Information flows in logistics are Concept and classification, characteristics and examples

Information flows in logistics are Concept and classification, characteristics and examples
Information flows in logistics are Concept and classification, characteristics and examples

Information logistics deals with the organization of data flows that accompany material values in the process of their movement. It allows you to link supply, production and sales. Information flows in logistics are a tool for managing the processes of movement and warehousing of products. This ensures timely delivery of goods in the right quantity, the agreed configuration and the required quality at minimal cost and optimal service.

General information

When analyzing the concept and classification of information flows in logistics, it is necessary to first touch on the main elements. These include:

  1. Flow.
  2. System.
  3. Technology.

Information flows in logistics are the transport arteries that carry data to and from the management system. All necessary information must be received within the required time frame. To do this, information logistics performs the following functions:

  1. Data collection.
  2. Analysis.
  3. Move.
  4. Storage and accumulation.
  5. Filtering the data stream to select exactly what is needed in a particular case for a particular control level.
  6. Combining and separating information.
  7. Perform elementary transformations.
  8. Data flow control.

And all this is carried out with information - a set of various information that exists and can be recorded, transferred, transformed and used in the interests (or against them) of an economic object. Most often they are used to implement management functions such as planning, accounting, economic analysis and regulation.

What are they and what are they like?

unit of measurement of information flow in logistics
unit of measurement of information flow in logistics

It should be noted that the material and information flow in logistics are closely related. Thus, the data circulating in logical systems allows you to manage and control the operations performed. In this case, a large number of classifying features are considered. So the types of information flows in logistics, depending on the direction of communications, can be:

  1. Horizontal. Messages are transmitted through economic links between partners of the same management level.
  2. Vertical. The message flow goes from the leadership to the subordinate links of the system.

Depending on where they pass:

  1. External. The flow of messages goes in an environment external to the system.
  2. Domestic. A stream of messages circulates within the system.

Depending on direction of travel:

  1. Input. The message flow is sent to the logical system itself or one of its component parts.
  2. Weekend. The flow of messages is transmitted outside the logical system or one of its constituent parts.

Depending on the degree of secrecy:

  1. Regular.
  2. Constituting a trade secret.
  3. Containing state secrets.

Depending on scope:

  1. Local.
  2. Out-of-town.
  3. Far.
  4. International.

Here is a brief classification of information flows in logistics. But that's not all. When talking about the material and information flow in logistics, the degree of synchronization should also be indicated. For example, data can lead, follow simultaneously with values or after them. In addition, these flows can be directed in one direction or in opposite directions. At the same time, there are such nuances:

  1. Advanced information flow is a pre-arrival message that usually contains only order information.
  2. Information on quantitative and qualitative characteristics is simultaneously provided.
  3. The data following the material flow is information about the results of the transfer of goods, confirmations, various claims, and the like.

Peculiarities of information transmission

information and financial flows of logistics
information and financial flows of logistics

Shouldnote that the paths along which the streams move may not coincide. At the same time, circulating information is affected by:

  1. The source of their occurrence.
  2. Direction of movement.
  3. Flow rate.
  4. Receiving and transmitting speed.

In order to form high-quality information systems, it is necessary to study flows in the context of certain indicators. What does this mean in practice? Suppose we need to solve the problem of providing a workplace with computers. At the same time, there is no data on how much information passes through it, and the speed of processing incoming information is not determined. To get an idea of flows, you need to evaluate them using several characteristics:

  1. Sources of occurrence. Information can be created by both participants in logical chains and related organizations.
  2. Direction distinguishes direct, indirect, horizontal and vertical. In the first case, it is assumed that the message contains requirements that must be fulfilled. Indirect - this is the transfer of data to familiarize yourself with the issue. Horizontal flows are created between participants of the same level, and vertical flows are created when managers interact with subordinates.
  3. Data transfer volume. There are several ways to account for it. The most popular involves determining the number of documents or sheets (pages) in the stream. In addition, the evaluation is carried out in special units of measurement of computer systems. For small streams, the number of lines in the document or the words used can be used.(lit.).
  4. Periodicity, that is, how often the transmitted data is generated.

The relationship between material and information flows in logistics is very close, and all the necessary data must be transmitted on time, otherwise it entails a delay in ongoing business processes.

Bureaucratic moments

information flows in logistics
information flows in logistics

All information flows of a documentary nature must go through the approval procedure. So, for example, planned messages are approved by the management of the enterprise and transferred to the management of the shops. Each document must be signed by a specific person. This is done to delimit the powers and responsibilities of individuals for specific sectors of activity. If there is no signature, then the document is recognized as invalid. It should be noted that if there are no problems with this, then questions arise about the validity and storage periods. This fully applies to information messages. Some of them can be collected in packs, others are stored on electronic media.

Information flows and systems in logistics - to ensure material movements. It is optimal if all changes occur synchronously. But in practice, delivery of the necessary documents is often encountered earlier and vice versa. In the first case, the recipient is considered the custodian of the goods until all the papers are received. But it is preferable to be ahead of the information flow, and not the material one. Its size is measured by the amount of information that is processed or transmitted in one unit of time. Cybernetics studies this in more detail. The unit of information flow in logistics is a bit. If electronic computers are used, then a byte is taken as the basis. It includes eight bits. Why exactly? The fact is that a byte is part of a machine word and is used as a whole when processing the available information by an electronic computer. It should be remembered that in addition to logistics operations, others are carried out that lead to the emergence and transmission of data flows.

