Planting a tomato in a greenhouse: rules and features

Planting a tomato in a greenhouse: rules and features
Planting a tomato in a greenhouse: rules and features

It has been several centuries since tomatoes entered our lives: in addition to excellent taste, they also have a lot of useful properties. For example, the juice from them is able to lower blood pressure and lower cholesterol levels, regular consumption of this vegetable improves metabolism, has a positive effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys and even the sex glands.

No wonder people are happy with tomatoes on the table all year round. That is why it is so important to grow this red vegetable not only in summer, but also in cooler seasons. True, organizing greenhouse cultivation is not as easy as it might seem at first glance: you need to know how to plant a tomato in a greenhouse, what conditions they need, how often watering should occur, and much more.

Planting tomatoes in the ground
Planting tomatoes in the ground

When organizing the cultivation of tomatoes in greenhouses, you need to know that this vegetable is demanding on humidity and temperature. So, for successful growth and fruiting of a tomato, it is necessary that a constant temperature be kept in the greenhouse at the level of 22-25 0С. With a dislike of these vegetables for high humidity, they needgood watering of the soil for normal fruit ripening. But before you deal with the nuances of growing, you need to find out how the planting of tomatoes should take place.

Everyone understands that first you need to buy tomato seeds of the varieties you like. If you have just started growing them, then when choosing a species, it is better to consult experienced gardeners, look for information on specialized forums where they discuss both the fertility of plants and their resistance to diseases.

Buy tomato seeds
Buy tomato seeds

Planting a tomato in a greenhouse can be done with seeds. For quick germination, experienced farmers recommend warming them up for 3 hours at a temperature not exceeding 600C, otherwise they can be spoiled. To protect plants from various diseases, it is advisable to treat the seeds with special protective agents even before planting. And only after that is the planting of the tomato in the greenhouse. At first, it is only necessary to monitor the temperature, not allowing it to decrease below 22 0С.

After the second pair of leaves appears on the seedlings, it is necessary to pick the plants, transplanting them to a place with a deeper earthen layer. Do not forget that seedlings must be hilled: only moist soil is used for this. When warming, after the pick, it is advisable to carry out regular ventilation of the greenhouse. This will help get rid of excess moisture and harden the plants.

Planting tomatoes in the ground is carried out only after the second pick, when the danger of frost has already completely passed. AtIn this case, it is first recommended to plant young plants in pots, at first cover them for the night, and only then transplant them into open ground with a clod of earth. This scheme is suitable when farmers want to get the maximum tomato yield from their seedlings as early as possible in summer.

Planting a tomato in a greenhouse
Planting a tomato in a greenhouse

But planting a tomato in a greenhouse can be carried out not only with seeds, but also with seedlings. At the same time, it is important to monitor the lighting: with an insufficient number of fine days, it is necessary to take care of artificial light. This will help to avoid excessive stretching and weakening of the shoots, because this can ultimately lead, if not to the death of plants, then to a deterioration in yield.
