Duralumin is a high-strength aluminum-based alloy with additions of copper, magnesium and manganese: properties, production and application

Duralumin is a high-strength aluminum-based alloy with additions of copper, magnesium and manganese: properties, production and application
Duralumin is a high-strength aluminum-based alloy with additions of copper, magnesium and manganese: properties, production and application

Duralumin is a multi-component alloy made from aluminum, magnesium, zinc and manganese. Other components are added to the mixture during the production process.

duralumin is
duralumin is

Varieties of duralumin

Depending on certain technical characteristics, the alloy has its own classification.

It includes the following types of duralumin:

  • D1.
  • D16.
  • D17 and D19.
  • D18.

They differ in composition and production technology.

D1 - the very first type of duralumin. Its name has not changed since 1908. The composition also remained the same (aluminum, copper, magnesium and manganese). Alloy D16 is considered durable and differs from the previous one in a high percentage of magnesium. Dural grades D17 and D19 are heat-resistant. D18 is an alloy with a low content of magnesium and copper. It is plastic.

Note. In addition to the main components, silicon and iron are added to the composition of duralumin.

Scope of application

Duralumin is a group of important industrial metals, which played a decisive role in the development of the construction of any objects. Today this metalare effectively used in shipbuilding, the construction of pipelines for various purposes, the construction of high-speed trains and much more. This is due to the high quality of the material, as well as its excellent technical characteristics.

aluminum copper magnesium and manganese
aluminum copper magnesium and manganese

Aluminum, the price of which fluctuates between 50-75 rubles per kg, has long been used in all sectors of construction. It is not only plastic, but also durable metal. It is for this reason that it became the basis for the production of duralumin alloy.

The appearance of this metal attracted the attention of aircraft designers. In the 20th century, aircraft first appeared in which duralumin was the main structural material. It has lost its anti-corrosion resistance due to the use of magnesium and silicon in its production, but has become stronger than aluminum.

Types of products from this metal

Duralumin is a high-strength alloy from which various materials are made. They can be used on the farm (when arranging private households) and on an industrial scale.

The following materials are produced from duralumin:

  • pipes;
  • sheets;
  • plates;
  • bars.

Duralumin pipe can be profiled and round. They differ in scope and some characteristics.

duralumin pipe
duralumin pipe

Marking of duralumin pipes based on the results of final processing:

  • "M" - plastic and soft materials.
  • "H" - pipes with a reduced strength index.
  • "T" -hardened metals that have been naturally aged.
  • "T1" - pipes that have undergone the process of hardening and artificial aging.

Note. Most of the products are made from D16 grade duralumin alloy.

Duralumin pipe can be thin-walled or thick-walled. Both types are effectively used in construction. The wall thickness of the pipe of the first type is 0.5-5 mm. Cross section - 6-150 mm. Thick-walled pipes are presented in a larger assortment. Their diameter is 30-300 mm, wall thickness is 6-40 mm.

Duralumin profile pipes can also be of various types. Product Parameters:

  • length - 1-6 m;
  • section - 10x10-60x60 mm;
  • wall thickness - 1-5 mm.

Important. All materials of this type are manufactured in accordance with GOSTs.

aluminum price per kg
aluminum price per kg

Duralumin sheets have also become popular in the field of construction. Their thickness varies between 0.3 mm and 10 mm. They are widely used in outdoor finishing works. In transport, special embossed duralumin sheets are used, which are endowed with anti-slip properties. You can also use this metal in the construction of flights of stairs, wall panels, creating partitions and many other structures.

Duralumin plates in their appearance resemble sheets, only with a greater thickness - 60 mm. With this indicator, the length of the products reaches 500 mm. They are used for the construction of various construction and industrial facilities.

Duralumin rod - solid profile, sectionwhich can be round, hexagonal and rectangular. Its main advantage is practicality. The material is quite plastic and cuts well. The product is lightweight.

Duralumin specifications

Metal is endowed with excellent quality indicators. This fact played a significant role in its popularity, as well as in its application in various areas of human life.

Duralumin is a high-strength metal. Depending on the marking, it is able to withstand various mechanical and physical influences. The alloy cannot absorb moisture. Despite this, duralumin products are exposed to it.

Note. Dural alloy is not endowed with anti-corrosion properties. For this reason, the surface of the products must be painted (protected from moisture).

The melting point of duralumin is about 650 degrees. The metal is light and practical, reliable and wear-resistant. It can be used in regions with any climatic conditions. The popularity of alloy products is due to their low cost.

melting point of duralumin
melting point of duralumin

Disadvantages of duralumin

Despite the excellent technical performance, the metal has a number of disadvantages. Firstly, duralumin does not withstand electrochemical exposure. Secondly, it cannot be combined with cast iron or steel. Thirdly, the melting point of duralumin is 50 degrees lower than that of aluminum. The latter plays an important role in the construction of aircraft or trains.


The alloy manufacturing process is carried out onhigh-tech equipment: blast furnaces, roasting chambers and much more. Liquid metal is poured into molds and placed in a firing chamber. In this process, the alloy loses its properties and becomes soft.

After that, he is subjected to a natural aging procedure. It lasts no more than 24 hours at an air temperature of +20 degrees. There is also an artificial aging procedure. To do this, the alloy is placed in a special chamber. The process takes about 3-4 hours.

Note. Only after passing through all stages of production does duralumin acquire high strength and reliability.

It is worth noting that an alloy with a natural aging process is considered to be of higher quality. Its service life is much longer than that of artificially aged metal.
