Anti-corrosion protection: description, features, types and reviews

Anti-corrosion protection: description, features, types and reviews
Anti-corrosion protection: description, features, types and reviews

Protection of materials from rust damage is a mandatory measure before the introduction of structures and individual parts into operation. The development of corrosion often not only damages metal surfaces, but also negatively affects the properties of adjacent materials - plastic or wood. Often, even at the stage of factory production, a method is selected by which this kind of protection will be performed. The anti-corrosion shell can also be formed at home using special tools.

anti-corrosion protection
anti-corrosion protection

Anti-corrosion treatment in general

Most of the anti-corrosion protection means are applied to the surface of the material, which creates a coating that is resistant to the development of negative processes. Typically, products and structures that are in close contact with moisture are subjected to such processing.soil and chemicals. Most often, anti-corrosion protection is multifunctional. That is, in addition to preventing the same rust, the coating can also increase the thermal insulation qualities of the object, provide a noise reduction effect.

Each tool has its own resource of action and is also destroyed during operation. This nuance is provided by the technologist in the choice of processing method. In addition, the corrosion protection itself can be an active chemical. For different metals and alloys, the most favorable protective coatings from the point of view of mutual influence are selected.

anti-corrosion protection
anti-corrosion protection

Features of rust protection products

Working with metal in terms of applying protective coatings requires careful preparation. As a rule, the main work relates to this particular stage. Also, unlike the methods of processing other materials, the creation of a barrier to rust for metals often involves the additional use of a compound. Thus, anti-corrosion protection with the effect of electrical insulation is already formed in the complex.

The specificity of the use of different types of anti-corrosion protection is also determined by the scope of the target object. If the structure is planned to be used underground, as in the case of water supply or gas communications, then multilayer coating recipes are being developed that provide enhanced mechanical protection. Other requirements apply to materials that come into contact with air and water. In this case, more attentionis given protective insulation against moisture, steam and frost. To do this, the appropriate additives and plasticizers are added to the compositions.

Varieties of methods

The traditional way to protect metal from corrosion is the application of paint coatings that prevent rusting processes. These can be compositions from common decorative compositions that also perform an aesthetic function. More technological methods of protection are heat treatment and alloying. With such methods, the very structure of the material in the upper layer changes.

anti-corrosion protection of structures
anti-corrosion protection of structures

For example, doping allows you to transfer metal alloys from an active to a passive state. Thus, anti-corrosion protection materials naturally form a film, which is a barrier against rusting against the background of electrochemical exposure. This method is good because it works effectively not only with iron and easily corroded metals, but also with stainless materials that can be deformed in aggressive environments.

Reviews on the paint and varnish protection of metals

This is the most popular way to protect metal from rust. It is valued for its affordability, relatively high efficiency and flexibility in use. Nevertheless, in the long term, paint and varnish anti-corrosion protection does not show itself in the best way. As users of structures processed in this way note, it is necessary to count on a full-fledged insulation function for no more than a period of 7-8 years. Next, you need to update the coverage,often restoring the surface of the target material.

There are other disadvantages that users of anti-corrosion paints and varnishes note. For example, a limitation in terms of use. This option is not suitable for strengthening pipes that will be laid under water or in the ground. If the anti-corrosion protection should last more than 10 years without updating, then it makes sense to use other methods.

Electroplating reviews

This method is also traditional. It is more commonly used in industry and the construction industry. According to many experts, this is the best option for processing structures designed for long-term operation. It effectively protects the metal from corrosion and other destructive processes. But it should also be remembered that the anti-corrosion protection of structures by the galvanic method is not cheap, requires a professional approach to implementation and is in itself a labor-intensive operation.

anti-corrosion protection of pipelines
anti-corrosion protection of pipelines

In fact, this is a galvanizing method, which also involves the preliminary preparation of the metal surface. Users note the difficulties that arise when performing sandblasting and etching. In domestic conditions, it is not advisable to use this method. Although electroplating is much more effective in operation than paints and varnishes.

Reviews on thermal protection

This is one of the methods focused on changing the structure of the material in order to compact the molecules. Thermal anti-corrosion protectionpipelines, for example, allows not only to protect the metal from rust, but also to relieve the stress of the structure if it is located underground.

anti-corrosion protection materials
anti-corrosion protection materials

According to users of this technique, it demonstrates high protective properties in the most severe operating conditions. True, such processing can be realized only with the use of special industrial equipment. Kiln chambers for firing and cryogenic processes are expensive, which explains the low popularity of this protection.
