Must is the best fertilizer for your garden

Must is the best fertilizer for your garden
Must is the best fertilizer for your garden

Everyone understands that fertile soil is the key to high yields. But how to achieve this very fertility? From the lessons of biology, we know that any plant needs nutrients for normal growth and fruiting. They are found in any soil, but over the years, the reserves of the necessary trace elements are depleted, the soil becomes poorer, and plants do not grow well on it.

humus is
humus is

How to solve this problem? Of course, feed! It would seem, what is easier? Indeed, when growing vegetables on an industrial scale, farmers do not skimp on all kinds of mineral fertilizers. These additives are very quickly absorbed by plants, as a result of which large, beautiful, overdue ripe vegetables flaunt in the beds soon. And we buy these gifts of agriculture, not suspecting that, together with vitamins, they contain a large amount of all kinds of nitrates, pesticides and other dangerous compounds. And here it is worth thinking about what the purchased vegetable will bring more - good or harm?

Feeding with organic fertilizers

Organicfertilizers, unlike mineral fertilizers, are quite harmless. These are long-acting fertilizers, they should be applied every 2 years. The nutrients contained in such top dressing are in the most acceptable ratios required by the plant. But they should be applied correctly, otherwise, instead of high yields, you can achieve the exact opposite effect. Let's find out what a fertilizer is, how it happens and how to use it correctly. Almost all organic fertilizers can be called in one word - humus. Humus is manure, bird droppings, grass and other organic waste overripe for several years. Also called compost. When making compost, you should follow certain rules.

soil fertilization
soil fertilization

Dung manure

This fertilizer is most popular with gardeners. Manure should be applied to the soil in the fall, so it can better decompose into trace elements, and the planted plants will be able to get the necessary nutrition in the spring. Under no circumstances should fresh manure be introduced, otherwise your plants will simply burn.

Bird manure

This fertilizer (especially chicken manure) is very strong. It should be applied diluted: approximately 100 g of dry litter per 10 liters of water. Just like manure, chicken manure must be composted. When the litter rots, the eggs of worms and flies die. This compost is rich in nitrogen, it also contains iron, manganese, cob alt, zinc. The disadvantages include a fetid odor.

Siderates - herbal humus

This fertilizerperhaps the safest, you can make it in any quantity without fear of an overdose. Pour dressing under the root. This fertilizer is especially loved by plants. It is prepared as follows: any grass (but it is better to take nettles) is cut, poured into a barrel and filled with water. Waiting for fermentation to start. The mass will foam, which should be taken into account and do not fill the barrel to the brim. Then, when the fermentation process stops, you will have an effective, and most importantly, harmless fertilizer. This compost is bred in a ratio of 1:10.

buy organic fertilizers
buy organic fertilizers

If there is no desire and opportunity to prepare top dressing yourself, then organic fertilizers can be bought at any specialized store. Fortunately, the choice is very large. Remember, proper soil fertilization is the key to high yields!
