions of personal farming and in special slaughterhouses. Further in the article, we will consider how cows are killed at industrial enterprises and in private backyards.


Before being sent to the slaughterhouse, cows are usually kept on a starvation diet for 1 day. Also, animals are not allowed to drink for several hours before the procedure. Such preparation is aimed primarily at emptying the stomach and bladder of the cattle and thereby facilitating the subsequent cutting of the carcass. In addition, animals are usually washed with water from a hose. Next, the cows are sent to the scales to determine their weight.

Cows on the farm
Cows on the farm

Of course, in cattle meat processing plants, before slaughter, among other things, it is mandatoryexamined by a veterinarian. Animals for this are divided into different pens in accordance with the breed and color of the coat. Cows with suspicion of some not too serious diseases are marked with special iron tags. After slaughter, the carcasses of these animals are subjected to the most thorough laboratory tests.

Those animals that show signs of serious contagious diseases are driven back to the stalls for treatment. If therapy is ineffective, such cattle are slaughtered and their carcasses are disposed of. Thus, veterinary control avoids the risk of infection of potential meat consumers.

Meatpacking Plant Slaughter: Cradle Box

To perform such an unpleasant procedure as killing cattle, of course, you need to do it right. The quality of meat products directly depends on how accurately the technology of slaughtering is observed. In addition, in the process of performing such an operation, the animal itself, of course, should not feel pain.

Some people are also interested in where cows are killed at the meat packing plant. Such enterprises usually have premises specially equipped for this purpose. Such departments are called slaughterhouses. Actually, the very work of killing livestock at meat processing plants is entrusted exclusively to experienced specialists who are able to carry out this operation accurately and painlessly for animals.

Preparing cows for slaughter
Preparing cows for slaughter

Cattle checked by a veterinarian after a daily fast at a meat processing plant are driven to the slaughterhouse through special chutes. At the same time, employees of the enterprise try toless nervous cows. The meat of cattle frightened before slaughter, unfortunately, becomes dark and loses its marketable appearance. In addition, it also becomes tasteless and unjuicy.

For slaughter, each cow is driven into a special movable cradle, which is an open top box with high walls (preventing the animal from seeing anything around). The right side of this design opens, and in the back there are one-way gates.

How a cow is killed for meat: basic methods

The animal in the cradle does not see anything around, and therefore remains calm. Having opened the right side of such a corral, the specialist can, among other things, tie the bull's legs. After the cow has completely calmed down in the box, they begin to actually slaughter her.

Slaughter of cows: scheme
Slaughter of cows: scheme

There are many ways to perform this procedure. And most modern techniques can be considered humane and fairly painless for animals. The answer to the question of how cows are killed in meat processing plants can be, for example, such technologies:

  • using a pistol with a special retractable rod;
  • electric discharge.

Calfs and young cattle in slaughterhouses can also be killed with carbon dioxide (CO2). Such a humane method has recently become more and more popular at the enterprises of the country.

Slaughter with a gun

It is the use of such a tool that is the most common response tothe question of how cows are killed in industrial conditions. During slaughter, the pistol is placed against the forehead of the animal in the cradle. A retractable rod, driven by a blank cartridge or compressed air, instantly pierces the bull's brain, which leads to his death.

cow before slaughter
cow before slaughter

Before performing the slaughter procedure, the specialist checks the gun in the most thorough way. Such a tool, for humane reasons, should, of course, cause the death of an animal instantly.

After the cow is killed, the specialist releases her carcass from the clamps and opens the side of the cradle. Next, chains are attached to the legs of the animal, fixed to the hook of the conveyor system. After that, the bull is lifted up to drain the blood.

Using carbon dioxide

With the use of carbon monoxide, as already mentioned, meat processing plants can slaughter calves or young bulls. To perform this procedure, in this case, special carbon dioxide equipment is used. When using this technology, animals are first placed in a special sealed chamber. Further, a large dose of carbon dioxide is supplied to this box, as a result of which the steer falls asleep. The slaughter procedure using this technology usually takes no more than 3-5 minutes.

Cows for slaughter
Cows for slaughter

How cows are killed: using electricity

This method of slaughter is also considered humane and is widely used in meat processing plants. When using this technology, an electrostack with a sharp end is thrust into the occipitalpart of a cow in the medulla oblongata to a shallow depth.

Next, the instrument is supplied with a current of 197-220 V with a duration of 8-15 s. Cows are usually slaughtered with electric current at small meat processing plants or directly on farms.

How to make the procedure at home

In most cases, the owners of private farmsteads simply drive their cattle to the slaughterhouse, paying little money for this operation. But sometimes the owners of household plots cut a cow for meat with their own hands. In this case, for example, the following methods can be used to kill bulls and cows:

  • artery cutting;
  • use of firearms.

At home, cows should also be slaughtered exclusively by people who have some experience in this matter. If the procedure is performed by a beginner, a professional must be next to him.

cows for meat
cows for meat

Bleeding and carcass opening

So, how cows are killed in slaughterhouses or in private farms is understandable. But what do they do with animal carcasses after this procedure?

After the bull or cow is killed, they proceed to the actual cutting of the carcass. First of all, of course, it should be bled. To do this, the carcass of a cow is hung vertically. The bleeding process lasts approximately 10-15 minutes.

At the next stage, the skin is removed from the carcass of the cow. Begin to perform this procedure from the head. To do this, make incisions around the ears, mouth and horns. After that, the head of the cow is separatedfrom the body. Next, the skin is thrown over the back and cuts are made along the legs to the abdomen. Then cut off the lower hocks. At the final stage, the skin is removed from the legs, then from the neck and sides, and then from the chest and back.

In the carcass itself, the cows first of all open the chest. It is usually split with an axe. Then the cow's trachea is tied up and taken out along with the stomach.

Carcass cutting

The answer to the question of how cows are slaughtered in this way can be different technologies. The cutting of carcasses at enterprises is usually carried out according to the same standard method. Perform this procedure as follows:

  • they take out the internal organs from the chest and put them in a sterile dish;
  • divide the carcass into two half carcasses.
carcass cutting
carcass cutting

At the enterprises, after that, the meat is examined by a veterinarian. Next, the product is sent to refrigerators for 24 hours. After that, it is cut into quarters between the ribs. Also, the meat is cleaned of films, tendons, some bones, fibers.
