HPP: Novosibirsk (photo)

HPP: Novosibirsk (photo)
HPP: Novosibirsk (photo)

Few people know that there is a hydroelectric power station in Novosibirsk. This is one of the most important strategic objects of the city. In 1976, the station was recognized as a historical monument of regional importance, and it is also included in the list of cultural heritage and is protected by the state.

Compared to Bratskaya, the Siberian station is not so powerful. However, in the western part of our state, it is the only one and plays a huge role in energy regulation. JSC RusHydro manages hydroelectric power plants, including Novosibirsk HPP.

How was the Novosibirsk hydroelectric power plant built?

Energymen planned to build the station at the beginning of the 20th century. But the First World War made its own adjustments. The construction of the century was postponed indefinitely.

ges novosibirsk
ges novosibirsk

Then, in the thirties, architects and engineers returned to the design of the Siberian energy facility. The river was planned to be used for shipping, energy, agricultural and fishing purposes. The scale of the project was enormous. But the work was again postponed until the end of the Great Patriotic War. During the years of battles, the importance of Novosibirsk has increased several times. Evacuated factories were opened in the cityLeningrad, the settlement began to experience an acute shortage of electricity.

In 1950, a decision was made on the grandiose construction of many energy facilities. These were the Bratskaya, Tsimlyanskaya, Kakhovskaya, including Novosibirsk, HPPs.

In October of the same year, Leningraders found the most suitable place for the construction of a power plant. The next year, 1951, marks the beginning of the intensive construction of hydroelectric power stations. Novosibirsk has invested a lot of money and effort. The pace of construction was high.

Already in 1953, the first cubic meter of concrete was laid. Three years later, the builders blocked the channel of the Ob, due to which many villages and dacha communities were flooded. They were moved, and the owners were provided with financial assistance. A year later, the first hydraulic unit was launched.

Squads of students, factory workers and other categories of the population took part in the construction of the century. After a hard day at the machine, the Soviet people went to build a power plant.

A little later, the state commission accepted the Siberian water giant into operation. Over the years of operation of the station, construction costs have already paid off several times.

Novosibirsk hydroelectric dam

During its half-century history, the hydroelectric power plant has generated about 100 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity, saving 30 million tons of coal!

The city of Novosibirsk implements the discharge of water from the HPP. The station not only produces electricity, but also regulates its level without harming navigation and fishing. In addition, the resulting Ob Sea issource of drinking water for Siberians. The Altai Territory also uses the resources of the reservoir, feeding lakes and the Kulunda steppes.

hydroelectric dam novosibirsk
hydroelectric dam novosibirsk

Thanks to the HPP, Novosibirsk opens Akademgorodok on the right bank. This is the potential and scientific center of Siberia. It houses a huge number of institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences, as well as the Novosibirsk State University.

Hydroelectric power plant connects the left and right banks of the city. On the left is the Ob HPP area or Levye Chemy, the station control building is also located there.

Hydroelectric facilities in Novosibirsk

Novosibirsk HPP was not designed from a single building. The station is a whole complex, consisting of buildings, structures and structures of various significance. These include: a dam, two dam embankments, a hydroelectric power station building, a three-chamber sluice for the passage of ships, a reservoir.

The latter has a considerable scale. Its length is about 250 kilometers, and its width is more than 25 kilometers. The dam raised the river to a height of about 20 meters.

The length of the constructed dam is almost 5 kilometers. Most of it is mounds. And only 420 meters is the length of the station building and the water discharge dam. Seven turbines are installed in the two-story production building. There is a room in which the control panel is installed.

novosibirsk water discharge from hydropower plant
novosibirsk water discharge from hydropower plant

Consequences of construction

Today, it is thanks to the Novosibirsk hydroelectric power station that the water level controls and regulates. During the construction of the hydroelectric power plant, about100 hectares of land, there were also plots for agriculture, forests, about 60 settlements.

More than 8,000 different structures were moved before the flooding. The largest settlement affected by flooding is the city of Berdsk. It was completely taken to new lands 18 kilometers from the place of foundation. New Berdsk was built according to modern urban planning requirements. So the townspeople got electricity, water supply and sewerage. The city has become twice the size of the former.

hydroelectric dam novosibirsk
hydroelectric dam novosibirsk

Due to the appearance of the dam, some species of fish have become inaccessible to the spawning ground. So the dam became a barrier for semi-anadromous fish species (sturgeon and nelma). But after a short amount of time, a circle of ichthyofauna formed in the reservoir. Scientists have discovered 34 species of fish. The hydroelectric dam (Novosibirsk) is regularly used by fishermen. The offspring is 2 thousand tons per year.

Rest on the Ob Sea

The shores of the Ob reservoir are being put in order. People bathe, ride yachts and catamarans, hold various competitions. On the left bank opened a lot of tent camps. Siberians rest by the pond among the pine forest. Necessary for the city hydroelectric power station. Thanks to her, Novosibirsk acquired even more strength, means and opportunities.
