Novokuibyshevsk Oil Refinery. History and activities of the company

Novokuibyshevsk Oil Refinery. History and activities of the company
Novokuibyshevsk Oil Refinery. History and activities of the company

The Russian oil industry is one of the key ones for the country's economy. It is represented by many companies. Among the most important is the Novokuibyshevsk Refinery. Contacts between this plant and other enterprises of the industry are carried out within the framework of a group of companies owned by the country's largest oil corporation, Rosneft.

Novokuibyshevsk Refinery contacts
Novokuibyshevsk Refinery contacts

General information

Novokuibyshevsky refinery (oil refinery) is located in the Samara region. The company is one of the companies that are part of the Samara Refinery Group, which was acquired by Rosneft in 2007. Novokuibyshevsk Oil Refinery appeared in 1951. It launched the production of a number of oil products that had not been produced in the USSR until that moment: for example, oils for rockets and fuel for jet engines.

In the late 50s and mid-60s. the plant went through several stages of modernization, its capacity expanded. New technological processes in the field of petrochemistry were mastered. In the early 1970s, the refinery was reconstructed. In the 1990s, installations were modernized on it,designed for catalytic reforming, thanks to which the Novokuibyshevsk Refinery was able to completely re-profile for the production of unleaded gasoline.

Novokuibyshevsk refinery map
Novokuibyshevsk refinery map

Refinery history: Soviet period

The history of the plant has several periods. The first is characterized by work in the Soviet era. So, in 1951, the Novokuibyshevsk Refinery was launched. Oil workers began to work on it for the benefit of the socialist economy. The enterprise was built, as noted by a number of experts, for the needs of the defense and rocket and space industries. The plant set up production of products that were sufficiently advanced for the Soviet oil industry.

History of the refinery: part of the Yukos company

Novokuibyshevsk Refinery contacts
Novokuibyshevsk Refinery contacts

After the collapse of the USSR, the enterprise moved into a new era. The time of the market economy. The assets of the Novokuibyshevsk refinery (as part of the authorized capital) fell into the possession of the Yukos oil company, established in November 1992. The enterprise, being part of a large company, was actively developing: in particular, in the 90s, Yukos modernized all the facilities operating in the Samara region. The improvement of production processes also affected the Novokuibyshevsk Refinery.

As part of the modernization program, Yukos separated oil refining technologies, each of which began to be used at a separate enterprise, which is part of a group of companies. In particular, the facilities at the Novokuibyshevsk Refinery were redesigned so that oil refining would take place atdeepest level. Raw materials to be processed at the plant (in the form of heavy distillates) were brought here from the Samara Oil Refinery and a similar facility in Syzran.

History of refineries: part of Rosneft

In 2007, a new period of operation of the plant began - it was bought by Rosneft. The capacities of the plant were subject to the next stage of modernization. As a result, new types of products began to be produced at the refinery. Such as diesel fuel (corresponding to European quality standards), as well as new types of bitumen used in road construction.

Novokuibyshevsk Refinery official website
Novokuibyshevsk Refinery official website

Refinery activities

Now the plant successfully continues to play a significant role in the Russian oil refining industry. The work of the Rosneft holding largely depends on such a plant as the Novokuibyshevsk Refinery. The official website of the refinery's parent company ( contains detailed information about the subsidiary, what its specifics are and what tasks the company's management faces (information can be found in the "Oil Refining" section). It can process about 9.56 million tons of oil per year - this is the productivity of its facilities. In 2007, in particular, the figure on an annualized basis amounted to 7.43 million tons (that is, capacities were loaded by about 77.7%).

Novokuibyshevsk refinery. Address
Novokuibyshevsk refinery. Address

The depth of oil refining was quite high - about 77.4% in the same 2007. To understand where the raw materials supplied to the Novokuibyshev Refinery are extracted, a map of the WesternSiberia will be extremely necessary for us - it is there (as well as in the Samara region) that the target deposits are concentrated. The company produces fuel for almost any type of transport. It also produces components that are part of lubricating oils, petrochemical products, braid, bitumen. The enterprise is preparing for reconstruction within the framework of a separate program, which provides for the construction of a hydrocracking complex, a reforming unit, and the reconstruction of infrastructure elements for isomerization and coking. The purpose of the modernization program is to ensure the production of products at the refinery that will comply with the Euro-5 standard.

About Rosneft

What is the Rosneft company that owns the assets of such an enterprise as the Novokuibyshev Refinery? The address (legal) of this organization is in Moscow. A number of sources indicate that this company is the leader of the Russian oil industry and at the same time one of the world's largest companies in this industry. Rosneft is engaged in exploration work, produces oil and gas, and also produces many types of petroleum products. In addition to the Novokuibyshevsk refinery, he also owns other plants.

Novokuibyshevsk Refinery
Novokuibyshevsk Refinery

Rosneft also operates in the gas industry. Production of "blue fuel" in the total share of natural resources extracted by the company is about 10%. But from year to year, this sector, according to analysts, is becoming an increasing priority for the company (which may be due to the large amount of gas reserves, access to which has"Rosneft"). There is evidence that the company expects to produce 55 billion cubic meters of gas annually by 2020.

There is information that Rosneft is one of the strategic companies of the Russian Federation. The main shareholder of the company is OJSC Rosneftegaz (75.16% of shares), which, in turn, is 100% owned by the state.
