Stoeger X50 air rifle: review, description, specifications and reviews

Stoeger X50 air rifle: review, description, specifications and reviews
Stoeger X50 air rifle: review, description, specifications and reviews

When it comes to the best air rifles for hunting, most users choose pre-charged weapons, because there is nothing else in the non-firearms market in terms of convenience-power ratio. But as soon as low cost is included in the list of requirements, innovators in the world of weapons immediately recognize the existence of pneumatics, brought into combat condition by a broken barrel.

Stoeger X50
Stoeger X50

The focus of this article is the Stoeger X50 pneumatics, created by Italian gunsmiths and presented to the public as an inexpensive solution for recreational shooting. Review, description, characteristics and reviews of the owners will provide the reader with more information about interesting air weapons.

Unique Pneumatics Market

Only two rifles on the world market can boast of high power, affordable cost and relative convenience: Stoeger X50 and Hatsan 125. Naturally, we are talking about the basic configuration of weapons with a spring-piston mechanism as an energy source. In such systems, not only the bypass valve is responsible for the power of the shot, but also a well-made barrel, for which buyers are less and lesspay attention.

Only do not build illusions about the wear resistance of the elements of pneumatic weapons. There are no perfect rifles, be it a pre-inflated system, a gas-spring airgun or a broken barrel, or a hand-made carbine. A completely different principle works here - ease of maintenance, affordable cost, high power and shooting accuracy.

Specifications of the Stoeger X50 rifle

Magnum-class weapons are market-standard caliber 4.5mm. The spring-piston mechanism of the rifle is capable of dispersing a lead bullet along a steel rifled barrel 1270 mm long to almost 450 meters per second. True, to obtain this result, it is necessary to use light bullets. But with Magnum-class ammunition, the initial velocity indicators are slightly lower - only 360 meters per second (this is the figure declared by the manufacturer in the technical documentation).

Stoeger X50 rifle
Stoeger X50 rifle

The Stoeger X50 air rifle comes with an entry-level optical sight. It is this factor that attracts all beginners to weapons who want to save money on buying accessories for accurate shooting. As for the weight of the rifle assembly, it is almost 4 kilograms. This is due to the heavy stock and stock made of wood.

Package and build quality

In a discreet-looking box, the buyer will find the rifle itself, an optical sight, an instruction manual and a warranty card for the Stoeger X50 weapon, a spring andsales receipt. It's no secret that on the territory of the Russian Federation there is a law "On Weapons", which regulates some restrictions on the power of pneumatics in the domestic market. Knowing this, the manufacturer installed a low-power spring (7.5 Joules) in the rifle, and attached the regular one as a spare.

Stoeger X50 air rifle
Stoeger X50 air rifle

As for the build quality, even the most demanding buyer will not be able to find fault with the rifle. When superficially examining the weapon, one gets the feeling that the pneumatics has a manual assembly. All components are perfectly matched to each other. Burrs, backlashes, scratches and other various defects are simply absent.

Many-faced aiming system

Besides the optical device, in the kit, the user will find that the manufacturer has provided his product with fober optical filaments. They are applied to the front sight and the aiming bar. Thanks to this solution, it will not be difficult for the user to hit the target from a distance of up to 25 meters without an optical sight. Judging by the reviews of the owners, the Stoeger X50 rifle in this version is much lighter and more convenient.

As for the optics, everything is simple here - an aiming device in the form of a dovetail bar is installed. The kit comes with a Stoeger 3-9x40 AO sight, but no one obliges the user to install it. You can, at the request of the owner of the rifle, install a collimator or more efficient optics.

Aiming with a standard optical device and shooting from a distance of up to 50 meters is quite acceptable, however, due to the high returnthe spring-piston mechanism for fastening the glass does not withstand the load. It is with this reason that all the negatives of users in their reviews are connected.

The first steps of the owner

Many owners of the Stoeger X50 combo rifle assure potential buyers that the completion of the rifle should begin with the replacement of the firing mechanism. Indeed, on the market for a long time, all owners of pneumatics have switched from a conventional spring to the use of gas devices. However, experts in the field of pneumatic weapons recommend not to rush, but to do something a little differently.

Stoeger X50 price
Stoeger X50 price

It's better to start with the reopening of pneumatics. The fact is that at the plant, the company's technologists did not know the exact timing of the implementation, so they did not spare oil to preserve the metal structures in the rifle. Before operation, before the first shot, you need to completely eliminate the lubricant, wipe all parts and components with a dry cloth. After that, you can carefully walk with a rag over all the elements of the rifle and lubricate them with machine oil. On this, it is better to complete the improvement of pneumatic weapons and move on to shooting, which will determine the further actions of the owners.

