Example of income tax calculations. Tax calculation

Example of income tax calculations. Tax calculation
Example of income tax calculations. Tax calculation

So, today we will see with you an example of income tax calculations. This contribution is very important for the state and taxpayers. Only in it there are many different nuances. In addition, you have to learn everything that can only relate to income tax and its calculations. For example, what it is, how and when to pay. In fact, if you carefully understand this issue, there will be no problems.

example of income tax calculations
example of income tax calculations


First, let's find out what we're dealing with. There are a lot of taxes, especially in Russia. And every citizen should know what he pays for. Otherwise, complete confusion and chaos will begin. In addition, not everyone makes certain payments to the state treasury. In some cases, partial or full exemption from payment is possible.

So, income tax is the so-called income tax. He is direct. That is, non-regional. The calculation of taxes of this type is the same for all territorial units. Of course, there are still some rules, but they are also the same in Kaliningrad, and in Moscow, and somewhere in Siberia. The most common case is personal income tax. Probably everyone who works is familiar with it.citizen. After all, income tax is income tax. Remember this. The question is: who pays it and how exactly?

Who to pay?

Who should pay this fee? Practice (and legislation) demonstrates that all taxpayers are subject to income tax. That is, individuals who are residents of the country. Don't forget about non-residents either. True, the second category of persons usually pays this contribution only when they have any income in the territory of the Russian Federation.

In addition, there is also a tax on the profits of the organization. He also counts. It turns out that income tax is paid by all firms, companies and organizations, as well as able-bodied individuals. Regardless of age. The main thing is that they were officially accepted for work. There are exceptions for both individuals and organizations. What exactly? Who and when can be exempted from the annual report and payment? What is the procedure for calculating income tax for individuals and companies? We will answer all questions in this article.

corporate income tax
corporate income tax

Who doesn't pay?

Of course, there are exceptions to all rules. And this also applies to taxes. So, in Russia, citizens who do not have any tax are exempted from income annual payments. Most often these are women on maternity leave, the elderly, as well as minor children. However, if the latter enter official work and begin to receive income, they will have to pay the corresponding tax. What about companies and firms? The calculation of corporate income tax is not made if itused a special form of taxation. For example, a simplified system, a single contribution to imputed income, agricultural tax. Also, those who pay for the gambling business are exempt from this payment.

In 2016, participants in a special project called the Skolkovo Innovation Center can also evade payment. But all other companies and organizations pay income tax. Legal entities including. And foreign organizations, if they have a profit in the Russian Federation, as well as those who work through the permanent government. As you can see, there are not so many exceptions. Nevertheless, it is too early to give an example of income tax calculations. Indeed, in relation to individuals there are some features. Which ones?

tax calculation
tax calculation

Features before calculations

Having received this or that income, you do not need to immediately rush to take it into account and calculate how much you have to give. Especially if we are talking about an individual or an individual entrepreneur. The thing is that the tax on the profits of the organization, as we have already found out, is not always levied. Exempt companies with special forms of taxation. In order to understand exactly what is meant, one can express it extremely simply. The calculation of taxes on company income is carried out when it has expenses. They are subject to an appropriate deduction. By the way, IP most often use a simplified system. This is a kind of tax that is paid at the end of the reporting period. But more on that later.

But with individuals, everything is much more complicated. After all, citizens can earn income not only through employment. And from sales, rental property, and so on. What happens in practice? Income tax is not charged on income received from close relatives: parents, grandparents, children, brothers and sisters, including half-siblings. You also don't have to worry about being asked to pay fees if you've sold something you've owned for more than three years. Inheritance, according to article 214 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, also bypasses income tax. But all other profits (from rent, sale of property, income outside the Russian Federation, winnings, and so on) are subject to income tax. But in what sizes? How is income tax calculated (2014-2016)?

For organizations

It's very easy to get confused here. Yes, there is a single formula for calculations. But in each individual case it changes in one direction or another. When it comes to organizations, the calculations do make you think. Especially when you consider that the company must clearly know what income and expenses it has. It also takes into account what specifically needs to be borne in mind when implementing this function. Tax calculations of organizations can be carried out according to two different methods. More precisely, there are different forms of tax accounting. What?

tax calculations
tax calculations

The first is the accrual method. Here, the date of receipt and expenditure of funds is not taken into account. That is, all expenses and incomes are simply indicated for the period when they occurred. The second is the cash method. It's more convenient. And it is practiced in many organizations. Here, for the tax report, the specific time and date of the receivedincome and expenses. They must be indicated without fail.

Single formula

Well, before looking at an example of income tax calculations in a particular case, it is worth knowing a single calculation formula. It is suitable for both organizations and individuals. True, it will have to be changed depending on the situation. The thing is that the amount of tax depends on the so-called tax base and rate. And the relationship is direct. The product of these is the income tax. The calculation formula does not change either for companies, or for legal entities, or for individuals. The difference is only in tax rates. And in the corresponding database.

