Fasol stores: addresses, reviews. Grocery store chain

Fasol stores: addresses, reviews. Grocery store chain
Fasol stores: addresses, reviews. Grocery store chain

Moscow is famous for a huge number of retail chains, centers and markets where every customer can buy everything he needs. Today, we are interested in Fasol stores, which have begun to open rapidly throughout the capital. The founder was a large company "Metro", which simultaneously develops a network of small wholesale trade centers of the same name, and also launched a franchising project. Moreover, it became very successful and today it is already quite well known among consumers and businessmen. The first Fasol stores began to open in 2012, and today they appear in every courtyard, becoming convenient retail outlets within walking distance.

bean shops
bean shops

Productive Franchise

Grocery stores are a profitable and almost win-win business, although recently the crisis has also begun to affect it. People are starting to limit their visits to large hypermarkets, as it is difficult to control spending there. Instead, they prefer to shop in small convenience stores. This makes it easier to allocate fundsso that there is enough for everything you need until the end of the month.

Fasol stores are the best solution for such a market trend, so such a trump card could not fail to use such a giant as Metro. Moreover, the very idea of distributing retail outlets was also thought out to the smallest detail. The company not only does not invest money in this, but, on the contrary, makes a profit by enabling others to open stores (or convert existing ones) to the standard of this chain.

chain of grocery stores
chain of grocery stores

Project development

It was tested in 2012 when the first Fasol stores opened. They were the outlets of the Metro company, organized on their own. These were pilot stores, the development of which helped to analyze the project and come to a conclusion about its success. After that, the franchise project was already launched, and the grocery store chain began to grow day by day. For 2012, eighty stores under the specified brand have already been created in Moscow and the Moscow region. A whole series is opening in neighboring cities. Coverage of regions became a priority direction. The city center is already oversaturated with large hypermarkets. But a chain of grocery stores on the periphery is a chance to develop a serious business with minimal investment.

moscow beans
moscow beans

Opportunities for businessmen

So, the network of stores "Fasol" is regularly updated with new outlets. To open a store under this brand, you must own or rent a retail space with an area of 50m2 up to 150 m2. It is important to retrofit it to comply with the strict requirements of network standards. It takes about 750 thousand rubles. To open a store from scratch, you will need to invest about 1,750 thousand rubles. Moreover, this is without taking into account the cost of the originally purchased goods.

The minimum amount of purchase of goods for franchising is about 300 thousand rubles a month. At the same time, the Metro company provides a basic assortment list, which includes about 600 popular brands supplied with a special discount at a fixed price. The franchise buyer receives perpetual rights to own the Fasol brand. At the same time, the Metro team of specialists supports you at all stages of building a business, helps to optimize the trading space and increase business profitability. The conditions are very attractive, and we can evaluate the results based on the fact that in 2016 it is planned to open 400 new stores under this brand.

bean shop chain
bean shop chain

Distinguishing feature

Fasol (Moscow) is a chain that is gaining popularity and already has its regular customers. These are stores that sell essential food items. The very first rule that is spelled out in the franchise agreement is maximum quality control. So consumers can have peace of mind shopping here day after day.

A distinctive feature of this network is a large number of products to take away. This is a variety of pastries of our own production, which is capable ofsatisfy the tastes of the most demanding consumer. Hot dogs and sandwiches, snacks and individually packaged ready-to-eat fruits - what can make your snacking easier! And if you want to eat and relax a little, fresh juice and coffee can be made in the self-service area.

bean shop reviews
bean shop reviews

Store addresses

Today there are already a lot of them in the city, so it will not work to tell about everything. Just the other day, two new outlets opened. One of them is located at Beskudnikovsky Boulevard, 17, building 1, the second - in Rogachevsky lane, 4. Buyers note that it is very pleasant to enter any of them. Always greeted by polite and qualified staff, who are trained through special programs, the trading floor always has a rich assortment, high-quality products and convenient display of goods, which makes shopping easier and more convenient. The second point for which buyers come here is reasonable prices and regular discounts, as well as interesting promotions.

You can visit the outlets of this network at the following addresses:

  • Angarskaya, 51, building 2.
  • Sovkhoznaya, 20.
  • Plescheeva, 20B.
  • Rublyovskoye highway, 107 and many others.

Reviews about stores "Beans"

Despite the fact that the buyer is primarily looking for cheaper goods, he appreciates comfort no less. That is why bright, spacious stores that offer a wide range of products are so attractive to the end consumer. According tomost regular visitors, this network combines interesting and competitive prices, as well as the comfort inherent in large hypermarkets. Agree, sometimes there is no time to go to the center for a small purchase, but here there is a chance to make it near the house, while experiencing pleasure. It is also important for regular visitors that everything you might need is always available here. You no longer need to plan a long route to outlets after work, just go to one and buy everything you need.
