How to manage a housing and communal services management company? Licensing, organization and activities of the management company in the field of housing and communal services

How to manage a housing and communal services management company? Licensing, organization and activities of the management company in the field of housing and communal services
How to manage a housing and communal services management company? Licensing, organization and activities of the management company in the field of housing and communal services

Today, there is no competition in the field of housing management in the modern domestic market. And most of those companies that exist are often lacking initiative or even problematic. And this despite the fact that the management company, on the contrary, is designed to improve this area and ensure the rational use of funds. This article is devoted to the question of how to manage a housing and communal services management company.

how to manage a utility company
how to manage a utility company

Problems in the housing sector

Recently, errors in the calculation of utility bills, which are not in favor of residents, have become widespread. This, as a rule, causes discontent and indignation.

Quite often there were situations when citizens had to deal with the consequences of various accidents on their own, because, despite the constant incomingcontributions, the management company did not have the appropriate funds to eliminate them. This is what prompted the government to make a number of amendments to the Housing Code of the Russian Federation.

Obligations of the management company

According to the agreement, the housing and communal services management company is responsible for the provision of housing and communal services and their quality. The package of such services can be either minimal, that is, only what is prescribed in domestic legislation, or extended - services can be specified separately in an agreement between the management company and homeowners.

Only this organization chooses service providers, but the tariffs for their provision are regulated by the state. Maintaining the satisfactory condition of common property (it includes roofs, basements, porches, garages, etc.), as well as carrying out repair work, are carried out at rates agreed in advance with residents. Basically, these institutions serve houses with a large number of apartments. This is precisely the activity of the housing and communal services management company.

activities of the management company housing and communal services
activities of the management company housing and communal services

Choose a management company

Before carrying out this procedure, it is necessary, first of all, to pay attention to the length of service of the service organization. It must be at least three years old. More detailed information may be required if this period is shorter or the institution is just starting its activities.

In addition, attention should be paid to the professionalism of personnel and the material, technical, production base thatutility company. She must also have signed contracts with energy suppliers.

All organizations engaged in such activities are required to provide absolutely any information, the disclosure of which should be carried out on the basis of a request from the residents of the house or in electronic form (website of the company or district council).

housing management company
housing management company

Agreement between owners and management company

Now you need to figure out how the housing and communal services management company manages. Here, first of all, it should be noted that this is a commercial organization, and its activities are regulated by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. The basis for the provision of services is an apartment building management agreement, in accordance with the terms of which the company conducts administrative activities for a certain period of time.

This method is very common, and when choosing it, the management company must conclude an agreement with each tenant - the owner of the premises. Moreover, they are all one party to the contract. It is on the basis of this agreement that the managing organizations provide housing and communal services.

How to manage a utility management company

management companies in the housing sector
management companies in the housing sector

As soon as you notice a discrepancy between the company's tariff plan and the data on the receipt, or you feel that it is deceiving you, you have every right to contact this institution for clarification.

To do this, you just need to come there and demand a document confirming the correctnesstariffs at which the housing and communal services management company operates. Any of your questions must be answered clearly by its representatives. If it does not follow, then you can resort to at least - going to court.

You can also ask this institution to provide a report on the work they have done. You must make a request with the period of time you are interested in marked. In this case, the report can be posted on the Internet, hung on the entrance door or handed out to each tenant.

If you have any questions while viewing this document, then you need to discuss them at a meeting of residents. Also, the information received can be provided to a specialized company or allowed to be analyzed by residents of the house who are versed in economics and jurisprudence.

Having discovered the facts of fraud in the work of the organization, you should contact the Housing Inspectorate or Rospotrebnadzor. These bodies will check the activities of the housing and communal services management company. And if necessary, they will impose sanctions on her.

Licenses for management companies

utility company
utility company

At the congress of the party "United Russia" last year, the Prime Minister voiced the idea of the need to introduce licensing of housing and communal services management companies. Initially, there was a question of choosing between licenses and self-regulatory organizations. But the latter, as practice has shown, do not work, so the introduction of licenses turned out to be inevitable.

This step is necessary to return to this sphere of state control, since today it is quite difficult to punish the management company with a ruble. Atattempting to do so tends to suffer the residents themselves. And licensing will help to teach this organization a lesson and at the same time not affect the funds of citizens.

Before July 1, 2014, all the regulatory and legal documentation necessary for this should have been prepared, and from September 1, this process will begin to function. It is planned to do this based on the principles of maximum transparency and openness. For licensing, the relevant department has all the possibilities, and on the ground this will be done by the housing inspectorate or the regional bodies of the State Housing Supervision Authority, which have information on how to manage the housing and communal services management company.

In addition, it is planned to maintain a unified state register for such organizations and their management, and qualification exams will be held for them.

How does a housing and communal services management company manage
How does a housing and communal services management company manage

Prohibition on management activities

Starting from May next year, it will be prohibited to carry out administrative activities in apartment buildings if management companies in the housing and communal services sector do not have a license for this type of activity.

Besides this, if violations were noticed in the organization one year before the application, then it will not be able to engage in such activities. Also, the company must have the necessary resources, material and technical base and registration in our country.

The situation will become unacceptable when a legal entity registered in offshore zones takes onmanagement of such an organization, since in this case, the current law in the Russian Federation will not allow applying any sanctions to it.

A license can be suspended for a period of three years if fifteen percent of the houses managed by the company are brought to administrative responsibility twice during the year for violations. And the head of such an organization will lose the right to engage in this type of activity. All of the above procedures will be carried out only in court.

Responsibility of management companies

licensing of housing and communal services management companies
licensing of housing and communal services management companies

The introduction of administrative responsibility will allow the owners of residential premises to understand how to manage the management company. With the help of fines, you can fight organizations that provide low-quality services. Thus, it is planned to introduce sanctions in the amount of a third of the cost of poorly done work. In the event that errors are made by the management company during the calculation, the fine will be fifteen percent of the incorrectly calculated amount.

According to the government, such a system will significantly reduce the number of mistakes made by these organizations, which will help to satisfy every complaint from the population.

Planned effect of innovations

These innovations will significantly increase control over the area of housing management, in addition, the activity of this industry will become more open and transparent, and the responsibility to residents will be much higher. According to the headstates, management companies should become more attractive for private investment, which will eliminate a large number of shortcomings that exist in this area today. And the question of citizens, how to manage the housing and communal services management company, will not be so acute.
