Kitchen worker: duties, working conditions, qualification requirements, job descriptions, responsibility for non-performance

Kitchen worker: duties, working conditions, qualification requirements, job descriptions, responsibility for non-performance
Kitchen worker: duties, working conditions, qualification requirements, job descriptions, responsibility for non-performance

A kitchen worker is a person who works in the kitchen, but not as a cook, but as his assistant. At the same time, such an employee must have the same skills and knowledge as the cook himself. The workplace of this specialist is the production workshops of the food unit (harvesting or pre-cooking), utility rooms, washing, cold shops. Job responsibilities of a kitchen worker in a catering facility can be varied.

Specialist Occupation

What the activity of such an employee mainly specializes in can be determined already from the name. All the work of a specialist is carried out in a kitchen. Kitchen workers assist the cook in preparing food. They also have their own uniform. It can be the same as that of the head chef, or different (this is determined by the head of the enterprise).

Chefs alone cannot keep up with everything and prepare food for all visitors. This is why helpers are so important in the kitchen. But any kitchen worker has a legal right to a possiblecareer advancement to the position of cook, and in some cases to the chef. Usually, such activities are carried out by workers without education or students while receiving education at an educational institution - in the future this will be a good basis for applying to a restaurant for a highly paid position. At this time, a specialist in this profession will already know exactly what is required of him, and will do all the work efficiently.

Duties and requirements

Job description - a document, the provisions and rules of which must be observed by every employee who carries out their activities in the kitchen. It is strictly forbidden to violate the provisions of the instructions, as various fines can be issued for this, up to and including dismissal.

Such labor activity refers to working professions. It is allowed to hire only those people who have completed their studies and received vocational education for this position. It may be entry level. Also, the education of an employee can be basic general. Work experience in this case does not play a role, so a person who has never had experience in such conditions can be taken to the position. In this case, the main condition for the manager will be the passage of special training, which will help to get used to the production and quickly get into the working rhythm.

Main responsibilities and requirements
Main responsibilities and requirements

Only the director of the enterprise can accept and appoint to a certain position. He draws up a special order, which is given to the employee for signature.

Important Documents

Exceptfamiliarization with the job description, the kitchen worker must necessarily follow the instructions of the following documents:

  • sanitary rules and regulations;
  • safety at work;
  • safety regulations;
  • fire safety rules;
  • employment agreement;
  • basic rules and regulations in force at the enterprise;
  • orders and demands of leadership.
What should an employee know?
What should an employee know?

The main responsibilities of a kitchen worker, according to the instructions, are the possession of certain skills and knowledge of the following definitions:

  • names of dishes;
  • names of the main inventory;
  • names of working tools;
  • ability to use all devices and equipment for cooking;
  • know how to open containers;
  • know how to open conservation;
  • be able to independently turn on and off electric boilers, stoves and ovens;
  • be able to use thermal devices;
  • be able to melt the stove;
  • remember the rules that apply to work;
  • be able to use personal protective equipment;
  • be able to determine where are good products and where are expired;
  • follow the rules of business etiquette;
  • carefully study the job description;
  • be able to carefully transport cargo;
  • know the production alarm.

Main tasks of an employee

When carrying out labor activities, the employeemust perform a number of tasks.

The main tasks of the employee
The main tasks of the employee

The main duties of a kitchen worker in the dining room:

  • transport semi-finished products and raw products to the production workshop;
  • open various containers, pots, food bags;
  • carefully open canned foods without damaging them;
  • unload goods from containers;
  • deliver products from one shop to another;
  • fill boilers with water;
  • put products on the distribution table;
  • turn on thermal devices;
  • put lunch trays on the conveyor;
  • put dishes and cutlery on the table;
  • clean up food waste;
  • close all plates, glasses and pots in the kitchen;
  • carefully monitor your workplace, clean it regularly;
  • fill out supporting documentation.

What kind of employee should be

All the requirements that management makes for such specialists are quite simple. Any leader wants to see really worthy employees in his team.


There are some mandatory qualities that every worker in the kitchen should have. Kitchen worker duties:

  • be clean;
  • do your job clearly;
  • organize your desktop;
  • distinguished by physical endurance;
  • find a common language with the team;
  • be able to focus;
  • manifestcreative qualities.

Such qualities and traits will help you quickly enter the production process, so they are quite important. In addition to personal characteristics, the employee must also have all the required knowledge.

Who the job is not for

Not everyone can get a job for this position, as well as for any other.

Individual traits of the employee
Individual traits of the employee

Based on the instructions, there are certain groups of people who are prohibited from getting a job in this speci alty:

  • people with allergies;
  • workers with neuropsychiatric disorders;
  • those who have certain problems with the musculoskeletal system;
  • people with diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • with hearing or vision difficulties.

Kitchen worker walks a lot during the day, gets very tired, which is physically exhausting. The same cannot be said about chefs who can stand at their workplace all day long. It can be accurately determined that such work is quite difficult physically and morally. Before you go to get a job in such a position, it is important to correctly balance your strengths and be ready to work hard.