Keeping the life of an optical fixture

Double recoil of a powerful rifle can break even expensive optics, and it is better to keep silent about the standard device that comes with the kit. Only 500 shots can not only knock out the glass in the optical device, but also damage the metal mounts that are connected to the dovetail bar. There are few options for the owner of an air gun: buyexpensive optics or install a gas spring. True, changing the spring can only extend the life of a regular optical sight, but it will not be possible to maintain its integrity.

It is good for the Stoeger X50 rifle that the gas spring is suitable not only for the universal one according to the Magnum classification, but also modified from the Stoeger manufacturer. The buyer should not think about the choice - it is better to give preference to Italians, since they have never had problems with build quality, and the compatibility of the elements will be much higher than purchasing a spring from an unknown manufacturer.

Reinforced dovetail bar

Let it sound strange to many buyers, but no one bothers the user to modify the attachment of the optical device to the fixture. It is clear that the Stoeger X50 rifle, the price of which is 20,000 rubles, is a finished product, but the manufacturer did not worry about the safety of the optics. By removing the Dovetail sighting device, the user will find three large notches on the gas cylinder of the weapon. These are stoppers for holding optics with special pins. The problem is that they are all packed tightly together at the back of the scope.

Stoeger X50 combo
Stoeger X50 combo

Refinement involves the transfer of the center of attachment from the back to the front. It is necessary to extend the mounting pin as far as possible to the front edge of the optical device, attach a sight to the gas cylinder, make and remove 2-3 millimeters of the metal base of the cylinder with a cutter. After installing the sightstraps and optics, the user will note that the mount has become more reliable.

Dance lovers

The powerful air gun Stoeger X50 Synthetic quickly disables the piston and cuffs placed in the gas cylinder. The defect is already noticeable after 200-300 shots - the power of the shot drops significantly, as does the recoil sensitivity. Air rifle experts in their reviews recommend that all owners stock up on cuffs that shooting enthusiasts will often have to change. At the same time, it does not hurt to modify the piston by removing burrs from its surface (in some batches such a defect was found).

Stoeger X50 reviews
Stoeger X50 reviews

Regarding the choice of cuffs: buyers do not need to search the market for original products from the Italian manufacturer. Domestic gunsmiths have long established the production of high-quality components for all air rifles. And the price of such accessories is much lower than imported ones.

When it comes to user negatives

The disadvantages of the Stoeger X50 rifle, many users in their reviews include the lack of a ramrod for cleaning the barrel. It seems to be a trifle, but it is very unpleasant that the manufacturer decided to save so much. There is also a negative for the instruction manual, which contains the technical characteristics of the optical device, the algorithm for mounting on the aiming bar, but nothing is said about zeroing the weapon. For American and Turkish competitors, this is much easier.

Stoeger X50 spring
Stoeger X50 spring

Considerable weight of pneumatic weapons and powerfulrecoil also gives the owner a lot of trouble - knocking out a shoulder by negligence or cutting an eyebrow is quite realistic for both men and women. Yes, and with a platoon of a spring-piston mechanism, there are problems. Literally at 10-15 cocking, many shooters notice weakness in their hands - the spring does not want to compress easily.

The virtues of the Italian rifle

Pneumatic weapons are really powerful - this is the main advantage that the Stoeger X50 boasts. Owner reviews assure others that the rifle is not intended for recreational shooting at all, as the manufacturer positions it on the market. With such a weapon, you can safely go hunting - not a single game bird can resist the power of this pneumatics. You just need to choose the right weight for the bullets. Experts recommend not chasing speed, but giving preference to weighted bullets of the Magnum class (0.8-1.2 grams).

Easy disassembly and assembly has also received approval from the owners. Many users, in terms of ease of maintenance, compare the Italian representative with the domestic rifle MP-512 "Murka" - it is easy to disassemble, there are reliable and simple mechanisms, it is assembled without problems. For powerful pneumatics, such indicators are only beneficial.

In closing

Italian gunsmiths managed to surprise the Russian buyer, who could not find a balance between affordable cost, ease of use and high power in the airgun market. The optical sight included with the Stoeger X50 rifle was able to convince potential buyers to doright choice. Yes, there are negatives and many minor flaws, but all of them are not comparable with the tactical and technical indicators of an inexpensive and powerful pneumatic weapon, which does not have many competitors in its class on the market.