Autumn fertilizer will help your garden "pets" overwinter

Autumn fertilizer will help your garden "pets" overwinter
Autumn fertilizer will help your garden "pets" overwinter

Autumn is not only a harvesting period, but also a time to prepare the garden and vegetable garden for wintering. At this time, the owners of personal plots have a lot of work: they need to put things in order, provide autumn fertilizer to their plants, and make sure that they do not die in severe frosts. It is difficult to overestimate the importance of agrotechnical measures carried out correctly and in a timely manner, because the harvest in the next season will depend on them.

autumn fertilizer
autumn fertilizer

Basic rules for feeding garden plants

Gardeners with experience are well aware of the great importance of fertilizers applied in the autumn. One of the main roles among other dressings is played by macronutrients such as potassium and phosphorus. However, it should be borne in mind that at the beginning of autumn, the secondary growth of rhizomes is still ongoing, and nitrogen is involved in all growth and metabolic processes, so autumn fertilizer for fruittrees should be complex with a mandatory nitrogen content. Close up preparations by digging the soil. For fruit crops, top dressing is applied to a depth of at least 15 cm, and for berry crops - 10 cm. Earth clods should be left unbroken - they will provide better snow retention, and pests wintering in the soil will freeze. If the soil is dry, it must be carefully watered, and then the necessary funds must be applied and dug up. Autumn fertilizer must be applied in advance (from August), taking into account the fact that plants will need a certain amount of time (2-3 weeks) to absorb top dressing, and if the soil is cold, the roots “fall asleep” and practically cease to perceive useful elements.

autumn fertilizer for the garden
autumn fertilizer for the garden

Autumn fertilizer for the garden

Phosphorus-based preparations must be embedded in the root layer of the soil. If phosphorus-containing granules are removed from the active root zone by at least 6 cm, the supply of this important element to the plant will already be incomplete. Potassium in preparing plants for wintering is even more important than phosphorus. The best ballast-free autumn fertilizer is potassium monophosphate. Plants use it without residue. This drug is available in powder form and is highly soluble in water. In autumn top dressing, it is used in an undiluted state, properly embedded in the ground. Potassium monophosphate is a rather expensive tool, therefore, if there are no financial opportunities to use this fertilizer for all perennial crops, then you should at least apply it under the mostnon-hardy plants such as apricot, some varieties of apple trees, ornamental perennials (roses, clematis, honeysuckle, etc.).

autumn mineral fertilizers
autumn mineral fertilizers

Mineral autumn fertilizers: dosages

The age of trees plays a major role in calculating the doses of potash and phosphorus fertilizers. The introduction of double superphosphate is carried out in the amount of 9 gr. per 1 sq. meter near the trunk circle of pears and apple trees, whose age is 4-12 years, and for trees aged 12-20 years, this dose increases to 13 gr. Potassium sulfate for young trees is required in the amount of 13 grams, and for adults - 18 grams. Fertilizers based on potash and phosphorus can be applied every 2-3 years.
