Price lists - what is it? Price list form

Price lists - what is it? Price list form
Price lists - what is it? Price list form

Price lists are systematized collections of tariffs by types and groups of services and goods. In other words, this is a price guide for certain items in the list. Prices that are fixed in such directories are called list prices.

Features of organizing some types of business

Price lists are rules that allow you to regulate certain conditions of orders by other users.

price list is
price list is

Let's consider this concept using the example of car services.

Today, in many large cities, you can often see the emergence of car services, like mushrooms after rain. At first glance, there is nothing complicated in their content, and a minimum amount of effort is required to open such an enterprise. However, in fact, the most common form of private car services is the "regular" tire fitting, the requirements for which are somewhat lower than for conventional counterparts. Such workshops do not require significant costs for their own maintenance, they can bring a good income and at the same time quickly pay off. Basically, such car services are located near the road, as well as near gas stations or garages.complexes.

Preparing a price list for repairs

A rolling stock repair company must have an appropriate price list for all services provided. As is known from experience, a small private car service, in comparison with large companies, offers customers a favorable price for its work.

price list is
price list is

However, the quality of their performance often leaves much to be desired. Sometimes in such a car service, a low price list can serve as “free cheese”. Therefore, the consumer, having saved a certain amount, in the future will have to spend more money to eliminate various breakdowns that are caused by poor-quality work.

A car enthusiast, when comparing prices for services in different places, visiting one after another private car services, may find different prices for the same service. Therefore, in this article we will try to figure out how the price for these works is compiled?

Formation of a price list based on standard hours

When determining the labor costs for the provision of repair and diagnostic work on cars of various brands (both domestic and foreign), there is such an indicator as standard hours. Its use greatly facilitates the calculations in the car service.

service price list
service price list

So, each such enterprise has its own price lists and tables, in which the amount of payment for various types of work for certain brands of machines per hour of working time is deciphered. Standard hours for payment of completedworks are used to simplify the relationship between the client and the contractor. A similar practice is quite widely used in other countries. As a starting point in determining the figures, information is taken from manufacturers, which developed and approved data on the labor intensity of certain operations. In each case, they are adjusted taking into account certain features.

Price list procedure

Now let's move away from the car business and move on to a slightly different service sector - a beauty salon.

Price lists are the first thing a client can see when they come to a hairdresser. It depends on him which services he prefers. Therefore, the form of the price list can contribute in some way to improving the work of the salon, and, accordingly, the growth of its profitability and profitability. Therefore, the preparation of the price list must be approached from the position of a professional, adhering to some recommendations.

1. Competitor price analysis

Since there are certain relations in the modern domestic market of services, there is competition. Therefore, we can say with confidence that the compiled price list is a fairly effective tool in the fight against competitors. Thus, it is necessary to analyze their prices. To do this, you need to compile an appropriate journal for analyzing the indicators of similar salons, in which information on the cost of services is periodically entered. Thanks to such a log, the manager will always be aware of any price changes.

The price list is an opportunity torespond to any market fluctuations and remain attractive to consumers. Only after completing this stage, you can proceed to the next one.

2. Compiled price list: example

price list form
price list form

All beauty services can be divided into four main groups:

- aesthetic;

- fashion;

- relaxing;

- medical.

The price list of services is a document with a list of services depending on the direction of the salon.

3. Service Range

All procedures performed by the salon are divided into:

- manual;

- hardware;

- combined.

The next step is to define the range of services.

4. Service package development

This is a set of services that are optimally combined with each other, which can be carried out one after another. Basically, a single price and time are set for a package of services. In this case, it is advisable to use various holiday promotions.

Summing up the above material, we can say with confidence that price lists are documents of any enterprise, the process of which is creative.
