Catalog of awards. Medal "Combatant"

Catalog of awards. Medal "Combatant"
Catalog of awards. Medal "Combatant"

The 20th century is inscribed in world history with large-scale social cataclysms - not a single past century has known such bloody wars and, as optimists hope, the future will not know either. Conflicts related to belonging to different nationalities, local armed showdowns took place in the south and north, east and west. Our fellow citizens often became participants, striving to fulfill their international duty. People gave their strength, he alth and even life in the African sands and the Asian jungle, in the Middle East, and in remote mountainous areas. Following the conflicts began to flare up already within the borders of their native country, and again young men and men with weapons in their hands went to protect civilians. Commemorative medals of combatants became a mark of their merits and a tribute of respect.

medal participant in the hostilities in the Caucasus
medal participant in the hostilities in the Caucasus

Feats require respect

This is exactly what guided the participants of the specialized committee meeting dedicated to international soldiers. Committee meeting held on the first day of May 2005 with the participation of representatives immediatelyseveral countries, allowed the establishment of a new medal for combatants, recognizing the holders of veterans. A landmark event of restoring respect, reading the memory of the merits of soldiers took place under the chairmanship of Lieutenant General Aushev.

At the same time, a specialized regulation on the medal of a combatant was issued. The official documentation states that the insignia is awarded to those who directly took part in local conflict situations, wars outside the borders of the USSR. People who were sent to work in these territories during the conduct of battles can count on the medal of a participant in hostilities.

What does it look like?

If we consider the medal of the combatant issued by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, attention is drawn to the globe on one side of the product. This part is the front. The ball is supplemented with meridians, parallels. The central place is occupied by a symbolic image of a laurel branch and a Kalashnikov assault rifle.

medal participant in combat operations in afghanistan
medal participant in combat operations in afghanistan

The Afghan Combatant's Medal is decorated with a text around the circumference of the product: “Honor. Glory. Courage". The reverse side, decorated with a star image and engraved with the phrase "Veteran of Combat Operations", also attracts attention.

Dedicated to the Heroes of the Caucasus

The autumn of 2005 was an important moment in the fate of all those involved in military service in the hot spots in the south of our country. It was in the first autumn month of this year that the All-Russian Union, which had the appropriate authority, decided to establish a medal for participating in combatactions in the Caucasus. The officiality of the event was reinforced by the approval of a regulation detailing who could count on receiving the insignia. The medal of a participant in hostilities in the North Caucasus is awarded to the military, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, and the FSB. Other officials serving in state executive bodies can also count on the award of the corresponding badge of honor if they were involved in special operations, including the fight against terrorism and peacekeeping missions.

medal participant in combat operations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
medal participant in combat operations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

The medal of a combatant in Chechnya looks pretty impressive. The facade is decorated with a mountain painting, complemented by an award cross, traditional for our country, and an expressive mood is created by two crossed shining swords. The reverse side is decorated with an engraving "For Service in the North Caucasus". However, veterans can count not only on this medal. According to the law, it is necessary to award a distinctive sign for loy alty to the Fatherland, duty.

Africa in the spotlight

Our compatriots who took part in international peacekeeping missions in African countries are also not left without recognition and respect. A medal was established for combatants in Syria, a specialized badge of honor was adopted for those who fought in Angola. For those who served in this country, a symbol of respect and recognition of merit is issued at the initiative of the regional social center. Veterans eligible to receive symbols are not only directly fighters of special units, but also those who worked ongeneral civilian directions, who helped during the operation in Angola and are involved in missions in this power to this day.

how to get a combat veteran's medal
how to get a combat veteran's medal

The liberation of Angola in the badges of honor of Russia is forever fixed by a medal decorated with a plexus of oak and laurel leaves, decorated with a gold-colored shield with a schematic map of a distant African country. The central place is occupied by a crossed torch, a Kalashnikov assault rifle, an image of a handshake, symbolizing the peaceful orientation of the mission. The engraving reads: "Union of Veterans of Angola".

