Types of knives - for war or for the kitchen

Types of knives - for war or for the kitchen
Types of knives - for war or for the kitchen

It is not difficult to find a variety of information on knife topics on the World Wide Web, but it is usually presented using technical and complex terminology that causes difficulty for beginners. Or concepts are used that have nothing to do with reality.

Types of knives
Types of knives

The image of a knife as a criminal attribute has been inherited from Soviet times, and, as a result, a narrow knife culture. Many terms today have different interpretations. There are various types of knives, but they all have the same standard design:

  • The blade is often the working area.
  • Handle - designed, as the name suggests, to hold the tool in hand.
  • Descents are obtained by milling the plane of the blade.
  • The leads are the part of the blade that is located near the edge.
  • Butt - the opposite side of the blade, the unsharpened side of the blade.
  • False blade - narrowed part of the butt.
  • The thumb rest is for better knife control.
  • The heel is the unsharpened part of the blade near the handle itself.
  • The shank is used to connect the handle and blade.

These and many other parts of the guns form varioustypes of knives. They are often classified according to their purpose - kitchen, combat, hunting and special. Depending on how they are used, they have their own unique characteristics.

Types of combat knives
Types of combat knives

For a variety of tasks choose different types of knives. Kitchen blades often come in sets of five or six. Such tools must be of high quality in order to be excellent helpers in the kitchen. Famous professional chefs invest so much money in knives that others would have enough to open a new restaurant.

There is even a hobby of collecting blades, and it is considered not the cheapest hobby.

A separate niche in the presented area is occupied by various types of combat knives. Since ancient times, the blade has been considered the main weapon during wars. Today, experts divide them into the following categories:

  • Knife used in extreme cases.
  • For shooting.
  • For field use.
  • To remove existing obstacles.
  • For release from handcuffs.
  • For cutting nets.

All these types of knives have their own purpose, the essence of which can be learned from their name. In the army of almost every country in the equipment of employees there is a combat blade. This shows a certain dependence of any military force on edged weapons.

Types of steel for knives
Types of steel for knives

Knife production is quite complicated. The most important component is the blade, and it is made of steel. The main characteristic that steel should haveblade, this is strength. Many factories neglect this feature, which upsets many of their customers quite badly.

There are certain types of steel for knives:

  • Damascus steel.
  • 440 grade stainless steel.
  • Stainless chromium (alloy 65X13).
  • Stainless chromium (alloy 50X14MF).
  • 420 grade stainless steel.

You also need to remember that to carry knives outside the home you need a special permit, without which you can be held liable.
