2024 Author: Howard Calhoun | [email protected]. Last modified: 2023-12-17 10:16
When working with documentation, sooner or later you are faced with the need to keep logs. It is good if this knowledge is not obtained during the next inspection of some authorized bodies. Firmware is an important element in office work, which is better not to be left unattended so as not to “get on a fine”. If the document is stitched incorrectly, then in the future it will be problematic to prove that the substitution of information did not take place. How to properly flash, number the magazine is described in this publication.
Some documents are of high importance and therefore require more attention to storage and formatting. Firmware and numbering of documentation is not a whim at all, but protection against illegal changes, by tearing out / adding pages and other unauthorized actions.
Do I need to flash magazines in a private office? The answer is yes. It doesn’t matter what form of ownership the organization has, the check can easily come to an ordinary individual entrepreneur, because the law is the same for everyone.
When hiring a secretary or clerk, it is better to immediately clarify whether the candidate knows how to stitch books and how does it do it? If there are difficulties with answering this question, keep in mind: this applicant will not become a reliable partner, because the firmware skill is no less important than the ability to write letters correctly or quickly type texts on a computer using the “blind ten-finger method”. And the good news is that this knowledge can be easily obtained once you have de alt with this issue.
In some structures, for example, law enforcement agencies, the internal audit service always conducts an audit with particular predilection, and first of all looks at whether the magazines are properly designed, they even check the lacing of the notes of the personnel!
All cash registers should be stitched first, everything related to finances is always in the focus of control services. You should also flash the complaint book, and order books, and journals for marking incoming / outgoing correspondence and other things.
Some journals have been maintained at enterprises for years, in these cases it happens that the firmware thread helps the book simply not fall apart from old age.
How to stitch and number a magazine: step by step instructions
It's really hard to flash only your first document. After all, you don’t know where to start and how to properly flash a magazine, how to approach it at all. But working with subsequent documents will be an ordinary routine manipulation and no more.
How to flash a magazine?A sample can be seen below in the photo, a visual aid always works better than a written thousand words.
If at least one sheet is missing in the journal, this will immediately lead the inspection body to the idea of an official forgery at the enterprise. If the sheets were torn out, then some information was hidden, and then they will figure out who benefits from it and why. If the inspector wants to certainly punish the company for something, then the unlaced documents will be an excellent “hook” in his activities.
You can number the book manually, and it is the sheets that are numbered, not the pages. The cover is not a sheet; Arabic numerals are usually placed in the lower right corner. If a mistake was made when numbering manually, then you can correct the number with a pen and put the signature of an official next to it, for example, a secretary who is responsible for flashing magazines at the enterprise.
The modern market is oversaturated with goods, you can easily buy a beautifully numbered magazine right away. This is no doubt convenient, because writing numbers from one to a hundred is not the most exciting thing to do.
Thread for firmware
An ordinary thread, like the one we sew on buttons and use habitually in everyday life, is not suitable for work. If you take a thin sample, then over time the thread may break, and then you will have to flash the magazine again, and this is far from a matter of minutes.
Most often, a clerk has a nylon thread in his arsenal, which is so strong that it is simply impossible to break it with bare hands, itwill accurately keep all the sheets together, even if the magazine accidentally falls.
How to make holes?
In a thin magazine or notebook, holes can be made with an awl, gradually, step by step, page by page, pierce all the sheets. But if you have to deal with a multi-page copy, then they usually take a drill to help. It is especially exciting to watch how deftly a fragile accountant girl can handle a tool. And yet, resorting to such heavy artillery, it is better to enlist male support.
To keep your magazine looking neat, don't pierce the cover, even if you really want to. Holes should be made as close to the spine (binding) as possible, then when opening the pages, the threads will practically not be visible, and they will not occupy the useful area of the column.
There are usually two holes, the distance between them is 6-10 centimeters. Holes are located approximately in the middle of the book.
After the holes are made, the thread is inserted into a large needle and pulled through the holes. Both tails of the thread should remain at the back of the magazine (between the last page and the back of the cover).
Thread length
You also need to immediately figure out how long to cut the thread, both of its “tails” will have to remain free by about 15 centimeters, but it’s better to act with a margin, extra millimeters can always be cut off. The ends are needed so that a control sheet with the number of numbered pages can be glued on top of them.
Control sheet
The whole point of the firmwarejournals is to permanently fix the number of sheets that should be present in a given document under any circumstances with the help of a kind of home-made "seal".
We need a cut out piece of paper, about 1010 cm, you need to write on it manually or print on the computer the following text: “In this magazine, “….” is numbered and laced. pages. The head of the enterprise must put his resolution on a paper square, the date of the operation is additionally put.
The thread is tied into a knot, and the ends remain free, the control sheet is glued with PVA, on the knot itself and part of the threads. After the glue dries, the manager puts a seal on the control sheet so that it goes beyond its edges and the trace is present on the cover itself. This is the elementary scheme used to protect against encroachment on the integrity of logs.
Helpful tips
- Even the most ordinary student notebook can become a journal.
- Shoveling through information on how to flash a magazine, it is not always possible to come across the next useful tip. Watch out for tension, the firmware must be loose enough, otherwise the lace / thread will cut into the holes and tear the pages, or the book will not be able to open completely. A tightly bound journal prevents writing in the center of the spread.
- And you can also find the required form of the established sample on the Internet, print it, pierce it with a hole punch, sew it, stick a “control”.
- It is advisable to fix the control sheet with a glue stick: PVA dries for a long time, and moisture often blurs the signature and seal put by the manager in a hurry.
- There are situations when you still need to make some changes to the log. For example, due to an unfortunate oversight or irresponsibility of an official, incorrect data was entered, or there is no registration information at all, in which case it is sometimes necessary to rewrite the journal completely.
Where to buy magazines?
By the way, now there are a lot of portals on the Internet that can offer to purchase any sample for little money and in a short time. The advantage of such a purchase is that the magazines will already come to you with thread holes or even completely sewn, and you will not need to think about how to sew the magazine yourself.
Engineers to protect the life and he alth of workers are usually interested in how to flash an occupational safety magazine, but there is no particular wisdom here - all these documents are laced according to the same principle. By the way, a labor protection magazine is one of those that an employer should “cherish and cherish”, because if it happens to an employee in production, the first thing the regulatory authorities will ask is about the book where these same employees got acquainted with the safety rules under signature.
Information to the personnel officer
But the book of registration of accounting for work books and inserts in them should not only be stitched, but sealed with a wax sealor sealed. The standard scheme of how to flash a journal to enter information about work books will not work here.
Some results
Let's repeat the basic rules mentioned above:
- Before work, carefully study the instructions on how to flash the magazine.
- Determine the "stabbing" tool.
- Do not pierce the cover (only the pages themselves).
- Do not make holes far from the cover - the magazine will be inconvenient to open.
- The thread must be strong.
- Do not miscalculate the length of the thread, so as not to redo everything again.
- Number the magazine.
- Stick a control sheet, which will indicate the number of pages to be stitched, the date of the firmware.
- Seal it.
We hope that after reading the article you have no questions left about how to flash a registration log and similar documents.
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