Micrometer - what is it? The device and the price of the micrometer. How to measure with a micrometer

Micrometer - what is it? The device and the price of the micrometer. How to measure with a micrometer
Micrometer - what is it? The device and the price of the micrometer. How to measure with a micrometer

In some cases, during the measurement of objects, high accuracy of results is required, which cannot be obtained using a conventional ruler. In such situations, special micrometric instruments are used. What is a micrometer and how it is used is described in this article.

What is a micrometer

micrometer is
micrometer is

This is a tool designed to accurately measure small parts. The micrometer allows you to determine the thickness, depth, outer and inner diameters of products. To perform these measurements, micrometric depth gauges, inside gauges, and other micrometers of various designs are used.

All varieties of this measuring tool work on the same principle: the use of mutual movement of the nut and screw. Among all micrometer mechanisms, ordinary micrometers are the most common.

The micrometer is a small metal instrument that consists of a screw, a retainer and a tip. It allows you to measure objects with a high degree of accuracy. The error of the tool is very small and ranges from 2 to 9 microns. It should be noted that 0.1 mm \u003d 100 microns, that is, 1 micron is a millionth of a millimeter. The maximum travel of the screw is 25 mm. This length contributes to maximum measurement accuracy. If the length of the micrometer screw were longer, the measurement results would not correspond to reality. Some models of micrometers allow you to measure products up to 100 mm in size through the use of interchangeable heels.

There are strict specifications that a micrometer must meet. GOST defines that all models of the measuring instrument must have an accuracy of 0.01 mm. Also, according to the standards, micrometers can be produced with the following measurement limits: 0–25, 25–50, 50–75, 75–100, and so on up to 300 mm, and then 300–400, 400–500, 500–600 mm.

History of occurrence

Humanity has known for many centuries what a micrometer is. According to historical facts, the screw measuring mechanism began to be used as early as the 16th century in the aiming mechanisms of artillery weapons. A little later, the tool began to be used in geodetic devices. But he did not give the required accuracy of the results. And only in 1867, American engineers created a micrometer that allows you to get high-quality measurements.

Types of micrometers

what is a micrometer
what is a micrometer

The micrometer is the most versatile measuring device. Ease and simplicity in use have made it almost irreplaceable in many industrial areas. Due to the variety of measuring objects,the following types of micrometers:

  • sheet - designed to measure the thickness of flat sheets made of metal or other material;
  • lever - differ from other micrometers in the presence of a lever-toothed head, which allows high precision to produce complex products or carry out their repair;
  • smooth - devices of this type are equipped with a bracket and a ratchet that allow you to measure objects with a smooth surface; smooth micrometers are the most common and are used in almost all industries;
  • universal - designed to take the internal and external dimensions of various parts;
  • pipe - used to measure pipe walls;
  • threaded and wire gauges - make it possible to measure the thinnest products, for example, an optical cable;
  • digital - measuring with this type of micrometer provides additional benefits: data recording and the possibility of instant processing on a computer.

As far as production is concerned, two types of micrometers are used to the greatest extent - mechanical and digital. Let's dwell on them in more detail.

Mechanical micrometers

micrometer measurement
micrometer measurement

The mechanical type micrometer is a traditional measuring instrument and is widely used in various sectors of the national economy, despite the presence of a more advanced electronic counterpart.

The mechanical micrometer device consists of two parts:

  • handles (ratchet, stem and drum);
  • semicircle notchwith a support stand for fixing the object being measured.

To measure a part, you need to follow this scheme: first you need to place the object on the support post and tighten the micrometer screw with the handle. After that, you need to scroll the ratchet to adjust the gauge. When it starts to scroll, it means that the metering has already been done. The last step is to read the values from the scale located on the drum and stem.

There are models of micrometers that are equipped with a locking mechanism. It allows you to hold the ratchet in place so that the fixed value does not go astray while the result is recorded in a special book or journal.

Digital micrometer

The electronic instrument is an advanced form of the simple mechanical micrometer. It is more modern and easy to use. So, a digital micrometer allows you to take measurements with an accuracy of 1 micron and an error of up to 0.1 micron. Many models have built-in calibration.

Externally, the electronic device differs from the mechanical model by the presence of a digital display. The user can choose any of the possible calculation systems. For example, inches or millimeters. The board also displays other important information. So, at any time you can view the battery level.

To reduce energy costs, the device can be programmed to turn off automatically. This mostly happens after 5 minutes of inactivity.

There are technical requirements that a digital micrometer must meet. GOST denotes the division scale, permissible errors and other importantdevice features.

How to use the appliance

  1. Checking the tool. Immediately after purchase, check the device for suitability and absence of defects. If the micrometer is working, then you need to adjust the scale. For this, a special key is included with the tool. If everything is done correctly, the display of a digital instrument should show 0 when the measuring planes are closed without a part. In a mechanical micrometer, the drum should close the stem, and the zero value of the drum scale should coincide with the longitudinal stroke on the stem. It is advisable to do such manipulations periodically in order to be able to identify malfunctions in time and adjust the micrometer. This will help to eliminate incorrect measurements in the future.
  2. Fixing the part. This stage is very responsible and requires compliance with important recommendations. So, first you should place the object between the measuring planes and simply rotate the drum to bring the screw to the part. After a short rotation, a stop should be felt. Then you should move along the handle and continue to turn the ratchet until three clicks sound. This will be a signal that the part is securely fixed.
  3. Measuring with a micrometer. After fixing, the digital device will show the measurement result on the scoreboard. As for the mechanical device, it will take a little tinkering. The result should be read from large numbers and end with small ones. First you need to look at the marks of the stem. It has two scales. The top marks are 0.5mm and the bottom marks are 1mm.
micrometer digital
micrometer digital

Application inindustry

Micrometric instruments are indispensable in today's industry. This is especially true for industries that work with small parts. So, almost all instrument-making enterprises use a micrometer. This allows parts to be produced with a high degree of precision. Also, the measuring device is used in the jewelry industry to measure the size of stones.

micrometer gost
micrometer gost

It is impossible to do without a micrometer at many stages of the automotive industry. That is, the micrometric tool is used wherever production is associated with small and medium-sized parts.

Cost of a micrometer

There is a wide variety of micrometers on the market today. A large selection of tools is due to the active growing demand for a micrometer. The price for different models of the device can vary significantly. It depends on the functionality, strength of the material, reliability. The manufacturer has a great influence on the cost of the tool. As a rule, a well-known brand micrometer is much more expensive than a regular Chinese one. In this case, the buyer himself decides what is more important - to save money on the device or to have a high-quality measuring mechanism. Thus, the price of a digital smooth micrometer is in the range of 90–200 euros. A conventional mechanical device can be bought for only 19 euros. More complex models with built-in digital displays, levers, interchangeable measuring elements are much more expensive.

micrometer device
micrometer device

Important recommendations

  1. Beforeuse a micrometer, you should keep it and the measuring object for 3 hours in one temperature mode.
  2. The markings on the scale in different micrometers may vary. Therefore, before counting measurements, you should read the instructions and carefully understand the values of the applied divisions.
micrometer price
micrometer price

Now you know what a micrometer is and you can use it in practice.
