What does IP reporting include (rules and documents)

What does IP reporting include (rules and documents)
What does IP reporting include (rules and documents)

Registration as an entrepreneur (IP) in the IFTS gives you the opportunity to start organizing your work activities in order to make a profit. The first thing a newly-made businessman faces is the question of what kind of IP documents are needed in the work. We will try to provide a list of mandatory papers that an entrepreneur must have:

• first of all, this is the TIN;

• to work as an entrepreneur in the Federal Tax Service, you must obtain the OGRNIP;

• There you should also receive a notification of the application of the simplified tax system;

• you will also need to visit the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and register yourself as an entrepreneur;

• pass a simple registration with the FSS and the MHIF;

• get an equally important document with statistics codes from the State Statistics Committee.

IP documents
IP documents

So, having completed the necessary documents with which you can safely start running your own business, the entrepreneur is faced with the following question. This is IP reporting. By choosing the taxation regime of the simplified tax system, the entrepreneur, thus, simplifies his accounting. According to the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, for those whouses this option, there is no need to pay taxes such as VAT, personal income tax (and also property tax).

IP reporting
IP reporting

IP reporting is a process that causes a lot of trouble, but by submitting reports on time, you can save yourself from clashes with inspectors of the Federal Tax Service. The general system of taxation for an entrepreneur is quite complicated. Therefore, some of them are switching to the use of the simplified taxation system (USNO) or UTII. Entrepreneurs working with counterparties who need the allocated amount of VAT in invoices remain to work on OSNO. Also, entrepreneurs in enterprises with more than 100 employees cannot exercise the right to apply the simplified taxation system.

IP USN reporting
IP USN reporting

An entrepreneur registered as an employer must submit IP reports not only for himself, but also for his employees. Each enterprise (IE) has the task of submitting reports to regulatory authorities (it doesn’t matter if it carries out its activities or not). If the time has come to draw up IP reports for the past period, but the enterprise’s activities were not carried out at that moment (that is, wages were not accrued and paid, business transactions were not carried out), then in such cases a zero declaration should be provided. Compilation of this reporting takes place in accordance with generally accepted forms, only some indicators will have a value of "0". No one in this situation releases the entrepreneurfrom reporting and paying taxes!

Reporting IP USN has two types of object:

• "Income" - the use of this type of taxation is allowed for organizations where the number of employees is not more than 100 people, the residual value of fixed assets is not more than 100 million rubles, and the annual revenue limit is 45 million rubles, to produce payment of tax in the amount of 6% of the amount of income.

• "Income reduced by the amount of expenses" - the application of this type of taxation implies keeping records of income and expenses. At the end of the reporting period, a tax is paid in the amount of 15% of the amount received.
