Carbon ammonium s alts: description, composition, scope

Carbon ammonium s alts: description, composition, scope
Carbon ammonium s alts: description, composition, scope

Practically no industry can do without chemically active substances. Additives are used in agriculture, the food industry, during leather dressing, in construction and in many other areas of human activity. Among all of them, a special place is occupied by ammonium carbon s alts, which are universal.

Carbon ammonium s alt

Carbon ammonium s alt - a white inorganic compound, highly soluble in water, is a product of the interaction of carbonic acid and ammonium s alts.

ammonium carbon s alts
ammonium carbon s alts

Crystals of matter in the open air quickly decompose with the release of large amounts of ammonia and carbon dioxide, and then volatilize. There are two types of chemical compound:

  1. Carbon-ammonium s alts of type B, which are actively used in the metallurgical industry, during the development of uranium ores, for the flotation process, neutralization of chrome leather and coloring of products.
  2. S alts grade A, whichused for the manufacture of organic products, the synthesis of chemical reagents.

All kinds of chemical compounds do not dissolve in ethanol and acetone. Substances are obtained by initiating redox reactions between ammonium s alts and carbonic acid.

Chemical composition

According to state standards, carbon ammonium s alts should have, in terms of dry matter, at least 99% ammonium bicarbonate, ammonium carbonate - no more than 1% and water bound at the molecular level no more than 3%.

physical and chemical indicators
physical and chemical indicators

The exact chemical composition may vary depending on the application of the crystalline substance. So, for the food industry, the composition should contain at least 20.9% NH3. The mass fraction of other compounds has a strictly regulated scope and should not exceed the following indicators:

  • heavy metals – 510-4;
  • arsenic – 110-4;
  • iron and its valence compounds – 110-3;
  • chlorine and chlorides – 110-3;
  • water-insoluble compounds – 510-3.

These indicators are defined by TU U 6-04687873.025-95, chemical formula - NH4HCO3.

Physical and chemical parameters

Carbon-ammonium s alts have indicators that define them as a specific substance:

  • the hue of the crystals of the substance can be represented by a white, pink or gray tint;
  • mass fraction of ammonia forgroup A should correspond to 21%, for brand B - 20.7%;
  • mass residue after calcination should be no more than 0.008% for type A, and no more than 0.02 for type B.

Only a substance that meets these parameters can be defined as carbon ammonium s alt. GOST 9325-79 consolidates these provisions, and also regulates the rules for production, transportation and storage, precautions and safety.

Scope of application

Carboammonium s alt is most widely used in the food industry and agriculture. In the first area, it is used under the guise of additive E503, often replacing nutritional yeast and food ammonium carbonate. For use, the substance is dissolved in water at a temperature of 20 oC and above, and then added to the recipe mixture shortly before the flour pours out.

fertilizer production
fertilizer production

Physical and chemical parameters of carbon ammonium s alt allow it to be used as a fertilizer. By introducing crystals of the substance, they achieve a slowdown or complete stop of the process of accumulation of nitrites in the soil, which has a beneficial effect on the ripening and quantity of the crop:

  1. Yield increases by 15-45%.
  2. The initial stage of fruiting crops comes earlier by one to two weeks.
  3. Reduces soil demand for phosphate fertilizers.
  4. Promotes the formation of humus.

In our country, the production of fertilizers based on carbon ammonium s alt is focused on a domestic entrepreneur, why the price of products is muchlower than the cost of foreign analogues.


Carbon-ammonium s alts belong to the 4th hazard class. They contain two substances hazardous to human he alth - ammonia and carbon dioxide. The first element is extremely toxic, causing irritation if it enters the respiratory tract. In case of poisoning, the central nervous system is affected, headache, lacrimation, convulsions and other symptoms appear.

carbon ammonium s alt GOST 9325 79
carbon ammonium s alt GOST 9325 79

Carbon dioxide has a narcotic and sedative effect. In large quantities, it destabilizes the respiratory center, causes suffocation and can cause death from lack of oxygen.

Therefore, carbon ammonium s alts can only be used in special clothing, goggles, alkali-resistant gloves, and gas masks. After work, follow the rules of personal hygiene, a warm shower is best.
