2025 Author: Howard Calhoun | [email protected]. Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:10
Gardening has come a long way. Breeders reach new heights by breeding new zoned varieties of various crops. Thanks to this, grapes can now be found not only in the south, but also in more severe climatic zones. In order for your favorite plant variety to multiply, you can resort to several methods. For example, buy the necessary planting material or use vaccinations, taps.
However, planting grapes with cuttings, although it is a more laborious process, still allows you to save a lot of money, saving the family budget. This task is within the power of every novice gardener - the main thing is to follow simple rules and use some little tricks, which will be discussed below.

Steps of preparing cuttings for propagation
Planting grapes with cuttings at home is divided into 4 stages: cutting, proper storage, preparatory work (germination) and planting. Particular attention should be paidon the lunar calendar, carrying out all the necessary operations in accordance with the recommended dates. The issue should be taken seriously. This applies not only to planting a plant in the ground.
In autumn, when cutting grapes, there is a lot of material left for further propagation of this valuable crop - these are branches. You need to take a closer look at them and reject in advance those that are not suitable for this purpose. For planting grapes with cuttings, only living branches with light bark are suitable. If they have various painful spots, dry patches or any other damage, you can safely get rid of them. They are unsuitable for further planting.
If the preliminary inspection did not reveal any flaws, then all foliage and shoots are completely removed from such a rod. Only a few developed buds remain. The optimal size of such pruning is 30-40 cm. For two or three eyes - as it is convenient for anyone. Careful consideration must be given to the choice of tools. A sharp pruner is best for this operation. This is to avoid dents or other damage to the cut.

Those who are just planning to start a vine on their site and are forced to purchase branches should pay attention to some signs so as not to be mistaken. For planting grapes in the spring, rods in moist soil will fit with cuttings. Accordingly, their roots can never be dry. You should buy a plant only from trusted wholesalers. Thanks to the effortssome craftsmen can get something completely different from what was stated on the label.
There is an ingrained misconception that cuttings without rhizomes do not take root well. This is not true. They just need more time to adapt to a new place.
There are several ways to save material for propagating vines: using a refrigerator or a cellar. The advantage of the refrigerator is that it is easy to maintain the necessary temperature conditions there, and when stored in the cellar, the “put and forget” principle will not work.
After cutting, the cuttings are placed in a container with water at room temperature for two days. Then for half an hour the bundles are placed in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. When creating such a solution, it is best to focus on color. When properly concentrated, it has a slightly pinkish color. The next operation is drying. Wiping the branches dry is not worth it. It is enough just to slightly wet the moisture with a towel, rags. The branches are wrapped in a dark bag, after which they are safely placed in the refrigerator.
The basement is the perfect storage space. It is able to accept much more material and more storage methods than in the house. This applies not only to packaging in various packages. They can also be dug in with wet sand. There is another reliable way of storage - right on the plot. A hole of sufficient depth is dug (it has its own for each climatic zone, it is enough just to study the soil freezing data). In such a recess, similarly dug with wet sand, you can store grapevine trimmings.

Necessary preparatory work for germination
Before planting grapes with cuttings, when germinating on water, it is necessary to perform a whole range of simple sequential operations. After a safe extraction from the storage, a visual inspection of the material is carried out. The requirements for rods are the same as for storing them (light bark, no stains, mold). After satisfactory inspection results, the cut on the handle is updated. Its wood should have a characteristic light green color, indicating good quality planting material.
"Eye" is also subject to inspection. For this purpose, an incision is made along it. A positive result is green. After that, you can start kilchevanie. Planting grape cuttings in bottles, jars or any other convenient containers is carried out after appropriate preparation. All containers are filled by one third with water, after which the material is laid for soaking, the period of which lasts about two days. When soaking, especially in the last 15-20 hours, "Heteroauxin" is added to the water. Takes 2 ampoules. You can also use a honey solution (1 tablespoon per bucket of water).

Kilchevator at home
The most convenient containers are glass jars. Especially if you put a few pieces of charcoal on their bottom. Such a simple manipulation will subsequently allow you to change the water less often (about once a week). AtIf you wish, you can use another little trick - cotton wool. Laying it in a small layer (2-3 cm) on the bottom of the jar provides moisture to the base of the cuttings, even in cases where a person, due to his forgetfulness, did not add water.
Then, melt or rain water is poured 3 cm into the jar. If you add more, the process of root formation is disrupted. After soaking in water, the rods are cut so that when they are installed in the container, the kidney is at the border of water and air. The peephole is removed, and 2-3 furrows are made on the trunk.
Question about waxing
When preparing vineyard cuttings for planting, a procedure such as waxing is used (pouring the buds with paraffin). This method allows the growth energy of the twig to be directed completely to the formation of the root system. When installing the container on a warm window sill, the temperature regime should be taken into account: do not allow warming up above 24 degrees due to the high probability of the appearance of callus, which can become an obstacle to the formation of roots. Among other things, an increase in water temperature will reduce the concentration of oxygen in it.

Germination of planting material
Planting cuttings of grapes in February, or rather their rooting can be done in three different ways: in a bag, bottle or glass. A brief description of these methods will help growers make the most appropriate choice.
To do this, several holes are made in a plastic bag. They let you goexcess water, which, with its excess, can cause the plant to rot. Rooting is best done in specially disinfected coniferous sawdust. The needles themselves are a good natural antiseptic. And boiling sawdust for about 10 minutes guarantees the destruction of harmful bacteria. After they have cooled in the bag, you can place the cuttings themselves there, making sure that they are thoroughly immersed in sawdust. Only one kidney should stick out at the top. The final step in planting grapes with cuttings with this method is to water the contents with a weak solution of potassium permanganate, followed by covering with another bag from above.

To do this, the neck is cut off from the container, and holes are drilled from the bottom. The bottom is filled with drainage. Earth is placed on top, no more than 5-7 spoons. When placing a cutting there, it is important to remember: its “eye” should be opposite the neck. Sawdust is added, and this design is covered with a glass. When the plant grows, it is removed. This is the most favorable option for planting grapes with cuttings in winter.
The principle is the same. At the bottom of a half-liter glass there should be holes. As the bottom layer, a two-centimeter layer of earth with rotted leaves is used. The rest of the space is filled with wet sand, in which the sprout is placed. The container is placed in a mini-greenhouse: in a one and a half liter bottle, the bottom and neck are cut off and the glass is covered.

Planting grape cuttings in the ground
Experienced gardeners prefer to move the plant to the site in the spring. Grapes love the sun, do not like waterlogged soil - this must be taken into account when choosing a planting site. The planting hole has the following dimensions: its depth is 80 cm and its diameter is 70 cm. The shape (square or round) does not matter.
A rooted sprout is planted in loose soil. You can also add broken red brick. Sawdust from the roots is not removed. The rhizome is carefully straightened and covered with soil, followed by watering. Transplanting is a huge stress for the plant, which grapes can hardly endure. You should not panic - you just need to be patient and take care of the landing in a timely manner.
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