Sytny Market, St. Petersburg: description and interesting facts

Sytny Market, St. Petersburg: description and interesting facts
Sytny Market, St. Petersburg: description and interesting facts

Petersburg shines with architecture and secrets. There are countless historical places in the city - pompous palaces keep the secrets of coup d'état and amorous passions. Avenues and streets remember how carriages raced along the paving stones or how cars broke through the ice of Lake Ladoga, taking children away from the blockade, and then Victory came along the same roads. There are places in St. Petersburg whose historical name and purpose have never changed - these are markets. One of them is the Sytny market.

How it came about

At the request of Peter I for the construction of St. Petersburg, "working people" were brought from all over Russia. They settled in a heap, according to nationalities, religion or compatriots. So, behind the Kronverk of Petropavlovka, next to the Goat swamp, a Tatar settlement appeared, where Tatars, Kazakhs, Turks and other peoples who professed Islam lived. There were no houses, in the Russian sense, but there were yurts everywhere. The infrastructure was supplemented by a bazaar, where they sold not food, but ready-made food.

Sold it in the late afternoon, when people pulled themselves up after work to the house. A brisk trade was conducted from pavilions, stalls, taverns and peddling. Petersburg was built, but manyits builders settled down and stayed to live in the settlement. Now, on the site of the yurts, Tatarsky Lane has been laid and the Cathedral Mosque rises. Initially, the Tatar market was located on Troitskaya Square, but after the fire of 1711 it was moved to the outskirts, where it was fixed.

the market is satisfying
the market is satisfying

Where did the name come from

What was the name of St. Petersburg Sytny Market? Initially, he had a dissonant, but the exact name - Glutton, the people simply called the Glutton. The market sold delicious fresh food, which was bought with pleasure not only by Tatars and Kazakhs, but by all the people of St. Petersburg, boyars, merchants and the new aristocracy, which often appeared thanks to the “social lift” and with the light hand of the king. After being established in a new location, the market acquired a new name over time.

The interpretation of the name "Sytny Market" has a mythological and logical origin. According to St. Petersburg myths, the first governor of St. Petersburg, His Serene Highness Prince Alexander Menshikov, who sincerely loved hare pies, often visited the market. Personally buying a delicacy from merchants, he ate them right there, saying at the same time: “How satisfying!”

The logical explanation of the name has several options. According to one of them, it appeared due to the trade in "full" - water sweetened with honey. According to the second version, flour was sold on the trading floor, after sifting it through sieves, which were sold right there. There is another explanation - chintz was sold in the malls, from where the first name appeared - "Citny Market", the old-timers still use this name. One way or another, over time, the name “Sytny”, familiar to contemporaries, took root and became the official name of the very first St. Petersburg market.

hearty market St. Petersburg
hearty market St. Petersburg

Not trade single

For almost 150 years, the Sytny market served as a place of public executions, and it all began during the reign of Anna Ioannovna, who saluted to execute and pardon her favorite Biron. To carry out executions in a public place became a tactic of intimidation, they were done indicatively. Each time a new scaffold was built, which was then burned, often along with the executed.

Executions were carried out both indicative and almost imperceptibly. One of the most dramatic sentences Sytny market saw on the day of the execution of A. P. Volynsky and his associates (June 27, 1740). The reason for the arrest and subsequent reprisal was a conspiracy aimed at limiting royal power, removing foreigners from government posts and promoting national guardians of the Russian state to leadership positions. According to Volynsky and his comrades, the reign of Anna Ioannovna ruined the country, and the German proteges tore the economy apart, plunging the state and people into poverty and dependence.

The massacre was brutal. Volynsky was executed by chopping off his tongue, hands and head, his daughters were sent to be tonsured in monasteries, and his son was assigned to Siberia in order to be sent to the soldiers in Kamchatka from the age of 15. All property was assigned to the royal favorites. Together with Volynsky, Khrushchev and Eropkin were executed. Simonov, Musin-Pushkin were exiled to the mines in Siberia, and Eichler to Solovetskymonastery.

The memory of the executed was preserved where the cemetery of St. Sampson Cathedral used to be, and then a park was laid out. The obelisk of 1885 is still intact, the names of the dead are engraved on it. The last civil execution at the execution site of the Sitny Market took place on December 14, 1861. On that day, Mikhail Illarionovich Mikhailov, who dared to call on the youth for a revolution and the overthrow of the monarchy, was convicted, there was no massacre. The verdict was announced at five in the morning, a sword was broken over the captive's head and sent to serve his sentence in the Siberian mines.

hearty market
hearty market

19th century

The Sytny market lost its place of execution and part of its territory in connection with the arrangement of the Alexander Park. Nothing reminds of the place of pronouncement and execution of sentences. Now the Music Hall and the B altic House Theater are located here, approximately in the same place.

Petersburg side at the turn of the 19th-20th centuries was a non-prestigious place and was inhabited mainly by poor people, built up spontaneously, which made it look more like a slum.

Vices flourished here, and more recently, in 2014, mass graves, the foundation of the Lutheran Church, dating back to the 18th century, were found on the former territory of the market, the study of the finds continues. At the end of the 19th century, Sytny Market (St. Petersburg) received a new life along with the construction of the Trinity Bridge.

hearty market address
hearty market address

20th century

After the construction of the longest, at that time, bridge across the Neva, the Petersburg side became a fashionable place for the intelligentsia andaristocracy. Over ten years, numerous stone residential and public buildings were built, creating a unique architectural image of the Silver Age. St. Petersburg Sytny Market received a new building at the very beginning of the 20th century. Architects Marian Lyalevich and Marian Peretyatkovich gave the building an aristocratic gloss in the Art Nouveau style.

The new market building was opened in 1913. But it was not destined to develop in full force, the entire trade infrastructure. The First World War came, food stalls were scarce. The ensuing revolutionary ideology, and with it poverty, brought a rationing system for the distribution of products, which continued until the mid-1930s. The Sitny market was closed immediately after the 17th year. The re-opening took place only in 1936, when the card system was canceled.

Petersburg hearty market
Petersburg hearty market


The Sytny Market today requires reconstruction and restoration. According to the new city requirements, its area should be at least two hectares, but the historic building is not threatened with closure. In 2014, the building of the Sytinsky market was included in the register of architectural monuments, which became a safe-conduct. Now there will be no superstructures above the building, and another parking lot will not be dug under the foundation.

Inside the building, almost everything is intact: the railing of the upper gallery is still elegant, the skylight on the south side still provides additional lighting. All traces of the "European renovation" are easily dismantled, but the process is still in the planning stage.

In 2010, the marketSytny celebrated its 300th anniversary. It still remains one of the largest markets on the Petrograd side. In addition to food, you can buy household items, clothes, pet food and almost everything you need for home and family in the mall.

what was the name of the St. Petersburg hearty market
what was the name of the St. Petersburg hearty market

Useful information

The total area of the trading floor of the Sytny market is almost 2600 sq. meters, where 524 outlets are located, the annual sale of products is about 12 thousand tons. Trading is conducted daily from 08:00 am to 19:00 pm. Once a month, a sanitary day is held, it falls on the last Sunday of each month.

Always happy for customers Satisfying market. Its address: Sytninskaya Square, building 3-5. Nearest metro station: Gorkovskaya.