Combat Brotherhood

This is the name of a public association operating in all regions of Russia. Its powers include recording and awarding veterans who took part in various conflicts and military operations for services to their native state. The award given out by this society is called "For military valor". Pilots and employees of the MiG state enterprise can also count on receiving the Combat Actions Medal. This applies to those involved in the fighting.

How to get a combat veteran's medal

Of course, beautiful words about the award have been and are being heard, however, practice shows that some citizens of our country who took part in the relevant dangerous events did not receive the awards they were en titled to by law for their merits. In such a situation, it is necessary to carefully study the legal norms regarding the issuance of special distinctive signs, contact a professionallawyer. The military structure is a rather complex object, and it is not easy to prove one's interests in a situation of infringement.

medal of combatant in Chechnya
medal of combatant in Chechnya

The most reasonable option, according to many, is to use help. At the moment, free consultations are functioning, where they provide support to those interested. There are such on the expanses of the World Wide Web, and in every city offline. If you contact the state authorities, then on the spot they will offer assistance with paperwork - completely free. However, to get there, you need to register in advance. It would also be wise to contact local branches of unions dedicated to the interests of veterans, combatants. The specialists working there will explain why the sign is not allowed, and if it was supposed to be issued, but for some reason avoided it, they will tell you what to do in this particular case in order to get your way.

FZ № 36

It is this normative act adopted in 2004 that regulates the rights of veterans in our country. It lists in detail which groups of persons belong to this category. If a particular citizen sees his involvement, but no badges of honor were given to him, it makes sense to defend his rights. The law mentions the military, including those transferred to the reserve, dismissed, obliged, called up for training and taking part in hostilities. Equally, awards rely on both privates and superiors. Veterans may be employees included in the penitentiary structure, institutions associated withthis area of power.

If a person belongs to the groups specified in the law, certain benefits are provided for him. Those who took part in hostilities on the territory of the Chechen Republic in the period 1994-1996, from 1999 onwards can also count on them. In some cases, responsible persons may decide to refuse to issue a certificate, award a person falling under the listed categories. In such a situation, it is necessary to demand a written refusal with the motivation for the decision and apply with it to public or private legal protection authorities. The lawyer will analyze the official response, explain which side the law is on in such a situation, and orient with further actions.

Medals for veterans

In 2005, a decision was made to approve the corresponding award. At the same time, it was decided who had the right to mint medals, and CCI Chelznak was appointed the responsible enterprise. The regulation on the award contains clear instructions, the observance of which allows you to gain access to preferences. So, not only persons who took part in hostilities, but only those who received a certificate of a unified form can count. It should be noted that the medal was also awarded to veterans who were sent by decision of the leaders of the Soviet Union to conflict points during the period of hostilities, that is, in some cases, the presence of a certificate was not a prerequisite for issuing an honorary symbol.

syrian combatant medal
syrian combatant medal

To getan award, the accepted and approved decision of the committee responsible for the medals is required. For submission, it is necessary to apply to the relevant state structures of the country of which the applicant is a citizen. Appeals are made by activists who are tasked with coordinating, chairing, and managing veteran communities. The submission for the award must contain a mention of the conflicts, wars in which the applicant took part, and also indicate the data of the veteran certificate:

  • document issuing authority;
  • date of event;
  • paper number.


If the committee makes a positive decision on the award, the person who is en titled to a distinctive symbol simultaneously receives a specialized unified certificate. The place of wearing the award symbols is on the left side. The order of priority is after state awards issued in the CIS countries.

medal participant in combat operations in the North Caucasus
medal participant in combat operations in the North Caucasus

Regulations and Applications

The rules listed above are applicable within the CIS countries, but in each individual state, the persons responsible for this, standing in the highest position in the veterans' unions, adopted specialized documents to regulate the remuneration process. In particular, on the territory of the Russian Federation, it was decided that, in addition to the above information, the applicant for the award must mention whether he takes part in the veteran social movement, and also indicate where he is employed. When the documents are prepared, they firstendorsed by the chairman of the committee, only after that they are sent for consideration to the body responsible for the entire territory of the CIS.

The regulations on the medal not only contain a description of the procedure for issuing a badge, but also a complete list of conflicts for participating in which you can get it. This is an attachment to the document.
