What will happen if the cow is not milked. Why does the cow not give milk

What will happen if the cow is not milked. Why does the cow not give milk
What will happen if the cow is not milked. Why does the cow not give milk

Milk is a sought-after product. It is drunk in its natural form and many tasty and he althy dairy products are prepared from it - cheeses, sour cream, kefir, fermented baked milk, cream, butter and much more. In any refrigerator there is an almost complete set of listed products. So it’s not for nothing that the cow was called the nurse in the old days - it still provides a fair share of the human diet.

Today, many people are returning to subsistence farming and have cattle to have the freshest and most natural food on their table. But not all of them know how to properly care for animals. What happens if the cow is not milked? How many times does it need to be milked? And why does the horned wet nurse lose her milk?

a glass of milk
a glass of milk

How many times a day a cow is milked

What happens if a cow is not milked at all? Today there are farms whose owners do not eat meat or milk. And the animals are kept for their own pleasure. Of the large most often horses, butthere are also cows. They are not milked, and the cow does not have milk until the calf is born. She then feeds him naturally and the milk disappears.

But if the cow is kept to be milked, then the calf after birth is not allowed to suck the udder. Otherwise, he will then suck out all the milk from his mother, even when he grows up. The cow is milked and part of the baby is separated, the rest is taken by people for their needs.

When the horned nurse has just calved, she is milked 4 times a day, for each feeding of the calf. Then the number of milkings is reduced.

Cows are commonly milked twice a day. There are farms and individual farms where cows are milked three times a day. It is estimated that this can give a 6-7% increase in the bottom line. Is such a rise worth the labor costs? This can only be determined by the situation.

Also, new farmers often ask what will happen to a cow if it is not milked in the morning or in the evening. Or, to put it another way, how many milkings can you skip without harming the animal?

First of all, you need to understand that cows in their natural habitat would never have such a quantity of milk. People specially cultivate special breeds of cattle - dairy, with high milk yields and a large udder volume. And if you miss at least one milking, the cow will suffer: her udder will overflow, she will get sick, and the cow will behave restlessly and moo.

What happens if you don't milk a cow?
What happens if you don't milk a cow?

What happens if the cow is not milked

But sometimes people are forced, due to the fact that the cow was lost, or due to their own stupidity they missseveral milkings. So what happens if the cow is not milked?

The suffering of an animal has already been mentioned. But every hour the situation will become worse. Milk will begin to “burn out” in the udder - it will change its taste, perhaps color and texture. Do not drink or otherwise consume such a product.

Further course of events may develop according to one of the scenarios:

  1. A cow's milk will completely disappear and will not appear until the next calving.
  2. The animal will begin to suffer from mastitis. This disease is fraught with the fact that in case of unfavorable treatment, cattle is slaughtered.
  3. Burenka will fall. The most unfavorable outcome, rare, but quite possible.

Complete disappearance of milk - that's what happens if a cow is not milked for 5 days. In the case when less time has passed, for example 3-4 days, you can try to maintain lactation with a decrease in the volume of the product.

What happens if a cow is not milked for 5 days?
What happens if a cow is not milked for 5 days?

How to milk a cow after a forced launch

So, the cow has not been milked for several days, because of which there is less milk. But the udder still hurts, so milking such a cow is not easy. The animal is milked 2-3 times a day: if the cow twitches, then it still hurts, perhaps mastitis has begun. If the situation does not improve, the veterinarian should be called.

If the cow reacts calmly to milking, but gives less milk, she needs to be well fed: highly concentrated and juicy feed, sugar beets, potatoes, etc. She should also be given more water. The level of previous milk yields, most likely, will not be returnedsucceed.

After being forced to start, the milk is poured out within a few days, even if it looks and smells normal. If the milk is curdled, clotted, bloody, or has an unpleasant odor, call the veterinarian.


Cows need a rest from lactation before the next calving. What happens if you do not milk the cow before the appearance of the calf for some time? The animal will rest, gain strength and again will give a tasty and he althy product in large volume. If you miss the moment when it is already time for the cow to start, then her milk begins to taste bitter - this is how cows wean calves from their udders in their natural environment.

Horned wet nurse stop milking 2 months before calving. The minimum number of days is 45, sometimes the period is increased to 2.5 months. Stop milking should be gradual: do not give out milk completely, then switch to a one-time milking, after a while stop milking completely. After 2-3 days, you can try to milk the cow for the last time.

The correct start can be judged by the reduced udder and the complete cessation of lactation.

What happens if you don't milk a cow at all?
What happens if you don't milk a cow at all?

Why does the cow not give milk

Sometimes it happens that a beloved cow stops giving milk or the volume of its production has decreased, although the animal was well looked after and did not miss milking. This can happen for several reasons:

  1. Stress factor. Changing the conditions of detention, changing personnel (hands), inept milking - all this animal can react negatively, and milk yield will decrease or disappearat all.
  2. Late launch. Often occurs due to ignorance of the actual date of the future calving.
  3. Hidden chronic mastitis.
  4. New feed. During the adaptation period, the cow may reduce milk production.

These are the most common causes of poor milk production. In fact, there are a lot of them - from the banal "cow wants a bull" to very real diseases that animals suffer as often as people. So if the cause cannot be determined, it is worth inviting a veterinarian.