What are we talking about? As we have already found out, tax calculations from income are made using the accounting of income and expenses. The tax base is the amount received after deducting losses. That is, income-expenses are equated to it. Everything is easy and simple. If there are no expenses, then only profit plays a role.

Organization Rates

Of course, in order to calculate taxes accurately, you need to know the corresponding rates. There are many nuances here. Therefore, special attention is paid to individuals, and then to organizations. Without a tax rate, the calculation example simply loses its meaning. So what can Russia prepare for?

income tax calculation 2014
income tax calculation 2014

The main income tax rate in Russia for 2016, according to information posted on the website of the tax authorities of the Russian Federation, is 20%. That is, it is this percentage of the base that will be paid to the state treasury by organizations most often.

Ifthe income is obtained from securities, then you have to pay 30%. they pay half as much when it is received by the owners of municipal and state enterprises, as well as from dividends of a foreign organization on shares of Russian companies. Depositary receipts allow you to pay 13%. Foreign organizations that are not connected to activities in Russia through the permanent government pay income tax of 10 percent, and 9% is the rarest rate. It is possible when receiving income on certain municipal securities (details are specified in article 284 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, part 4, paragraph 2).

PIT rates

An example of corporate income tax calculations can already be given. But if we are talking about individuals, you should not rush. The thing is that the single income tax rate for citizens in the Russian Federation is set at 13%. It is this figure that is taken into account most often. But there are exceptions. For example, you can take a tax rate of 9% of profits. But such a rule applies only when citizens receive dividends until 2015, bonds with a mortgage until 2007. Dividends from organizations received by individuals who are not residents of the Russian Federation are subject to a 15% tax. Other income requires payment of 30%, and winnings and, for example, credit ruble loans - 35.

calculation of corporate income tax
calculation of corporate income tax

Example (businesses)

Now that all the basic information is known, we can give a clear example of income tax calculations. Both for individuals and organizations. Let's start with the second option. After allthere are a lot of nuances here. It is important to consider all input data. Otherwise, there may be errors in the calculations.

Suppose we have a plant in Russia. It receives a bank loan for this tax reporting period in the amount of one million rubles. At the same time, the prepayment fluctuates at the level of 400,000. Revenue and VAT amounted to 1, 770 and 270 thousand rubles, respectively, in the first quarter. At the same time, 560,000 materials were spent on production, 350,000 were given to the employees of the enterprise, insurance amounted to about 91,000, depreciation - 60,000. The company also issues a loan to another company in the amount of 25 thousand rubles, and in the past period amounted to 120,000.

So, how to calculate how much and where to pay? First you need to calculate the expenses for the specified quarter. This sums up wages, depreciation, loans, insurance, production costs. It turns out that the expense will be: 560 + 350 + 25 + 91 + 60 + 350=1,086 thousand rubles.

Next, you need to find out what amount will be the tax base. To do this, all expenses and VAT are deducted from the revenue. The loss in the previous reporting period will also be offset. You get the following example: 1,770,000 - 270,000 - 1,086,000 - 120,000=294 thousand rubles. This is the amount that will be taxed.

What's next? There is only a little left. For example, in our case, the company has no special features. So, it is enough to multiply the tax base by the tax rate. And we will get the exact amount due for income tax for our organization. It turns out: 294,00020%=58,800 rubles. They should be given tofirst quarter as tax.

Settlements for individuals

Don't end there. For individuals, there are also very interesting options. For example, when they are en titled to any deduction. Suppose that citizen N receives a salary of 58 thousand rubles and has one child. An example of income tax calculations will look like this.

The standard deduction for a minor in this case will be 1,400 rubles. This amount must be deducted from the salary. We will receive a tax base of 56,600. From this amount, income tax of 13% will have to be calculated. It turns out: 56,60013%=7,280 rubles. This is how much you will need to pay as income tax.

income tax calculation procedure
income tax calculation procedure

IP with USN

As already mentioned, the so-called simplified system is characteristic of individual entrepreneurs. They pay income tax, but in a slightly different form. The rate will be 6% for 2016. Perhaps this is the only contribution (with the exception of deductions to the Pension Fund and insurance) that worries entrepreneurs.

An example of income tax calculations in such a case is more than simple. It all depends on how much income a citizen receives. The required amount will be taken from him. For example, in a year an entrepreneur earned 360,000 rubles. He works on USN. At the end of the tax reporting period (by April 30) you need to pay: 360,0006%=21,600 rubles. Everything is easy and simple. No expenses - only income. As you can see, tax calculations are actually not so good.difficult. True, if you only know all the features of their charges. Most often, for accurate calculations, people use online calculators for a particular case.
