Sapper shovel BSL-110

Sapper shovel BSL-110
Sapper shovel BSL-110

The article will focus on the BSL-110 sapper shovel. Its history will be told, its analogues will be presented, what significance it had in military affairs and, of course, all the advantages of this model will be given.

Greetings from the past

Since the 1930s, this product has hardly changed. We can confidently say that this is a time-tested product. Although there are analogues of this shovel, the presented model has its own characteristics that make it a universal device for soil treatment.

Quality product

Older people often miss the distant times when the quality mark of the USSR was used. Many goods produced at that time are significantly superior in quality to modern ones. The large sapper shovel BSL-110 is a vivid example of this. The current samples, which are sold in hardware stores or markets, as the saying goes, are no match for this invention of the Soviet military industry.

Military attribute

bsl 110
bsl 110

From the name of the product "BSL-110 sapper shovel" it is clear that it is used in the military sphere. A sapper is a soldier who, by the nature of his service, has to tinker in the ground, and a shovel is one ofhis main tools. But not only sappers use this tool.

This shovel has been adopted as a mandatory attribute of military equipment. This is not surprising, because the off-road military is familiar firsthand. In addition, the need for land work for the military is a common thing. Therefore, artillerymen, and infantrymen, and paratroopers are well acquainted with this model.

But if the military uses the BSL-110, then it has a number of advantages. It's no secret that the military uses only the best.

The advantages of this shovel

The size of this shovel is strictly set by the standard. The length from the tip of the blade to the tip of the holder is 110 centimeters. The width of the blade, or steel tray, is 20 centimeters, the length of the part immersed in the ground is about 25 centimeters, and together with the metal cord - up to 40 centimeters.

sapper shovel BSL 110
sapper shovel BSL 110

These strict dimensions allow the BSL-110 to be used as an indirect measuring tool.

Its versatility is its main advantage. The versatility of the BSL-110 is given by the shape of its blade. It does not have a point, like a conventional bayonet shovel, so it is quite convenient to use it as a shovel. If it is necessary to clean up the surface in a recess, the flat edge of the point allows it to be used for this purpose. And the absence of additional bends allows it to be used as a bayonet shovel also quite effectively.

If you pay attention, you will notice that the metal part consists of several parts. Band and bladeconnected with rivets. For the average person, this is unlikely to say anything, but if you are a good welder or have knowledge in the field of metallurgy, it will tell you a lot.

big sapper shovel bsl 110
big sapper shovel bsl 110

A riveted joint instead of a welded one is used in those places where it is necessary to preserve the structure of the metal grain so that its strength characteristics are not lost. For BSL-100, this is important, since the shovel tray is made of hardened steel of greater thickness than most of the shovels produced today. From this follows another advantage of it - durability. As you know, money saved is money earned. Therefore, once you buy a quality product, perhaps more expensive than its counterparts, you save money in the future.

The strength of the blade is noticeable not only in the case of bending, but also when working in stony soils. Hardened metal takes longer to dull, saving time on the sharpening operation.

This model also has a crimp ring, which gives the connection of the holder with the metal part additional rigidity, so there is no need to waste time on unnecessary processing and fitting the handle in case it breaks due to poor fastening.

There is a saying: "We are not rich enough to buy cheap things." This shovel will cost a little more, but will last you much longer.