Work example

So, we have already more or less considered what information flows in logistics are. This is a good foundation, but it is not enough. To consolidate the information, consider another example. Input: There is a large grocery store. It has a significant cumulative information flow. Most of its volume (over 50%) is data coming from suppliers. As a rule, these are documents that accompany the received goods. They form the incoming information flow. But logistics operations are not limited to this. There is also an intra-store trade and technological process. It includes numerous logistical operations, which are constantly accompanied by information created and transmitted, intended for use within the commercial structure. At the same time, its share in the total volume is approximately 20%. In general, about 2/3 of all the data that is processed in the store is needed in order to ensure the control and management of logistics operations.

Methods for researching information flows

logistics information flow management
logistics information flow management

The choice is quite large, so you can choose exactly what you like best:

  1. Method of analyzing the norms of making a decision. Engaged in the study of external factors, personal characteristics of people, alternatives, selection criteria, stages of preparation and acceptance, and so on. It involves the active use of diagrams and graphs.
  2. Module-method. Used to analyze the existing structure of the information flow after applying other tools. So, in this case, it is supposed to compile standard cards that are sent to channels of interest. Thanks to it, you can get information about the amount of data, computing power, bandwidth. Also, this approach is used to identify duplication, determine the frequency and frequency of receipt of information and other quantitative / qualitative characteristics.
  3. Graphic method. Documents are the main elements here. The relations existing between them are depicted by means of a graphical scheme. The coordinate system is two-dimensional. Used to identify the moments of the formation of documents, track their path, ongoing operations.
  4. A graphic-analytical method for studying data flows. Allows you to get information about the activities of the planning body, indicates the types of transformations carried out, their sequence, direction and address of movement. It is based on the construction of an information graph and the subsequent analysis of the adjacency matrix. Works with inputs, outputs and internal memory of the control system.
  5. Method of functional and operational analysis. Designed to collect and process information. Has more functional purpose.

Different types of information flows in logistics, depending on the purpose, will be studied by different methods.

About management

information flows and systems in logistics
information flows and systems in logistics

The concept of information flow in logistics will not be fully considered, if you do not pay attention to the various aspects of the leadership. Management in this case is divided into external and internal. At the same time, it should be noted that the enterprise is an independent subject of activity with great freedom of action. Therefore, external control is limited to a certain set of situations. Its essence lies in the fact that the enterprise either got into a certain given situation, or carries out regulated behavior. External management is expressed in the transfer of information products, as well as tracking and controlling behavior. But at the same time there is a very important specific point: the influence is not directed directly at a specific commercial structure, but in the information field of the entire sector. Internal management is to a certain extent oriented towards external management. In this case, this implies that the manager sets goals, predicts, plans, organizes, stimulates and motivates, regulates and controls, evaluates the quality of performance and interprets the results. Each step requires careful considerationmanagement decision. This is assisted by the logistics of information flow management, which is responsible for ensuring that all the necessary data is provided on time.

About influence and interweaving

material and information flow in logistics
material and information flow in logistics

Revealing the topic in full, it is simply impossible not to mention the information and financial flows of logistics. That is, monetary resources and data accompanying them in the movement. Their creation and placement is not consistent with the needs and desires of managers. But nevertheless, with their help, a base is created for collecting primary financial information, which can be both momentary and delayed in time. At the same time, the better the cooperation between different streams is set up, the faster the data is transmitted to the right recipients, the higher the competitiveness of the enterprise in the external environment. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account information that comes from outside and is formed within the enterprise. Information flows in logistics are what can lead both to success and prosperity, and to the ruin of an enterprise. You need to pay close attention to them. But this raises the question of their understanding and subsequent use.

Thus, in practice it is quite common that the recipient needs to have a certain amount of knowledge in order to successfully cope with the information load that flows provide. At the same time, training of specialists is constantly carried out, which is carried out by constant changes in the internal and external environment. It is carried out on the basis ofknowledge and skills within a certain range of possibilities. To expand it, most often specialists are sent to preparatory courses, although this can also be done on an individual basis.

Information Service Systems (ISS)

types of information flows in logistics
types of information flows in logistics

This is a convenient and functional method to improve the quality of management. Let's consider one more example. Let's say we have information flows of transport logistics. At the same time, there are a large number of lanes, points for receiving and sending information. So, for example, customers may be asked to track packages using the company's website or mobile application. At the same time, drivers are marked in them, where and what kind of cargo is delivered (if several orders are delivered by one truck). That is, SIS allow you to obtain the required information at minimal cost. It also allows you to track the situation with the data used. So, if there are a lot of them, then they slow down the speed of access to storages and drives, transfer, processing and withdrawal. Therefore, all these points must also be worked out. It should be remembered that information service systems in themselves do not affect the quality of decisions made in the field of logistics. They only allow to simplify, facilitate and speed up this process.


When working with information flows, the adequacy of the overall organization plays an important role. That is, documents should be received only by those people to whom they are intended, and not all. It would be desirable to separate them by priority level. For example, a copy of the instructions for the device can not be sent, while an invoice for payment is a mandatory matter. If an adequate structure of information flows is created, this will have a very good effect on the activities of a commercial structure and will make it easier to occupy its niche in the market.
