Mastering new professions, or Who is a distributor?

Mastering new professions, or Who is a distributor?
Mastering new professions, or Who is a distributor?
who is a distributor
who is a distributor

The active development of business in our country over the past decades has led to the emergence of many new foreign concepts and terms. So, for example, today many people know who a distributor is. This concept came to our language from the West, and translated from English means "distributor". In particular, it gained wide popularity thanks to network marketing and the emergence of professions such as distributors of food and cosmetics.

What is this profession?

Who is a distributor and what role does he play in the functioning of these companies? If we talk about the initial definition, then it can be one person or a company engaged in wholesale purchases of goods with their subsequent sale in regional markets. However, in the case of the aforementioned companies, the distributor is a trademark resident, an active seller with his ownclient base, an intermediary between the company and the client, carrying out purchase and sale transactions. A striking example is a cosmetics distributor who buys a product at a special discount and sells it at the prices set by the manufacturer.

Dealer and Distributor

These concepts should not be confused. When buying a product, dealers acquire ownership of it and resell it after some time. Who is a distributor? This is a person who sells goods on behalf of the company, but at the same time he does not have any rights to the products.

food distributors
food distributors

Job Benefits

Of course, the main advantage of this profession is the minimum investment of funds. Other benefits include:

- free work schedule, including the ability to work and take orders via the Internet;

- who wants to work as a distributor can choose a company to their liking. Employees are being sought by medical, cosmetics and footwear companies;

- a unique opportunity to purchase the company's products at big discounts - up to 70%.


Who is a distributor, what are the advantages of this profession, we understood. Perhaps it already seems to someone that he has found the job of his dreams - with a free schedule, discounts, minimal costs. But, unfortunately, this activity has disadvantages:

  • unstable income, which depends on the activity of the employee. Some months may be
  • cosmetics distributor
    cosmetics distributor

    particularly profitable, and sometimes revenues will be close tozero;

  • in order to offer goods to strangers, you need a certain experience and even a gift, which not everyone is endowed with.

Interestingly, distribution companies own huge distribution networks, and employees themselves can attract more distributors to subsequently receive a percentage of their profits. Currently, in such market areas as cosmetics, computer equipment, food, clothing, etc., many representatives of the mentioned profession are involved. Now, having learned who a distributor is, as well as analyzing all the pros and cons of the mentioned profession, described in this article, you can decide whether you will become one of them. Good luck in business!
