Mastic "Hyperdesmo". Waterproofing "Hyperdesmo": instructions for use

Mastic "Hyperdesmo". Waterproofing "Hyperdesmo": instructions for use
Mastic "Hyperdesmo". Waterproofing "Hyperdesmo": instructions for use

"Hyperdesmo" - waterproofing, which is a mastic, completely ready for use. It has a liquid consistency and is made from hydrophobic polyurethane resins. On the surface after treatment with mastic, a continuous membrane is formed, which acts as a protection against water. Waterproofing is universal, because it can be used for internal and external works.


hyperdesmo waterproofing
hyperdesmo waterproofing

"Hyperdesmo" - waterproofing, which has outstanding technical characteristics and is easy to use. The scope of this material is quite wide. You can apply waterproofing on:

  • flat roofs;
  • pools;
  • old bitumen waterproofing;
  • tile;
  • polyurethane foam;
  • terraces;
  • balconies;
  • cellars;
  • tunnels.

Waterproofing is also used as a corrosion protection for reinforced concrete structures. It is important to remember that the mastic should not be applied on a base that is not very strong.

Basic Features

waterproofing hyperdesmo consumption
waterproofing hyperdesmo consumption

"Hyperdesmo" - waterproofing, which is resistant to abrasive substances, has a high heat capacity and vapor permeability, eliminates the formation of cracks when exposed to high and low temperatures, is resistant to ultraviolet radiation, can be used as an anti-corrosion protection and to form a seamless membrane on any square.

After creating a waterproofing layer between the coating and the base, no vapor pressure is created. Under different conditions, the material retains elasticity, is able to undergo different climatic influences and maintain resistance to microorganisms. "Hyperdesmo" - waterproofing that is exposed to:

  • oils;
  • s alt water;
  • acids;
  • alkali.

If necessary, the cladding and screed can be equipped with a waterproofing coating. After completion of the polymerization stage, the material loses its toxicity. For a decorative coating, you can find this mastic in different shades.

Preparing the surface for waterproofing

waterproofing hyperdesmo classic
waterproofing hyperdesmo classic

Hyperdesmo waterproofing, the instructions for use of which are described below, should be applied to a previously prepared surface. The base should be dedusted, leveled, dried, make sure that there are no flakes and residues of grease, oil products and oils on it. The surface is recommended to be treated with degreasing compounds.

If the mastic will be applied under the tile,then the presence of small irregularities and cracks is allowed, in all other cases such errors are processed with a sealant. Polyurethane waterproofing "Hyperdesmo" should be applied to a small area to check compatibility, which is true if the surface to be treated is made of concrete with the addition of waterproof additives. This is especially true in the construction of swimming pools. If incompatible additives are present in the material, this will cause a decrease in adhesion or the impossibility of polymerization.

Instructions for use

waterproofing hyperdesmo instructions for use
waterproofing hyperdesmo instructions for use

The viscosity of the mastic will increase if the thermometer falls below +15 °C. In order to reduce the viscosity, the composition should be kept for 24 hours in a warm room. An alternative solution is to use the warming water bath method.

Waterproofing "Hyperdesmo classic" is implemented in a completely finished form, when using it there is no need to add solvents. Before application, the composition is stirred with a low-speed mixer, which should be supplemented with a spiral nozzle. It is necessary to carry out these works until a homogeneous mass is obtained, usually it takes about 4 minutes. The application of the mixture is carried out with a roller; the use of foam rubber must be abandoned. You can use a rubber spatula, brush or airless spray equipment for this purpose, which is convenient for processing large areas.

Work methodology

waterproofinghyperdesmo classic gray 25 kg
waterproofinghyperdesmo classic gray 25 kg

Waterproofing must be applied in two layers, each of which must have its own color. This will guarantee visual control. Waterproofing "Hyperdesmo", the consumption of which is 1.5 kg/m2 when applied in two layers, should have a thickness ranging from 1 to 1.5 mm. It is important to take care that the thickness of each layer is 0.4 mm or more. The maximum value is 1 mm. If the layer is thicker, then you will encounter slow polymerization and deterioration in the quality of the mastic. In this case, bubbles may appear.

Recommendations from an expert on the use of mastic

polyurethane waterproofing hyperdesmo
polyurethane waterproofing hyperdesmo

The application of the second layer should be carried out only after the previous one has completely hardened. It can take from 6 hours to a day, which will depend on the air temperature and its humidity. If the base will be subjected to heavy loads, then it must be reinforced with a fiberglass mesh, which is laid in 1 layer until polymerization.

It is important to avoid contamination of the first layer. Experts point out that distortions and influxes of mastic are excluded. The surface is ready for use 24 hours after completion of work. To increase abrasion resistance, anti-slip properties and wear resistance, the last layer must be sprinkled with dry quartz sand, and then coated with a layer of varnish. The latter measure will increase mechanical and chemical resistance.

If it is planned to waterproof containers for drinking water, then afterpolymerization, they are filled with cold water and kept for a day. Only after such a procedure can the tank be used for its intended purpose.

Work conditions

Hyperdesmo classic waterproofing (gray, 25 kg) should be applied at temperatures ranging from +5 to +35 °C. It is important to avoid precipitation. Do not store mastic for more than 10 hours in an open jar, because in this case the polymerization process will begin.

It is recommended to store the material at a temperature range from 10 to 25 °C. It is important to bear in mind that the mastic is flammable, therefore, when carrying out work, you can not smoke and use open flames. One-component mastic is convenient to use, it can be used to achieve the formation of a seamless coating that is resistant to adverse factors.

Why choose Hyperdesmo waterproofing?

Polyurethane mastic under the brand "Hyperdesmo" is known to the Russian consumer not so long ago. It appeared on the market about 12 years ago. But today waterproofing is quite popular, because it has many advantages. For example, the process of creating a waterproofing layer is quick and easy.

Material consumption is minimal, and the volume of the composition does not change during polymerization. Mastic is characterized by high elasticity even at low temperatures. Using the airless spray method, it is possible to treat an area of up to 500 m in one shift2.


For waterproofing work, you can also choose Hyperdesmo mastic,which copes well with the environment. According to manufacturers, the material is durable and ready to serve for up to 30 years. You can count on environmental friendliness as well as ease of application.
